
Top 5 Reasons to Attend the #GGC19 Kick Off Party

Can you believe it? GGC19 weekend is almost here! Start your weekend early and join us tomorrow night at the Pacific Science Center for the most epic GeekGirlCon Kick Off Party yet.

Image source: Giphy [Image Description: A blond woman exclaims to her friends “I’m ready to PAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTY.”]

Where: Pacific Science Center. You can enter through the Denny entrance, on the South side of the PSC building.

When: Friday, November 15th from 7:00 – 10:00pm

What: food, a cash bar, crafts, games, music, geeky madlibs, and so much more!

Need some more convincing? Here are the top 5 reasons why you should attend:

1. You’ve already paid for it. The Kick Off Party is included with your GGC pass, so why not go?

2. Skip the Saturday morning line.  Speaking of your GGC pass, you can pick it up at the party itself. That means you don’t have to wait in line on Saturday. Treat yourself to an extra half hour of sleep and pick up your pass Friday night!

3. Earn prizes by meeting new people. The Kick Off party is a great way to meet fellow GGC attendees. If you play a round of geeky madlibs with a person you met at the Kick Off Party, you can enter to win prizes.

4. Lots of different activities. On top of geeky madlibs, you’ll have a chance to…

  • craft a dragon egg, 
  • merge crafting and coding with Turtlestitch,
  • play board games,
  • dance to the music, and
  • fill up with tasty food and drinks

5. Party favors. That’s right, there will be multiple party favors from sponsors.

Get ready to party and join us tomorrow night for the GeekGirlCon Kick Off Party!

Kalyna Durbak
“Rock On!”

Join Us for the #GGC19 Kick Off Party!

Image Description: A still of a gif in which Beyonce and Kelly Rowland are smiling at the camera. The caption says "'Cause we like to party." Source: Giphy

There are so many ways to start your GeekGirlCon ’19 weekend off right: double-checking your schedule for the weekend, making space on your walls for your inevitable Exhibitor Hall purchases, planning your look for each day. The list goes on and on.

The most important way to start the convention off right? Coming to the annual Kick Off Party, of course!

Get all the details below, and mark your calendars for an event you won’t want to miss.

Image Description: A gif of a person dancing in front of a light pink background. Source: Giphy

Where: Pacific Science Center

When: Friday, November 15th from 7:00 – 10:00pm

What: food, a cash bar, crafts, games, music, geeky madlibs, and so much more!

Why: fun, friends (new and old!), and general merriment! Let’s get the #GGC19 party started!

P.S. If you have already received your badge, please bring it with you to the party. If you don’t have your badge, you can pick it up at the party!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

One More Week Until the GGC ‘17 Kickoff Party!

Start your GeekGirlCon ‘17 experience in stylejoin us for the GGC Kickoff Party!


Gif source: Giphy

When: Friday, September 29 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Where: Living Computers: Museum + Labs at 2245 1st Ave S, Seattle.

Who: All ages are welcome! The party will also feature a 21+ area with a cash-only bar.

Admission: Your GeekGirlCon ‘17 pass gets you in for free. If you registered and paid online, you can pick up your pass at the party. If you don’t have a pass, you can still join us for $10 at the door.

Details: This year our theme is Geeky Anniversaries! 2017 is a big year in geekdomHarry Potter is turning 20, Sailor Moon is turning 25, and Star Wars is turning 40. To celebrate, we’ll be hosting a contest to determine which of the three is the ultimate fandom. Guests can pick their favorite fandom and complete activities to earn points for their team. At 9:00p.m. we’ll tally up the points, and at 9:30 we’ll announce the winning fandom and give one randomly selected member of that team an awesome prize!

Ways to Earn Points: Start planning now to give your fandom an edge. You can earn points by:

  • Writing your name! Write your name on a piece of paper and add it to your team’s jar at the kickoff party to earn ONE POINT.
  • Dressing up! Wear a suit, gown, team-pride shirt, or cosplay to earn ONE POINT. If you cosplay a character from your team’s fandom, you will earn a SECOND POINT.
  • Tweeting! Tweet a team picture with your fandom’s hashtag (#TeamHermione, #TeamMoon, or #TeamRey) and #GGC17 to earn ONE POINT.
  • Playing Rock Band! Play a Rock Band song at the party to earn ONE POINT.
  • Knowing trivia! Each fandom team will get a trivia sheet full of questions about their fandom. Each correct answer is worth ONE POINT, plus answering all of the questions correctly is worth an additional FIVE POINTS.

