
Get Ready for Amazing Workshops at #GGC18!

Image Description: A gif of YouTuber and activist Francesca Ramsey. The caption says "#5 Ally is a verb." Source: Giphy

I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things about GeekGirlCon is how interactive it is. Whether you’re speaking to artists, makers, and entrepreneurs in the Exhibitor Hall, asking questions at an incredible panel, or just meeting fellow geeks, the Con is a space to learn, play, listen, and have fun. Probably nowhere is this more apparent, though, than in the workshops we offer every year.

Spanning a huge swath of topics, from fandom to gaming to cosplay to consent (and beyond!) our workshops are the perfect place to learn how to bring all the joy, passion, excitement, and general goodness from GeekGirlCon out into your day-to-day life.

This year’s workshops promise to be some of the most exciting and intriguing yet! Here’s a look at just a few we have coming up during #GGC18 weekend.


Creating a Culture of Consent: From Cosplay to Classrooms

Sunday, 10/28 at 4:00 // Furiosa

Learn about what consent means, sounds, and feels like. We will discuss how and when questions of consent appear in our relationships, in our communities, and in geek culture in this workshop by Planned Parenthood’s Teen Council members. Ages 13+

Image Description: An illustrated gif of Amber Rose wearing dark sunglasses and speaking. Words written on either side of her head read: “When I say no, it means no.” Source: Giphy

Mystery Box Game Design Challenge

Saturday, 10/27 at 5:30pm // America

Teams will work together with table top industry experts to create a game using only a box of mystery items. At the end, games will be judged on a set of predetermined criteria and a winner selected!

Image Description: A gif of a commercial for the Sweet Valley board game. The commercial depicts a group of friends walking into a house and playing the board game together. Source: Giphy

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Ready Player One: Gaming Highlights for GeekGirlCon ’17

I love games, and I think that one of my favorite places at GeekGirlCon is on the Gaming Floor. It’s a big, open space and lends itself to all sorts of game-related content, be it board games to check out, a walk-up RPG area, console games, and more! Here are some of the cool things that will be happening in games over GeekGirlCon weekend:

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Amazing Tales from Girls Make Games Camp!

Written by guest contributor Sharon Feliciano

“I think Kitty’s summer is kicking everyone else’s summers butt!” this statement on my Facebook page accompanied a picture of my nine year old daughter proudly standing by the door to a conference room at PopCap Games’ corporate offices.  Kitty was getting ready to start her second week of Girls Make Games, a game design camp. Our friends and family followed along enthusiastically on social media as I posted daily updates of her camp adventures.

Girls Make Games is a three week camp that was held in July at 24 locations around the world. During the camp the participants learned about different career options in the gaming industry, met people working in the field, and toured game studios. In the three weeks they attended camp they also wrote, designed and developed a playable game.

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

June Geek About Town!

Check out these awesome events around Seattle this summer! GAT will now also feature events that are going on throughout the month, so you can plan ahead!


Throughout June:

The Art of the Brick

Pacific Science Center

Tickets $28.75 adults, $23.75 youth (6-15), $20.75 child (3-5)

Named one of CNN’s Top Ten “Global Must-See Exhibitions,” The Art of the Brick exhibit by artist Nathan Sawaya is a critically acclaimed collection of inspiring artworks made exclusively from one of the most recognizable toys in the world: the LEGO® brick. From child’s toy to sophisticated art form and beyond, the world’s largest display of LEGO art ever features original pieces as well as re-imagined versions of the world’s most famous art masterpieces like Van Gogh’s Starry Night and Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa as well as a gallery showcasing an innovative, multimedia collection of LEGO brick infused photography produced in tandem with award-winning photographer Dean West.



Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds

EMP Museum

Tickets $27 adults, $27 students (with ID), $21 youth (5-17)

Fifty years after a show with modest ratings called Star Trek first aired, its stories continue to echo worldwide. Its famous opening line, “To boldly go where no one has gone before…” encapsulates the heart of this iconic series: the dare to hope for a better world.

As part of the franchise’s 50th anniversary celebrations, Star Trek: Exploring New Worlds presents the phenomenon, its enduring impact on our culture, and how Star Trek has inspired people to imagine, explore, and create.

