
Give to #GivingTuesday, For Science!

Image description: a young attendee colors in with crayons at the Science Zone at GeekGirlCon.

After a week of feasting, hanging out with family, fighting lines at stores, and shopping online, Giving Tuesday is upon us!

#GivingTuesday is a movement–it even has its own hashtag–that’s set right in the middle of all your holiday shopping as a day to give back to nonprofit organizations so that we can keep doing things that you love. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, GeekGirlCon is entirely volunteer-powered and rely on donations to fulfil our mission to support, empower, and celebrate women and girls in all areas of geekdom.

Donate for her.
Image description: a young attendee in a Wonder Woman costume does a science experiment with beads and cups at the DIY Science Zone.

Today from 5am PST, PayPal and Facebook are partnering to match 100% of donations made for Giving Tuesday, up to a total of $7 million. This means that every dollar that you donate to GeekGirlCon today will be matched so that your donation will go twice as far. Since donation matching will continue until the $7m runs out, the earlier you donate in the day, the better!

Our focus this year is on raising funds for our famed DIY Science Zone! What better way to foster a love of science in the next generation of geeks than to do all the science with them? Funding the DIYSciZone allows us to invite more scientists, do bigger experiments, and grow the Zone, all for the love of science!

Image description: A young attendee pets a  spotted spider in the DIY Science Zone.

Click here to donate on Facebook today. Or, you can even go further and make your own GeekGirlCon fundraiser! Your generosity will not only go directly to helping us put on the convention, but it will also give us the following powerups, to name a few:

  • Year-round activities, such as our Board Game Nights at Wayward Coffeehouse.
  • Outreach in the Greater Seattle Area, such as Atomic Comicon or the PAX Diversity Lounge.
  • Programming, such as featured contributors, speakers, and workshops at the convention.

Regardless of how you contribute, your donation will make an impact, and we truly appreciate the strength, kindness, and generosity of our community. We truly wouldn’t be able to do it without you!

<3 GeekGirlCon

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Thank You for Giving to GeekGirlCon!

Source: GGC Flickr. Description: Three cosplayers at the GGC17 Kickoff Party all look off together towards the top right corner of the photo.

Thank you for supporting GeekGirlCon during our third year of teaming up with Seattle Foundation for its GiveBIG program! With your help, we raised $14,846 from 41 donors!

As a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, GGC relies on the support of this community to continue to exist and grow. We can’t thank you enough for helping us both maintain and develop spaces where geeky girls, women, non-binary people, and their supporters are safe to be who they are, enjoy what they love, and celebrate women who have done and are doing great things.

Source: GGC Flickr. Description: A group of adults and children gather around a table of science supplies at the GGC17 DIY Science Zone.

Source: GGC Flickr. Description: A group of adults and children gather around a table of science supplies at the GGC17 DIY Science Zone.

Because of your support, we will be able to continue adding more programming, gaming, vendors, artists, year-round events, and community engagement to the GeekGirlCon lineup in the coming year. Your passion for the GGC mission makes everything we do possible, and we are so honored to have you partner with us as we continue to build this community.

We can’t wait to show you the ways that your donations will make a difference both at the con this October 27-28 and throughout the year. Thank you for believing in us!

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif montage of Annie and Troy from Community high-fiving each other.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif montage of Annie and Troy from Community high-fiving each other.


Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Get Ready to GiveBIG!

Tomorrow, get ready for a day of giving with GiveBIG!

GiveBIG is sponsored by the Seattle Foundation. It’s an online fundraising marathon designed to help Seattle area nonprofits create momentum and excitement about community philanthropy. You can pre-schedule gives to GeekGirlCon right now, and you won’t be charged until the morning of May 9. This way, you can set it and forget it, as it were.

This is our third year of GiveBIG. In previous years, our funds donated to GeekGirlCon have gone to supporting our annual convention and year-round outreach programming. Our goal is to make attendance accessible and affordable for every geek. That’s why we also partner with other organizations to provide free passes to those who may not otherwise have the resources to attend.

There are ways to make your dollar go further too. Per GiveBIG giving requirements, there is a minimum of $10 to participate, but there is no maximum. Also, donations for GeekGirlCon ‘18 benefits begin at $50 and all donations at that amount and above will receive convention benefits.