Come out, support your fandom, and begin #GGC17 with a bang! We’ll see you there!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon ’16 has Begun!


[Image Source: GeekGirlCon Flickr]

We came, we saw, we partied! GeekGirlCon ‘16 is officially underway, and I couldn’t be more excited.

There was a festive feeling in there air tonight as GGC guests, staff, volunteers, and panelists came together to celebrate at Hard Rock Cafe.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Reminder: GeekGirlCon ’15 Kick-Off Party and GeekGirlCONcert on Friday Night!

If you’re in town on Friday night before GeekGirlCon starts THIS SATURDAY, join us at the Hard Rock Café in downtown Seattle to celebrate our 5th anniversary with our kick-off party and annual GeekGirlCONcert!

Join us from 6pm for the kick-off party and get ready for our convention! There will be free food with a cash bar, and you can skip the line on con day and pick up your badge right there. Then, at 8:30pm we’ll have our GeekGirlCONcert! Groove along as the PDX Broadsides and Thundering Asteroids! take the stage. Our event is all-ages, so feel free to bring the whole family.

This event is only for GeekGirlCon ’15 badge holders or by special invitation, so if you want to come and celebrate with us, you’ll need to have a pass. They’re expected to sell out before the weekend, so make sure you buy yours today!


Written by GeekGirlCon copywriter JC Lau

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Kick Off GeekGirlCon ’13 with Bechdel Test Burlesque!


In a world where women let their geek flags fly, thirteen burlesque performers will gather to celebrate female fandom through the art of striptease. And they’ll do it all without having conversations about their boyfriends!

Left: Shanghai Pearl, photo by Jules Doyle. Right: Sailor St. Claire

Left: Shanghai Pearl, photo by Jules Doyle. Right: Rebecca Davis, photo by Inti St. Clair

Hosted by Rebecca M. Davis and featuring performances by burlesque luminaries Miss Indigo Blue (Miss Exotic World 2011), Lola LeSoleil (Southern Fried Burlesque Queen 2013), The Shanghai Pearl, and Iva Handfull (Kansas City Burlesque Festival Queen 2013), Bechdel Test Burlesque offers top-notch talent with a geeky flair. These superheroes of striptease will be joined by nerdlesque’s rising stars, including Bolt Action, Flirty Sanchez, Maxie Milieu, Sara Dipity, Sailor St. Claire, Scarlett O’Hairdye, Sophie Maltease, Trooper, and Trojan Original, making for an explosion of nakedness and nerdiness!

Left: Trooper; Right: Lola LeSoleil

Left: Trooper. Right: Lola LeSoleil

Produced in association with GeekGirlCon, Bechdel Test Burlesque will be a fun, feminist romp sure to go down in history. GeekGirlCon ‘13 attendees, Seattle burlesque fans, and geeks of all stripes will have two chances to experience this epic event with two showtimes at the inimitable Re-Bar. With all the costumes flashing around onstage, audience members are highly encouraged to cosplay! Come in your best geeky gear and get ready to hoot and holler!

Tickets to view these ecdysiasts start at $15 for general admission. VIP tickets, which include a reserved seat closest to the stage, are $30. All tickets are available via BrownPaperTickets starting Friday, September 20. Full disclosure: the show is likely to sell out, so save that date and act fast to secure a seat!

Date: Friday, October 18, 2013

Times: 8:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.

Price: $15 for General Admission Seating, $30 for VIP

Where: Re-bar, 1114 Howell Street, Seattle, WA 98101

Don’t forget that just before these tour de forces begin, GeekGirlCon is hosting another kick-off party over at the Tap House Grill! Imagine the excitement of picking up your Con passes at registration, grabbing some noms, and meeting new peeps at the Tap House Grill party, then joining even more fellow geeks over at Re-bar. Your weekend is sure to start off right with all this entertainment.

Kick off your weekend right with Bechdel Test Burlesque: because this time, the personal is political. Get your tickets now!

After snagging your tickets to the striptease, remember to pick up your passes for GeekGirlCon ‘13!

AJ Dent
“Rock On!”

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