
Agent Applications Are Closing This Weekend!

If you haven’t applied to become an Agent (GeekGirlCon speak for “convention volunteer”) at GeekGirlCon ’19 yet, now is the time!

The deadline to submit your application is coming up in just 3 days, on this Sunday, September 8 at 10pm PST.

Here Are The Details:

  • Date: GeekGirlCon ’19 will be held November 16th and 17th
  • Location: Washington State Conference Center, located at 8th and Pike in downtown Seattle (across the street from the Convention Center)
  • Commitment: By applying, you commit to being available to work at least 2 shifts (4-5 hours each)
  • Age Requirement: You must be at least 16 years of age to be an Agent

Here’s Why You Should Apply:

  • Join an incredible team of fellow geeks
  • Receive a free pass to the Con
  • Gain access to our Agent Headquarters
  • Get a behind the scenes look at how we put on such an amazing convention

Volunteering as an Agent is a wonderful opportunity to level up your commitment to GeekGirlCon. So don’t wait, apply now!

Image Description: A gif of singers, actors, and sisters, Chloe and Halle Bailey, pointing and mouthing the words “You Got This,” which are also written on the screen. The background is a pink and blue pastel gradient.

P.S. Interested in a larger commitment beyond GeekGirlCon ’19? Check out our available volunteer staff roles.

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Agent Applications Open Now!

In my opinion, the coolest thing about GeekGirlCon is how much customization can go into everyone’s individual experience of the weekend (besides the epic congregation of a bunch of feminist nerds all in one place, that is). Whether that means spending most of your time gaming or cruising the Exhibitor Hall or deep-diving into our panel offerings, there’s truly no right way to GeekGirlCon. For a lot of folks, I know that a key part of really experiencing any con is by volunteering. At GeekGirlCon, we call our con-weekend volunteers Agents, and we seriously could not do without them, the perfect and irreplaceable extended family that they are.

If you’re interested in joining our ranks again or for the first time this year, here’s what you need to know before applying:

  • We do need Agents to be at least 16 years old.
  • This year, the con falls on Saturday, November 16 and Sunday, November 17. We ask that Agents are available to take two shifts (4-5 hours each) over the course of the weekend, though we’ll be able to work with you to make sure that you get to any programming you’re especially excited about!
  • As an Agent, you’ll be required to review some training materials and adhere to our Code of Conduct before hitting the floor.

And also, there are perks!

  • You’ll get a free pass to the con and access to our Agent Headquarters! And an Agent t-shirt, the best of all event-specific clothing!
  • You’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at con operations.
  • You’ll be connected with other Agents and year-round staff members; we’d love to meet you!

If you’re at all interested, here’s this year’s application. We’ll contact all those who applied after the applications close in September.

Here’s to a totally awesome GeekGirlCon ‘19!

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

Get Your Agent Application in Now!

Source: GeekGirlCon Flickr. Description: Two agents help GeekGirlCon attendees get their badges and swag bags at GeekGirlCon’17.

Every year, volunteers from countries around the world come together to help us make GeekGirlCon a success. From setup to tear down, our Agents are there to make sure every aspect of the con is pulled off without a hitch, and we would love to have you on our team this year!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Agent Applications, Open NOW!

GeekGirlCon 2016 at Washington State Conference Center in Seattle, Washington. October 2016. Photo by James McDaniel.

Every year, our volunteers bring GeekGirlCon to life. We wouldn’t be able to host the convention each fall without our team of stellar Agents behind the scenes, setting up equipment, handing out passes, and so much more. From dawn to dusk, our Agents are on the convention floor helping make sure that everything is running like a well-oiled machine, and we’re currently looking for even more model citizen geeks to help us put on our biggest year yet!

There are a couple requirements to be an Agent with GeekGirlCon. During the weekend of the convention, which will be held on September 30th and October 1st at the Conference Center at the WSCC, you must be available to work two shifts that are 4 to 5 hours each. You must also be at least 16 years of age at the time of the convention. That’s it! Most Agents will help support panels, set up, hand out passes, and help guide guests as they make their way through the Conference Center. 

We’re also looking for some more specialized volunteers, such as ASL interpreters and photographers (who are able to bring their own equipment). If you are able to perform either of those roles, please make sure to check them off while filling out your application.

Applications close July 15th, at 10pm PST, so make sure to fill yours out today and we’ll see you in September!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

One Week Left For Agent Applications

There is only one week left to apply to be a volunteer agent for GeekGirlCon 2016. Applications will promptly close on August 1st at 10 PM PST (next Monday), so make sure to get yours submitted soon!


Photo courtesy of GeekGirlCon via Flickr.

There are only two requirements to become one of our agents. You must available to work a minimum of 2 shifts that about about 4 to 5 hours each, and you need to be at least 16 years old. Most importantly, you’ll need to bring a ton of enthusiasm, because we’ll have plenty to do and see throughout the weekend. We’ll need help making sure that every activity and panel goes off without a hitch. Agents will spend time on both the convention floor and behind the scenes helping set up equipment, handing out passes, and so much more.

The first ever GeekGirlCon was held in the fall of 2011. During that weekend, I was in Florida adjusting to college life. Five years later, I’m now working out of Seattle, breaking into the gaming industry and working with GeekGirlCon as a Copywriter. Everyday I work with GeekGirlCon, I’m taken aback by how talented everyone on the team is. Everyone is extremely motivated about putting on a great con, and we’re all major geeks that are passionate about empowering and celebrating the achievements of women in geeky culture. We’re also all volunteers. Everyone involved, from year-round organizers to our agents, volunteer their time to put together a spectacular gathering that is now an annual event.


