
Happy Smash-the-Patriarchy Day

Roses are red,

Violets are blue.

Aces and aros are valid,

And their relationships are, too.

Today is February 14, and you know what that means: GeekGirlCon ’20 is only 260 days away!

A gif of Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time throwing confetti into the air. Source: Giphy

It’s also Valentine’s Day, a super fun holiday with no negative connotations whatsoever for anyone whose life isn’t playing out like a romantic comedy—or for anyone whose life is playing out like a romantic comedy, but who hasn’t yet made it to the happily-ever-after part.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

A Huge Thank You from All of Us

Image source: @Trickstresscosplay

One of the hardest things about GeekGirlCon is that point on Sunday night when you realize that the con is coming to its inevitable conclusion. It’s such a bittersweet moment, but it’s also a good time to reflect on the cultural phenomenon that is GeekGirlCon.

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

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