More so than spaceships and phasers, the one quality that defines Star Trek is optimism. Creator Gene Roddenberry imagined a 23rd century in which humanity had eliminated the divisions that characterized his own time. By using alien worlds, interspecies conflicts, and sci-fi premises to make statements about war, racism, and politics, Star Trek revolutionized the impact popular culture could have on our society.

Photo courtesy of CBS Consumer Products

Photo courtesy of CBS Consumer Products

Discover the beloved series all over again in this fully immersive exhibit, featuring more than 100 artifacts and props from the five Star Trek television series, spin-offs, and films, including set pieces from the original series like Captain Kirk’s command chair and the navigation console (on display for the first time to the public); Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and McCoy original series costumes; and the 6-foot U.S.S. Enterprise filming model from Star Trek: The Next Generation.


Until June 12: Seattle International Film Festival

Various locations, see here for film guide!

Film is a powerful art form, and it is the experiences we have with film that can transform our lives. SIFF does just that: our mission is to create experiences that bring people together to discover extraordinary films from around the world. It is through the art of cinema that we foster a community that is more informed, aware, and alive.


Saturday, June 4-Sunday, June 5: Pagdiriwang Philippine Festival

Amory, Seattle Center

Free Admission!

The Filipino Cultural Heritage Society of Washington (FCHSW) proudly presents Pagdiriwang, commemorating the anniversary of Philippine Independence. Held on the first or second week of June at the Seattle Center since 1987, the event has grown into the biggest festival of Filipino arts and culture in the Pacific Northwest. Pagdiriwang provides a venue for Filipinos and non-Filipinos alike to learn about the culture. It is an ideal setting for presenting art, craft, song, dance, music, history, literature, and culture to promote better understanding of the Filipino cultural heritage.


Friday, June 10: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

7:00pm-10:45pm, Wayward Coffeehouse, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find CodenamesLove LetterSplendorKing of TokyoVöluspáslashAlien FrontiersLocke & KeyCoup,TokaidoSuperfightThe ResistanceColt ExpressSkull and RosesSettlers of Catan7 WondersToc Toc WoodmanFLUXX, and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.


 Saturday, June 11 –Sunday, June 12: Festival Sundiata

From noon both days, Seattle Center

Free admission!

Festival Sundiata is a free festival celebrating all art forms from the African diaspora. You’re going to love this festival! Music, food, non profit tables, Art exhibit, cooking demonstrations , interactive activities, Vendors with one of a kind items for sale dance and dance instructions, Zumba and much much more.


Monday, June 13: Jay Newton-Small: Leveraging Female Political Power

7:30pm (doors open 6:30pm), Downstairs at Town Hall Seattle

Tickets $5


Upon her election to the US Senate in 1916, Jeanette Rankin remarked, “I may be the first woman member of Congress, but I won’t be the last.” Now, 100 years later, women represent a larger portion of the legislative and executive branches than ever before. According to TIME political correspondent Jay Newton-Small, their presence is affecting not only how the federal government operates (remember the blizzard in DC this January?), but also how Americans live and work. She’ll share conversations from offices around the capital city and deals made across the political divide by women (like Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton) hoping to create change. She’ll also shed light on how women across America can most effectively use their (highly sought after) vote this election season.


Thursday, June 16: Homeschool Day: Game Design Workshop

12:30pm-4:00pm, EMP museum

Registration $6/person, students and adults

EMP, the National STEM Video Game Challenge, and Institute of Museum and Library Services invite homeschool families for a video game design workshop.

Workshop participants will:
• Level up from video game players to video game designers
• Complete hands-on, minds-on, physical game design exercises
• Design original video games and modify existing games
• Play-test each other’s games to provide feedback
• Tour EMP’s Indie Game Revolution exhibit
• Learn how to enter the STEM Challenge 

Registration includes participation in the day’s events and museum admission for the day.

Classes are suitable for students 8–14 years of age. Parents are asked to be active participant in the workshop classes for the full program from 12:30pm–4:00pm.

This workshop is BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). A laptop computer capable of web browsing and using Adobe Flash Player is required, as families will be learning the basics of Gamestar Mechanic. If you would like to participate but do not have a laptop computer, please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you.


