
Panel Recap: The Science of Wonder Woman

Science of Wonder Woman Panelists

As a pop-culture geek, I’m all about the suspension of disbelief. Give me mythical creatures, interdimensional travel, and fireball explosions in the vacuum of space—I prefer creativity to realism. But I also enjoy digging into whether or not fictional realities play by their own rules, and GeekGirlCon ‘17’s “The Science of Wonder Woman” panel did not disappoint.

“The Science of Wonder Woman” was a fantastic discussion of the Wonder Woman film from a scientific perspective. The panelists included astronomer and physics professor Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, forensic chemist and GGC DIY Science Zone project manager Dr. Raychelle Burke, and science writer R.K. Pendergrass.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon 2017 Media Roundup

GeekGirl 2017 has come and gone. It was a weekend of laugher, tears, a pinch of nostalgia, and an enormous amount of fun. As I’ve spent the last week recuperating, I’ve seen an influx online of happy memories, pictures, articles, and thoughts about the weekend. Words of wisdom caught during panels, big smiles after seeing a particularly great cosplay, and shared pride over the community that we’ve built together, we’re all going through a bit of emotional catharsis.

Here are but a few of our favorite moments from the weekend on Twitter and Instagram, recaps and articles on blogs and in the news:


In the press…

Jetspace Magazine: GeekGirlCon 2017

Black Nerd Problems: Black Nerd Problem’s Roundup for GeekGirlCon 2017

KNKX: Female Comic Book Fans, Trekkies And Gamers To Converge In Seattle For GeekGirlCon 

Nerd HQ: The Nerd Convention that Stands for Something

Feminist Frequency: Geek Girls, Assemble! 

Seattle Refined: Day 1 of GeekGirlCon Brings Thousands to Downtown Seattle

Seattle PI: Portraits of GeekGirlCon Cosplayers

GeekWire: So you want to be a competitive gamer? Women in esports offer advice to encourage more women.

The Fangirl Crafter: Geek Girl Con 2017


Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Register for the GeekGirlCon 2017 Cosplay CONtest!

We at GeekGirlCon know every cosplay is a labor of love, which is why we want to give you the opportunity to showcase your hard work and win fabulous prizes at this year’s GeekGirlCon Cosplay CONtest! Cosplayers of all ages and experience levels are welcome to register and reserve their spot for the CONtest on Saturday, September 30 at 4:00 p.m.

Whether you’re equipping yourself to fight Ganondorf:

Link Cosplayer

Image source: GeekGirlCon Flickr

Or embodying R2-D2:

R2D2 Cosplayer

Image source: GeekGirlCon Flickr

We want to see what you’ve put together!

This year the contest will have two age groups: Adult, for adult GGC passholders, and Child, for 12-and-under attendees with child GGC passes. The event will also have a new, masquerade-type format to give everyone more time on stage. Space is limited and entries are online-only, so submit your application early! Registration opens Tuesday, September 5 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time and closes when all of the spots are filled, or on Friday, September 22 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time, whichever comes first.

Good luck!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Seeking Models for the GeekGirlCon 2017 Fashion Show!

GeekGirlCon Fashion Show Models

UPDATE: The deadline for applying to be a geek model has been extended to Tuesday, September 12!

Are you a geek who loves fashion? Own the runway Saturday, September 30 at the GeekGirlCon Fashion Show! We are looking for a diverse group of individuals to model outfits created by designers from six geek fashion companies. Come be part of an evening that both highlights how empowering geek fashion can be and addresses the steps still needed to make geek fashion truly inclusive for everyone.  

GeekGirlCon Fashion Show Models

Image source: GeekGirlCon Flickr

Experience what goes on behind the scenes at a fashion show and enjoy your time in the limelight with a fun community of design-minded geeks. Time is short and space is limited, so get your application in by Tuesday, September 12 at 9:00 p.m. Pacific Time to be in the running.

For a first-hand perspective on what it’s like to be a GeekGirlCon Fashion Show Model, check out SJ-1’s blog post The Life of a Famous Geek Model.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon Passes Now Available In Stores and Online!

Are you a Pacific Northwest resident who wants to support a local business and get yourself a pass to GeekGirlCon 2017 at the same time? We’ve got good news for you: passes for GeekGirlCon are on sale now in comic book and game stores throughout the greater Seattle region!

While you can only take advantage of our early-bird pricing online now through August 31, these in-store passes will stay at early-bird pricing until they sell out. GeekGirlCon has sold out every year so far, so be sure to get yourself a pass before they’re gone!

Visit one of the following stores to pick up your pass while supplies last:

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Thank you for giving BIG to GeekGirlCon!

Thank you for giving BIG to GeekGirlCon! You helped support geeky women and girls celebrate who they are and what they love. In GeekGirlCon’s second year of teaming up with Seattle Foundation for its GiveBIG program, we raised $11,625 with 90 donors!

As a volunteer-powered, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, these dollars are crucial and we can’t wait to give back to all our supporters at GeekGirlCon 2017 on September 30th and October 1st.  We can’t thank you enough for being a leader in joining us in this yearly online giving campaign. It allows us to welcome all forms of diverse geek identities in a safe space, celebrate the geeky women, girls and allies at our annual convention, and put on more year-round events and community engagement.

“Rock On!”

Reminder: Programming Submissions Due April 30th!

Do you have a stellar idea for a panel, or have you been working hard on developing your first tabletop game? Own a trendy DIY business, and have a great idea for a workshop? Never fear, it’s not too late to submit Programming Submissions for GeekGirlCon 2017!

Whether you and a small group are geared up with an idea for a panel, or you are an individual interested in being a panelist or moderator, we’re looking for mission-aligned panel ideas for #GGC17. We’re also accepting applications for performance and event submissions (such as musical performances, variety and game shows, and networking events), workshop submissions, and tabletop game host submissions.

Photo via Danny Ngan, GGC Flickr.

So make sure to mark your calendars, because the following forms are due on April 30th, 2017 at 11:59 PST:


Questions? Feel free to reach out to our team at programming@geekgirlcon.com.

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

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