With GeekGirlCon only five weeks away* we’ve been giving you a sneak peek at some of our amazing content for this year. So far, we’ve shown you a sample of our amazing workshops and panels for literary geeks.
This week, we’re going to be highlighting a couple of panels that cover various aspects of geek culture. Now, we all know that geek culture is a HUGE area covering specific domains of geekdom (such as comics, gaming, TV, and so on), so we have loads of panels covering geek stuff generally, but this list of panel highlights is for all you culture vultures out there. Get excited!
It’s another year and another 365 days for geekery and nerdiness! When asking the GeekGirlCon Staff what their geeky resolutions for 2013 are; here’s what some of them said:
This would be a great cosplay!
“I have two geeky resolutions this year. My first resolution is to attend a convention that I am not volunteering at in any way. For most this may sound easy, but I work a lot of cons, so it’s more difficult than it seems. My second resolution is to cosplay at least once this year. Maybe I’ll dress up as Illyria, even if it’s just from the neck up.” – Jex Ballard, Manager of Volunteer Administration
These two adorable creatures are already into Kristine’s goals for 2013.
“I don’t so much believe in making resolutions just because it’s a new year. I DO believe in continuing to treat people as I wish to be treated, making healthier choices in life, and lastly being true to myself so I can be happy. There’s also the matter of planning a honeymoon this year… Happy New Year’s everyone! Thanks for making GeekGirlCon a reality and see you in 2013!” – Kristine Hassell, Twitter Administrator
A fantastically decorated page.
“My resolution this year… well, one of a couple, actually… is to start writing things down. This includes everything from tasks at work, to outings with friends, to starting up an altered journal so that I can note day-to-day activities, movies, good and bad times, everything that I possibly can! That, along with the usual of eating better, more exercise, just generally treating myself better — this should keep me busy.” – Kris Panchyk, Exhibitor Services Manager
I’m right there with you.
”Save Community from cancellation and get Dan Harmon back on the show. Should be easy enough, right?” – Abby Reinheart, Manager of Hospitality and Transportation
So what say you, readers? What is your geeky resolution for 2013?
As we draw closer to GeekGirlCon 2012 (August 11 and 12, get your passes now!), we will be previewing some of the guests and panelists attending and participating in our weekend festivities. We won’t share all the juicy details, just enough to ensure you HAVE to come to GeekGirlCon 2012.
Actress Teal Sherer
Today, the spotlight is on Teal Sherer, an actress who plays the character Venom in The Guildand who also has her own web series coming out this summer, My Gimpy Life. Teal is going to be participating on a panel during GeekGirlCon 2012 titled “The Last ‘Outsider’ in Popular Culture – Disability,” moderated by Day Al-Mohamed.
More than 1 in 10 Americans live with an apparent disability. But this isn’t reflected in books, comics, films, or television. In fact, did you know that less than 2 percent of TV show characters display a disability, and only 0.5 percent have speaking roles? Day, Teal, and other panelists (including Gail Simone!) will examine the reluctance to include characters with disabilities, as well as some of the common myths, stereotypes, and controversies using examples from popular and geek culture, personal experiences in the industry, and discourse with audience members.
You won’t want to miss this panel, or the great answers Teal shared with GeekGirlCon PR Manager Susie Rantz. Enjoy!
When did you first get involved with acting?
In college at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. I had to take a theatre class as part of my Communications major and fell madly in love thanks to my amazing professor Troy Dwyer. Troy cast me in my first play Federico García Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba. I played one of the daughters, Amelia. Because it was a period piece I had to use an antique wheelchair which was pretty cool.
From the desktop of Adrienne, GeekGirlCon copywriter:
The other week, I was fortunate enough to get a tour of Geek Chic Headquarters in Everett, Washington. If you hit the comic conventions on the West Coast, you may have seen Geek Chic showing their heirloom-quality furniture tailored to the geek and gaming crowd. For anyone not familiar with Geek Chic, you can check out their wares at the website (http://www.geekchichq.com/). This company takes the idea of your basic table—dining, coffee, or casual—and turns it into the gamer’s best friend. Outfitted with specially sized drawers, shelves, and a rails system for accessories (also known as the table’s utility belt), the Geek Chic folks seem to have thought of everything. The essential feature for any table top gamer is the recessed playing surface hidden beneath a removable top or leaves.
This hidden space serves as a holding area for unfinished games, puzzles, or even a place to hide piles of unfiled personal papers! So, if your crew falls asleep at 2 a.m. around an unfinished game of Arkham Horror , it’s no problem, you can easily save the game for later.
The rail system allows you to insert cup holders, wine glass holders, extra shelves, and bins of all sizes into the slots on all sides of the table. Possibly the best feature of all is the customizable quality of all the Geek Chic furniture.
A view from the Geek Chic factory floor. Photo by Adrienne Fox
I had ordered some extra bins and cup holders for my Hoplite table, and Ruth Boehler, my Geek Chic customer service valet, suggested I pick them up at the office and get a tour of the facility. Ruth gave me the complete tour of the office, the shop, and shipping center. We started on the second floor of the office for an aerial view of the shop and all the work areas: sorting, planning, sawing, sanding, and piecing. Once on the shop floor, Ruth showed me three Emissary tables recently assembled and clamped together. I also got a peak the wood supply and learned about sap wood and other imperfections they look for to insure quality of their products.
An Emissary table under construction. Apparently, it takes about a million clamps! Photo: Adrienne Fox
We wandered through the laser-cutting room and some unfinished space that will soon be a killer showroom. Next, we visited the shipping center where my rail accessories were neatly packaged and waiting for me. But before I departed with my goods, Ruth showed me some completed 8-Hour Seating chairs and stools. I give these chairs and stools give +20 to back health for comfort and support! Each piece of the chair is carved and not steam-molded. After a short test run, I think The Geek Chic “butt hugging technology” really works and could be worth the high price tag. I shall be saving up the coin of the realm to acquire a pair.
hese chairs might look like something you’ve seen before. But, trust me, you could game for days on these seats. Photo: Adrienne Fox
Also in the shipping area is the inspection area, where all pieces are inspected before they are wrapped up for delivery. Pieces large and small all get the same eagle-eye treatment. Geek Chic has a line of “Game Aides” that are smaller, handcrafted extras like deck flasks and boxes, wooden weapon art, and other curiosities. Some of the game aides can be imprinted with a design of your choosing. It is nice to see the range of gaming supplies offered, because not everyone needs or can afford the big high-end pieces.
A super stylish way to secure your deck. Now, these desk flasks and boxes are customizable with images of your choice. Photo: Adrienne Fox
Now for the philosophical part of shopping Geek Chic. This company embodies the ethic that I look for, or feel I should be looking for, when shopping: using domestic, sustainable wood; employing people in my local geography; and creating high-quality, long-lasting heirloom furniture. And, doing all this with great customer service. I am a fan. I love my Alexandria Codex and Hoplite table, plus all the accessories. If you are planning on investing in Geek Chic products, do it. You won’t be disappointed.
A candid pic of my own Geek Chic pieces—the Alexandria Codex and the Hoplite table with a few rail accessories--complete with a little GeekGirlCon branding! Photos: Adrienne Fox
Adrienne Fox