
GeekGirlCONLINE ’21 Schedule is HERE!

GeekGirlCONLINE ‘21 WILL BE HERE IN LESS THAN A MONTH! If you haven’t already, mark your calendars for November 13 and 14! 

All of our programming this year is free to stream on Twitch. Click through here for FAQs about this year’s event.

In case you haven’t seen already, we’ve recently announced our full programming schedule. We’ve got a packed schedule—from the DNA of strawberries to BIPOC artists in animation, there’s truly something for everyone this year. Read on for full details about each event. 

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

Thank You for Supporting GeekGirlCONLINE!

We did it—our first-ever virtual con with five weekends’ worth of panels, programming, and socially distanced fun! It’s been quite the year, and we are so grateful for your support of this slightly different con experience. As you know, GGC runs on love—from our 100% volunteer staff to the donations that fuel our mission—and we can’t thank you enough for the love and encouragement you’ve shown us over the past month.

We hope to have GeekGirlCon back in all its IRL glory next year, but in the meantime, you can catch up on any content you missed from GGCONLINE on our YouTube channel and subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest on everything we’re doing.

We hope to see you again in person soon!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCONLINE Week 4: Gaming

[Image Description: Two young girls having a ton of fun playing console video games.]

We’ve made it to our penultimate weekend of GeekGirlCONLINE, but we’re not slowing down yet. Our fourth weekend of GeekGirlCONLINE is all about GAMING, so tune in on the GeekGirlCONLINE Twitch channel for a ton of amazing panels, workshops, and livestreams sponsored by our awesome gamemaker friends at Valve!

Rebecca Anglesey
“Rock On!”

Big Players in Game Creation Coming to GeekGirlCONLINE this Sunday

VALVE | #Valve @ValveSoftware

WEARING ALL THE HATS: Adventures in Gaming and Tech with the Women of Valve

Sunday, October 25 at 2:30 p.m. on Twitch

Join a panel of women from Valve sharing their experiences wearing all of the hats as they contribute to games, Steam, and VR, discussing topics ranging from mechanical keyboards, wildlife tracking, imposter syndrome, confidence, humility, design, and playtesting.


Behind the Blocks: The Women Making Minecraft w/ Helen Chiang

Sunday, October 25 at 5:30 p.m. on Twitch

Meet the women making Minecraft: Head of Studio Helen Chiang, Chief Storyteller Lydia Winters, Minecraft Creator GM Deanna Hearn, and Executive Producer Anita Sujarit as they discuss being a leader inside one of the most popular gaming franchises in the world, Minecrafting for good, career tips for industry pros and newcomers, and what excites them as they look to the future of gaming.

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCONLINE Weekend 2 | Comics

We hope you loved the first weekend of GeekGirlCONLINE! 

We’re thrilled to return this weekend with another round of geeky fun with a whole new theme: Comics! Here’s a quick look at what you can expect in the coming days:

Panels & Activities

Join us on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. for Behind the Scenes in Kids Comics with Wendy Browne, Kiara Valdez, Rose Pleuler, Whitney Leopard, JuYoun Lee, and Megan Peace!

What goes into making a book? Join four esteemed editors from inside comics publishing for a discussion of editing, agents, pitching, and what goes on in the everyday of working at a publisher. With kids graphic novel editors Whitney Leopard (Random House Graphic), Megan Peace (Scholastic Graphix), Rose Pleuler (Harper Alley), and Kiara Valdez (First Second). Moderated by Wendy Browne (Women Write About Comics).

We’ve also got two fun and exciting workshops coming up on Sunday! Tune in to Twitch on Sunday, October 11 at 1 p.m. for All About Wigs hosted by the Cosplay Repair Station. Right after, tune in for Geeky Comedy at 2:30 p.m. 

All this programming will stream live on our Twitch account, so mark your calendars! 

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

Q&A with GeekGirlCONLINE Merch Artist Ragon Dickard

Custom merch design for GeekGirlCONLINE '20

Each year, our team works with a new artist to create custom GeekGirlCon merch for the con. Most things about this year are different, but we do have an amazing merch artist for you to meet: Ragon Dickard! 

To give y’all a better picture of the person who created the works of art that are this year’s designs, I asked Ragon some questions about her background, art, and surviving quarantine. 

So read on to learn all about Ragon, and when you’re done, check out our 2020 merch here.

Meet Ragon, everybody! [Image Description: Headshot of Ragon. She’s white and has short curly brown hair. She’s smiling brightly and looking at the camera. She has a septum piercing and apple earrings (of her own design!). She’s wearing a striped black and white shirt.]

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

GGC Virtual Expo Hall and Merch Shop are Open!

A young lady in a purple dress wistfully says, "Because when I go shopping, the whole world gets better."
We know the feeling.

GeekGirlCONLINE is officially live, and so are our virtual expo hall and official merch shop! All. Month. Long!

Even though we can’t be together in person, that doesn’t mean that we can’t peruse the amazing exhibitors that have gathered together in our virtual expo hall. We have even categorized the exhibitors for your shopping convenience. Want to support a POC owned business? We got that. Is your favorite thing to buy at a con some cool original art? We got that too! Click here to shop our incredible list of virtual exhibitors.

We also have some crazy cool GeekGirlCon 2020 merch available, designed by none other than Ragon Dickard! Guys, this merch is so amazingly perfect for all that is GGC, so be sure to check it out here.

Happy shopping!

Rebecca Anglesey
“Rock On!”

Over 100 Exhibitors in the Virtual Expo Hall!

Such a huge part of attending any con—as I’m sure y’all know—is spending hours looking through all of the amazing exhibitors who bring their breathtaking work to us year after year. I’m sure we all agree that it’s one of our favorite ways to support independent creators.

While we can’t convene in person, we still fully intend to recreate that pivotal experience with our Virtual Expo Hall.

Launching in October, our virtual marketplace will play host to over 100 unique exhibitors. Our team is currently working hard to prepare a seamless digital browsing experience for all of us, so stay tuned for more updates as we near GeekGirlCONLINE.

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

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