Tuesday, June 21: All Geeks, All Games at Mox Boarding House!

6:00pm-10:00pm, Mox Boarding House, 13310 BelRed Rd, Bellevue, WA

Our All Geeks, All Games events are growing in popularity! Join GeekGirlCon and Mox Boarding House in Bellevue and help us continue to expand our community of diverse and inclusive gamers to the East Side!

Help us fill that beautiful Tournament Room with folks enjoying our favorite games in a safe and accepting atmosphere. Why mess with the headache of traffic when you can come and play games with us instead.

Staff from both organizations will be on hand to help facilitate gameplay for the shy to the extroverted, from the expert strategist to the board game neophyte. With a huge lending library of games on hand, there will be something for everyone!

As an added bonus, if you play a board game from their library and love it, you can buy a fresh copy for 20% off! How cool is that?!


Wednesday, June 22: Rock Star Women in Science: Inspiring the Next Generation

6:30pm (doors open 5:30pm), Great Hall, Town Hall Seattle, 1119 Eighth Avenue (enter on Eighth Avenue)

Free Admission!

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center director, Dr. Gary Gilliland has praised the “female leadership and success” that he has seen at his own organization and beyond. But he also makes it clear that he wants to address the “disparity of women versus men in positions of authority in science.” This event will bring together some of our area’s leading women scientists in a panel discussion about the innovative work being done in our region, the challenges they face, and why it is so important that more girls follow in their footsteps.


Saturday, June 25: Spirit of Indigenous People Festival

11:30am-5pm, Seattle Center

This festival is a collaborative effort of the many Native community groups in the greater Seattle area, bringing together a showcase of the culture and tradition of American Indians, Alaska Natives and First Nations People!

A traditional Pow Wow will take place at the Mural Amphitheatre stage and surrounding grounds in the afternoon, beginning with a grand entry at 1:00pm and including a host drum and pow wow exhibition dances.  Everyone is invited and welcome to join – intertribals, tiny tots, and social dances.  This is a rare opportunity for the general public and visitors of the Seattle Center to experience a glimpse of the Native Pow Wow outside tribal settings.

This year, we hope to add another element to the festival highlighting the beauty and cultural richness of the Native Canoe Journey through the Canoe Family Exhibit.  Families and groups who have participated in canoe journeys are invited to display their histories, documentaries, and canoes!  For many of the general public visitors to the Seattle Center grounds, this will be the only opportunity for them to witness the amazing stories of our Canoe Family journeys and history!


Saturday, June 25-Sunday, June 26: Urban Craft Uprising: Seattle’s Largest Indie Craft Show

11am-5pm, Seattle Center Exhibition Hall

Urban Craft Uprising is Seattle’s favorite craft show, established in 1995.  At UCU, fans can choose from a wide variety of hand-crafted goods, including clothing of all types, jewelry, gifts, bags, wallets, buttons, accessories, aprons, children’s goods, toys, housewares, furniture, paper goods, candles, kits, geekery, art, food, and much, much more.


This favorite Seattle craft show is carefully curated and juried to ensure the best mix of crafts and arts, along with quality and originality.  This bi-annual show features over 150 vendors excelling in the world of craft, art and design.

Urban Craft Uprising aims to build a local (and beyond) community of artists, crafters and designers by organizing and providing events where indie crafters and artists can connect with their fans. In addition, Urban Craft Uprising promotes other community building activities, including our crafting shows, showcases, classes, events, sponsorships, online presence and other local activities.


Sunday, June 26: Virginia Heffernan: How the Internet Changed Everything

7:30pm (doors open 6:30pm), Downstairs at Town Hall Seattle

Tickets $5

Since its inception, the internet has morphed from merely an extension of traditional media into its own full-fledged society. In a relatively short amount of time, it has developed into a massive force in our world. New York Times journalist, Virginia Heffernan counts it as one of “mankind’s great masterpieces.” Whether we like it or not, our lives have been transformed by this fascinating place, but its deep logic, cultural potential, and societal impact often elude us. Heffernan will discuss her new book, Magic and Loss, which explores the logic and aesthetics of the highly visual, social, and portable life online. The medium favors speed, accuracy, wit, and versatility, and its form and functions are changing how we perceive, experience, and understand the world.

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

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