Photo courtesy of GeekGirlCon via Flickr.

This year, our 6th GeekGirlCon will be held at Conference Center at Washington State Convention Center October 8th and 9th. We’ve got a great lineup, including a recently announced collection of artists and exhibitors, historically brilliant panels, and plenty of fun activities to leave you breathless come Sunday evening.

Make sure to submit your application no later than August 1st by 10 PM PST, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Reminder: Agent Applications Are Open!

At GeekGirlCon ‘15, we had over 150 volunteers spread across three floors, helping run panels, direct con-goers, hook up A/V equipment, and coach games of all sorts and sizes. This year, with four floors and all the extra people, space, panels, and fun that go with that expansion, we need even more volunteers.

So we’re calling on you — yes, you! — to apply as a GeekGirlCon Agent for GeekGirlCon ‘16.

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

Answer the Call: Volunteer at GeekGirlCon ’16

GeekGirlCon ‘16 is just four short months away, and that means we’re ramping things up behind the scenes. One important part of the con puzzle each year is our GeekGirlCon agents—members of our army of volunteers who do a range of amazing, important tasks at the con. Volunteer as an agent for GeekGirlCon ’16!

From answering questions to shepherding lines, from setting up A/V equipment to working as ASL interpreters, GeekGirlCon agents help make sure the con not only runs smoothly but also is a fantastic time for everyone involved.

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

Agent applications close this week!

This month has been a fantastic time to apply to be an Agent for GeekGirlCon. But all good things must come to an end, and our application deadline for becoming an Agent or a Special Agent will close this Friday July 31 at midnight.

But don’t despair! You still have the week to send us an application! And we are still looking for people! We need volunteer Agents and Special Agents for a variety of roles to make sure our con runs smoothly, such as setting up and breaking down the con, helping our panelists, directing our attendees and generally being lovely, friendly people.

Special Agents are drawn from our Agent pool for specific tasks, such as being on our Reaction Team—these are the awesome people who make sure that everyone feels safe at the con, and can help out if an issue arises. Other Special Agent positions (such as photography or IT wrangling) are available, and you will get the opportunity to specify your skills so we can match you up with the best job available.

We are expecting over 6,000 people to attend this year, and we basically can’t put on an amazing con without an army of volunteers. To show our appreciation for your support, you’ll get free admission into the convention and a fancy, official Agent t-shirt in return for a few hours’ work on October 10 and 11. You’ll also be helping put on one of the best geeky conventions in the country, so there are bonus warm fuzzies for that.

To be part of this amazing team, all you need to do is submit a quick application form. But hurry, as they are closing this week.  So if you’ve been on the fence about becoming an Agent for GeekGirlCon, this is a great time to join our family. Send us an application today!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Reminder: Get your Agent Applications in!

If you’re considering attending GeekGirlCon ‘15, you could take advantage of our current early bird pricing to get your tickets here.

Or… you could apply to be a GeekGirlCon volunteer, and attend the con for free!

GeekGirlCon is currently looking for some friendly, dedicated and awesome individuals to join our fantastic volunteer team as Agents or Special Agents. Volunteers are those lovely people you see at the con wearing the official, exclusive Agent t-shirts and the big smiles on their faces.

Image source: GeekGirlCon

Image source: GeekGirlCon

Our Agents are the people who direct seating at panels, answer questions, set up and tear down after the convention, and generally make GeekGirlCon the wonderful place that it is. Because GeekGirlCon is a completely volunteer-run organization, we rely on people just like you to help us pull off our awesome annual convention.

All you need to do is submit an application form. If you’re selected to be an Agent, you’ll get free admission into the convention and a fancy, official t-shirt in return for a few hours’ work on October 10 and 11, plus the warm, fuzzy feeling that you’ve been an integral part of one of the best female-focused geek conventions in the country.

So, does that sounds good? What are you waiting for? Our application deadline is July 31, so get your application in today!

Written by GeekGirlCon Copywriter JC Lau

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Agent Applications for GeekGirlCon ’15 Now Open!

Looking to meet new people who share your interests and values? Wanting to donate your time, mind and/or muscles to a nonprofit, grassroots organization? Why, look no further than GeekGirlCon, your favorite lady-focused geeky convention, where we’re just happening to be looking for capable, excited and eager volunteers for this year’s convention.

The fifth annual GeekGirlCon will be taking place at The Conference Center at the WSCC on October 10 and 11, and we need you to help run it!

Volunteer for GeekGirlCon as an Agent or Special Agent. GeekGirlCon is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and while we have an incredible, hard-working staff, we can’t pull off our convention without our consistently wonderful army of volunteers.

Agents are the people at the con in charge of seating in panel rooms, wrangling lines, setting up and tearing down the convention, directing traffic, and generally being the best, most helpful, and friendliest people around. When you’re accepted as a volunteer, you’ll get an official, exclusive GeekGirlCon Agent t-shirt and free admission to the convention in exchange for working part of the weekend.

Go to the Volunteer Application today and sign up—and don’t wait, because the application deadline is July 31, and no applications will be accepted after that date!

Written by GeekGirlCon Copywriter Henry Behrens

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

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