
Panel Recap: Wait… I Know That Voice

We’ve all had that moment. You know the one where you hear a voice and stop in your tracks. Who is that? It’s on the tip of your tongue, if only you can remember… Wait… I know that voice!

GGD ‘16 was filled with incredible panels, but one of my favorites focused on some of entertainment’s most exciting women in voice over. The panelists included Ashly Burch (Borderlands 2, Life is Strange), Sarah Elmaleh (Gone Home, Call of Duty), Michele Morrow (Embers of War, Dragonstone), and Jennifer Paz (Steven Universe, Mulan). The panel was moderated by Amalia Larson.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Panel Recap: Q&A with Sarah Elmaleh and Ashly Burch

Sarah Elmaleh & Ashly Burch, who immediately ignited this gamer’s heart as the voices of Katie from Gone Home (Sarah) and Tiny Tina from Borderlands (Ashly), graced us with a casual Q&A about their journey to the geek life GeekGirlCon 2016.

It was immediately obvious that the two are close, the friendly chemistry on stage could light up the room. You weren’t just watching a Q&A, it was a conversation between friends. No different than meeting someone for coffee to talk about their career and get some adivce, we got a little glimpse into how these two successful women grew as actors, writers, and dreamers.

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Panel Recap: Reign Robotics – High School as a Female Nerd

My first panel of GGC ‘16 was with the super smart young women of Holy Names high school’s FIRST Robotics team.

What is FIRST Robotics?
FIRST Robotics is a mentor-based program for youth engagement in science and technology. They offer programs for all age groups with a focus on STEM concepts.

The FIRST Robotics Competition is a high school-only where teams of students develop, build, and program their own robot. Students must follow strict rules, are given limited resources, and have only six weeks to complete their project.

Once completed, teams compete in a difficult field game where their industrial-sized robots are put to the test.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

We’ll Tumblr For Ya– And We’ll Live-Tweet, Too

Written by Laurel McJannet, Social Media Manager

With so many panels to attend and games to play and exhibitors to see, there comes the painful realization that you can’t do it all.

We’d like to help lessen that pain. We’re going to live-blog and live-tweet some panels so you can follow along real-time or review at your leisure at the end of the day (when you visit our super cool Social Media Dashboard!)

Below is a list of panels we plan to cover during the con, along with Twitter handles and hashtags. Just search for the hashtag on Twitter or follow our Tumblr to check out our live blogging coverage.

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

Panel Highlight: Cosplay

GeekGirlCon cosplay

Learn the ins and outs of cosplay. [Image Source: GeekGirlCon Flickr]

In just one month, GeekGirlCon ‘16 will be under way, and the numberof things I’m excited about just keeps growing. The list of exhibitors, panel highlights, and our DIY Science Zone fundraiser have me counting down the days until October. Even so, there’s one topic that gets me excited for con like no other: cosplay.

Awesomely elaborate or elegantly simple, cosplay is an excellent way to express your creativity and fandom. I’m always thrilled to see my favorite characters come to life through the imagination of fellow fans. And yet, I’ve never tried my hand at this cool activity.

Stepping into the world of cosplay can be a little daunting. What character do you choose? How do you find the right materials to make the perfect costume? If you’ve decided you want to step into the magical world of cosplay but aren’t sure where to start, the hosts of Cosplay 101 are here to help. These veterans will give you tips on everything from dealing with unconventional fabrics to what to do if you don’t know how to sew. This body-positive environment celebrates the fact that we’re not all shaped like comic book characters; you (and your cosplay) are perfect just the way you are.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Panel Highlight: GeekGirlCon After Dark

Leading up to GeekGirlCon 2016 in October, we’ve slowly started giving you small glimpses into what we have planned for another great year. We’ve released our list of exhibitors, talked about upcoming panels on various fandoms and science, and recently launched our fundraiser for the DIY Science Zone. But it’s about time we talked about something a little more scandalous. Shall we?

GeekGirlCon is family friendly, but we have plenty in store for our adult attendees. GeekGirlCon After Dark is a series of panels that cover a wide range of darker and more racy themes in geek culture. From the science behind kink to the rise of sultry YA, our clever host of professionals and speakers will lead discussions on more mature topics.

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Panel Highlight: For Science!

After a very long and difficult deliberation, our panels for this year’s convention have been decided, and now we are excited to show you what’s in store for you. Over the next few weeks, we will introduce some of the panels that will be featured at GeekGirlCon ’16!

One of the major areas of geekery that we love here at GeekGirlCon are the sciences. Although we have an amazing DIY Science Zone every year, and our #DIYSciFilm Livetweet events are always a hoot, we also have a huge range of science panels coming up this year. Below are a few samples of what you might see when you come to the convention on October 8 and 9.

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

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