You can also harness the power of donation matching! GeekGirlCon will be offering a match during GiveBIG thanks to a generous donation from I-Wei Feng, GeekGirlCon’s outgoing board president. All gifts will also be eligible for a Dollars for Change grant. If your gift is selected, GeekGirlCon will receive an additional $2,500. If you have an employer match, you can indicate so with your donation. A GeekGirlCon staff member will follow up after GiveBIG to complete any necessary documentation.

You can donate here on the Seattle Foundation GiveBIG page. Thank you in advance for your support!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Celebrating Five Years of DIY Science

At GeekGirlCon, accessibility is everything. Putting together a packed weekend of accessible and inclusive geeky programming is fundamental to GeekGirlCon’s mission. One event that reflects this commitment is our DIY Science Zone. The DIY Science Zone is one of GeekGirlCon’s most unique bits of programming, and this year we’re celebrating its fifth anniversary. Equally as exciting for both kids and adults, the DIY Science Zone brings together scientists, science educators, and science enthusiasts alike to participate in hands-on activities and experiments, chat about various scientific fields, and celebrate accessible learning.

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

Support Geeky Women and Girls Celebrating Who They Are and What They Love: GiveBIG to GeekGirlCon!

Written by Michele Carrico Domingo, Executive Director, GeekGirlCon

GeekGirlCon connects geeky women, girls, and their allies in order to build an empowering and inclusive community. Our mission is to celebrate and honor the legacy of women and girls in the fields of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), comics, science-fiction, arts, literature, and game play and game design. Our impact centers around providing a safe and welcoming place to share our passions, amplifying underrepresented voices, and celebrating who we are and what we love.

“Rock On!”

Join us for GiveBIG 2017!

Written by Jenn Schooley, GeekGirlCon Individual Sponsorship Manager

We’re excited to participate for a second year in Seattle’s GiveBIG and now, more than ever, we need your help!

Just what is GiveBIG?

GiveBIG, sponsored by the Seattle Foundation, is an online fundraising event designed to help Seattle area nonprofits create momentum and excitement about community philanthropy. Now in its seventh year, the program has helped participating nonprofits raise more than $75 million.

How does it work?

This 24-hour giving marathon takes place on May 10 from 12:00am to 11:59pm. Starting now, donors can pre-schedule gifts to their favorite participating nonprofits (including GeekGirlCon). Gifts won’t be charged until the morning of May 10, but it’s a great way to get your donations scheduled in advance without having to worry about it later!

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

Live Blog: How to Do Your Own Kickstarter

Hi everyone – Shubz reporting! Come through to Room 202 for How to Do Your Own Kickstarter with Caytlin Vilbrandt and Tristan J. Tarwater!

Planning your campaign: decide if your project will happen “no matter what.” It will determine how you write your pitch and your donation tiers.

Kickstarter vs. IndieGoGo

About 10% of your audience will be willing to donate.

Have a budget. How much will it cost to make product, ship product, etc. Plan for the worst case scenario.

Figure out your tiers. The main price point that most people hit: $25

Treat the people who are backing you as patrons. Give them great incentives for donating.

Make sure you have enough time for your campaign. Check shipping times for people giving things to you.

Communicate with your backers. Stay in contact.

People want to give! If you have a great project and are good to your patrons, they will be excited to be your fans and give you feedback.

Learn from prior kickstarters – what works and what didn’t work.

Promotions: Word of mouth, Twitter, Facebook, Website

Stretch goals: Create them! What will you do if you’ve exceeded your initial goal? If you had the money, what would you do?

Tell people to buy your stuff! Be direct about your promoting, be excited about it, and DON’T BE SHY about your project. Cross-promote with friends that have other projects going.

How crucial is video?: DO IT! Get your face on the video. This creates a human connection.

Points to take home
Take it seriously
Treat your patrons well. They are your customers.
This is taxable income. It is NOT free money!
Do NOT cold message people about your project. Create rapport first. It is also against Kickstarter TOS.

For more information, check out:
Kickstarter: kickstarter.com
Indiegogo: indiegogo.com
IRS website (RE: reporting gross profits): irs.gov

“Rock On!”

Level Up in Support of GeekGirlCon

Are you a fan of special deals? Looking for a way to support a cause? Interested in combining the two to get discounts and give back?

