
A Huge Thank You from All of Us

Image source: @Trickstresscosplay

One of the hardest things about GeekGirlCon is that point on Sunday night when you realize that the con is coming to its inevitable conclusion. It’s such a bittersweet moment, but it’s also a good time to reflect on the cultural phenomenon that is GeekGirlCon.

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Get Involved with GeekGirlCon!

It’s a very exciting time of year for everyone here at GeekGirlCon; as of Monday, June 22, it’s exactly 110 days until GeekGirlCon ‘15 on October 10 and 11! We’ll be seeing you at the Conference Center at the WSCC, plus an exciting evening of kickoff events on Friday, October 9–so mark your calendars now.

Agents and staff manning the GeekGirlCon ’15 Merch Booth

How can YOU get involved in GeekGirlCon?

Buy passes! They’re available now at Early Bird prices, which only last until July 31:

2 Day Pass: $35

Kids Pass* (6-12): $10

Kids Pass* (0-5): Free!!

1 Day Pass: $20

*All Kids Passes are 2-day passes, with accompanying adult pass.

Once August 1 rolls around, the prices increase. We’d hate for you to miss out, so go buy your passes right now.

Individual Sponsorships! As we are a non-profit organization made up completely of dedicated volunteers, a contribution in the form of an individual sponsorship is a great way to contribute to GeekGirlCon. We encourage you to become an Individual Sponsor of GeekGirlCon and take advantage of awesome benefits today! Some of our different levels of Individual Sponsorship include Silver, Gold, Platinum, Unobtanium, and Adamantium, ranging in amounts from $50 to over $500, and each of those levels comes with a set of unique gifts. It’s an amazing way to help support our mission.

Corporate Sponsorships! Many of our GeekGirlCon followers work for amazing companies around the United States and the world, and another way to help us meet our mission (for our yearly convention and beyond) is to get your company involved in non-profit giving as well. Levels for Corporate Sponsorship range from Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Unobtanium, ranging in amounts from $500 to $2500. Each of those levels also includes a set of gifts from GeekGirlCon, including passes, advertising, and possibly booth space at the convention (subject to amount of donation and available space).

Many companies do sponsorship matching, which means they will increase the amount of money an individual employee of theirs gives–sometimes dollar for dollar. This means that if you give GeekGirlCon $200, your company may match your donation with another $200. Contact your company’s Human Resources to find out about their level of possible participation; it’s a quick and easy way to boost your personal donations, and it’s tax deductible as well.

Agents at Registration of GeekGirlCon '14

Agents–all volunteers!–at GeekGirlCon ’14

Volunteer! We’re done accepting applications for Exhibitors, Artists, and Performers for GeekGirlCon ‘15, but you can sign up to be added to the mailing list for our volunteers–we call you Agents, and we can’t put on the convention and events throughout the year without you.

We’re also looking for talented people to fill a few open positions for our dedicated, all-volunteer staff. It’s another way to meet amazing people and help spread the word for GeekGirlCon and its mission, both during and outside of the convention. Check out the open positions and their descriptions on our website, and see how you can join the team.

Written by GeekGirlCon Copywriter Sarah “SG-1” Grant

“Rock On!”

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