Do we have a deal for you: our Individual Sponsorship program!

GeekGirlCon continues to look for ways to use our (very) limited budget to provide awesome perks, events, and deals for our fans. This year, we have partnered with an amazing set of Community Business Partners, who have agreed to offer fantastic discounts or deals to anyone who is a GeekGirlCon Individual Sponsor.

We encourage you to level up and become an Individual Sponsor of GeekGirlCon to take advantage of these awesome benefits today. We have a variety of sponsorship levels, from Gold, to Silver, to Platinum — all the way up to Unobtainium!

All levels include a GeekGirlCon Individual Sponsor Card, which is good for discounts and deals at our Community Business Partners, who currently include Ada’s Technical BooksCinema BooksComics DungeonDragon’s Lair Comics & FantasyFantagraphics Bookstore & GalleryFantasium Comics and GamesGamma Ray Games, Haute Under The Collar, and Scarecrow Video.

Individual Sponsors also receive GeekGirlCon merch, discounts at the GeekGirlCon online store, passes at the Platinum and Unobtainium levels, and exclusive benefits at our annual convention!

Want to learn more or sign up? Head over to our Individual Sponsorship page, or email Sophie, our Individual Sponsorship Coordinator, at individual.sponsor@geekgirlcon.com.

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon Walks for a Brighter Future of Women in STEM Careers

IGNITE's Brighter Future Walk 2011

On Sunday June 5, GeekGirlCon is walking with IGNITE to raise awareness of women working in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) and reverse the stereotype of technology as a competitive, solitary, masculine career choice which is keeping girls away from STEM.

Our Geek Girl network has been shrinking when it comes to women seeking careers in STEM! According to IGNITE, an organization focused inspiring young women to pursue the science and tech fields, women represent only 15% of the industry today. That is a big decrease from the 1980 when women were 35% of those fields. GeekGirlCon wants to reverse this trend and you can help us.

Register to walk with us on June 5 or sponsor our staff and volunteers who will lace up their trainers and don warm-ups for a cause we vehemently support. Visit IGNITE for more information and donate. Support GeekGirlCon walkers: Arwen Morton, Amanda McGall, Kelly Clark, Jen Stuller, Anna Daniell, Erica McGillivray, and Adrienne Fox. Please feel free to join us at the registration table at 1pm.

IGNITE states, “When you join this Walk, you are taking a stand for a brighter future, where women participate equally with men and have a say in how technology can improve the lives of people everywhere around the globe.” GeekGirlCon totally agrees.

Winter Downs
“Rock On!”

Get Your Geek On Burlesque

A Night of Burlesque Dancing Empowers Local Women

Seattle, Washington, March 21, 2011 – For one night only, GeekGirlCon is excited to bring you a night of geeky burlesque dancing and live jazz music at the Solo Bar in Queen Anne, starting at 7:30pm. Bring your opera glasses; it is sure to be a full house!

GeekGirlCon presents a celebration of women by hosting an evening of burlesque dancing that is sure to thrill you. “GeekGirlCon extols female involvement in all fields of Geek culture. The underpinning of this is having women proudly own themselves and what they love. Burlesque is exactly that. It is playful, sexy and above all, it is empowering,” says GeekGirlCon’s president, Erica McGillivray.

The show features Miss Elaine Yes, Laela Lovechild and more, with live music provided by the Ron Weinstein Trio. The show will begin at 7:30pm sharp at the Solo Bar, 200 Roy Street in Seattle; this is a 21+ event, and the cover is $10. Happy hour will be all night, but 9:00pm is when the show is over, so don’t miss out on the fun.

In addition, the burlesque show is the perfect place to drop off a new, unwrapped toy for GeekGirlCon’s TARDIS. All of the toys will be donated to Seattle Children’s Hospital when the TARDIS is full, so help GeekGirlCon fill it up.

GeekGirlCon is a non-profit organization passionate about promoting women’s contributions to geek culture. We are having our first annual convention October 8 and 9, 2011 in Seattle at the Seattle Center Northwest Rooms. To find out more about GeekGirlCon visit http://www.geekgirlcon.com.

Contact Information:
Kit Embleton,
Assistant Public Relations Manager



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