
Join Team GeekGirlCon!

Ready to volunteer? All volunteer staff positions are posted here. Need more convincing? Read on…

Are you counting down the days until GeekGirlCon? Do you want more GeekGirlCon in your life, perhaps all year round? If so, consider joining the volunteer staff at GeekGirlCon!

Image courtesy of Giphy [Image description: A gif from the movie Air Bud. A close-up shot of six boys stacking one of their hands on top of the other in a group huddle.  At the last second, a dog’s paw joins the top of the stack.]

Kalyna Durbak
“Rock On!”

Join Our Team at GeekGirlCon!

Guess what? You’re in luck! Why? Because GeekGirlCon is looking for amazing, passionate individuals to join our team, and that means YOU!

(Image Description: A gif of the actor Jenny Slate in a TV interview shrugging her shoulders and moving her head from side to side with her arms up. The caption says “Welcome.” Source: Giphy.)

Part of what makes GeekGirlCon so incredible is that we are powered by a team of volunteers. Each of us is committed to making every aspect of our convention and organization as fun, exciting, inclusive, and informative as it possibly can be.

(Image Description: A gif of A group of people wearing coordinating clothes jumping up against a black background. The caption says “Teamwork!” Source: Giphy.)

Currently, we have a wide variety of opportunities to get involved and help out, whether with a larger commitment of a staff role throughout the year, individual event volunteers, or GeekGirlCon Agents and Special Agents.

From Copywriter to Accessibility Manager to Executive Director (wrangling all of the exciting elements that make GeekGirlCon possible!), we have a wide variety of roles to fit your interests, skills, and desired time commitment.

For more information on available positions and detailed role descriptions, check us out at https://geekgirlcon.com/get-involved/volunteer/. Help us make GeekGirlCon ‘18 better than ever by joining our hard-working, fun-loving, tight-knit team!

(Image Description: A gif of David Tennant as Doctor Who looking urgent and yelling. The caption says “Allons-y!” Source: Giphy.)

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Come Work for Us!

Source: flickr. Description: A picture of a Help Wanted sign in a window.

Love GeekGirlCon? Want to get more involved? Enjoy working with amazing people? If so, click on over to our Volunteer page and take a peek at our current year-round staff openings. GeekGirlCon is powered by volunteers, and we are looking for some great people to help us continue to grow and support the GGC community.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot wiggling its head around in a circle.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot wiggling its head around in a circle.

Three of our top needs at the moment are for the roles of Senior Designer, Director of Internal Operations, and Volunteer Manager, but we also have other openings available if none of those are your cup of tea. We’re also looking to grow our copy team, so if you love writing, geek out about grammar, and want to be part of GGC’s greatest team ever (I may be just slightly biased) take a peek at our Copywriter role.

Source: Giphy. Description: a parrot walking and then hopping across a table with stick-figure arms drawn on to make it look like he's celebrating as he hops.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot walking and then hopping across a table with stick-figure arms drawn on to make it look like he’s celebrating as he hops.

Being a GeekGirlCon staff member means being part of a collaborative, diverse, out-of-the-box team; getting to have a tangible impact on the geeky community; and getting to help build something incredible. I’ve been on staff for almost a year now, and it’s been a fun, motivating, challenging, and rewarding opportunity to support and give back to an organization that is doing great things for girls, women, and geeks around the world.

Source: Giphy. Description: A cockatoo headbanging with a lot of enthusiasm.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a cockatoo headbanging with a lot of enthusiasm.

So, check out our current openings, see if any of them speak to you, and, if so, send in an application. I’d love to meet you at the next staff meeting!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

New Year, New You… as a GeekGirlCon Volunteer!

If one of your resolutions for the new year* was to support a nonprofit that supports women and girls in STEAM fields, comics, games, and other geekdoms, now’s the chance to act on it.

GeekGirlCon is looking for volunteers for 2017! With our well-documented convention expansion last year, we were looking to hire more Agents than ever before, and we’ve also brought on more staff to support the organization year-round.

This could be you. (Image source: GeekGirlCon Flickr)

We have even loftier plans for 2017, and bigger plans means a bigger army of dedicated, awesome volunteers. We’d love for you to join us for a whole plethora of reasons. Because we’re an amazing organization and an even better community. Because we’re dedicated to being able to make room for what we love doing. Because the representation of women and girls in all forms of geekery matters. Because we’re going to need all the help we can get.

So, will you be a hero(ine) and answer the call?

*Even if you didn’t make resolutions, or your resolutions didn’t involve GeekGirlCon, we’d still love to hear from you!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon still has open staff positions! Can you help?

GeekGirlCon is a wonderfully inclusive organization, but it still has to be powered by a small army of volunteer staff and board members. Not only do we put on a fantastic con every October, but we also organize weekly gaming events, march in Seattle’s Pride parade every year, and celebrate women in science, tech, gaming, comics and all other geekdoms at a variety of events. That’s a lot of work!

And, as our convention grows, we are growing with it! This means we have a lot more opportunities for you to become part of GeekGirlCon. If you are up to the challenge of working with dedicated, amazing people, supporting a fantastic and worthy cause, and having a load of fun along the way, consider joining our staff or board! Our list of current vacant positions is available on our website. These are volunteer positions, but you’ll be paid in candy and warm fuzzies. Check them out and apply today!

Staff are required to attend one meeting per month, with hours increasing leading up to the convention. If you are unable to commit to that, but are still interested in supporting GeekGirlCon, sign up for our volunteer mailing list to be the first to know when we have event-specific opportunities!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Get Involved with GeekGirlCon!

It’s a very exciting time of year for everyone here at GeekGirlCon; as of Monday, June 22, it’s exactly 110 days until GeekGirlCon ‘15 on October 10 and 11! We’ll be seeing you at the Conference Center at the WSCC, plus an exciting evening of kickoff events on Friday, October 9–so mark your calendars now.

Agents and staff manning the GeekGirlCon ’15 Merch Booth

How can YOU get involved in GeekGirlCon?

Buy passes! They’re available now at Early Bird prices, which only last until July 31:

2 Day Pass: $35

Kids Pass* (6-12): $10

Kids Pass* (0-5): Free!!

1 Day Pass: $20

*All Kids Passes are 2-day passes, with accompanying adult pass.

Once August 1 rolls around, the prices increase. We’d hate for you to miss out, so go buy your passes right now.

Individual Sponsorships! As we are a non-profit organization made up completely of dedicated volunteers, a contribution in the form of an individual sponsorship is a great way to contribute to GeekGirlCon. We encourage you to become an Individual Sponsor of GeekGirlCon and take advantage of awesome benefits today! Some of our different levels of Individual Sponsorship include Silver, Gold, Platinum, Unobtanium, and Adamantium, ranging in amounts from $50 to over $500, and each of those levels comes with a set of unique gifts. It’s an amazing way to help support our mission.

Corporate Sponsorships! Many of our GeekGirlCon followers work for amazing companies around the United States and the world, and another way to help us meet our mission (for our yearly convention and beyond) is to get your company involved in non-profit giving as well. Levels for Corporate Sponsorship range from Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Unobtanium, ranging in amounts from $500 to $2500. Each of those levels also includes a set of gifts from GeekGirlCon, including passes, advertising, and possibly booth space at the convention (subject to amount of donation and available space).

Many companies do sponsorship matching, which means they will increase the amount of money an individual employee of theirs gives–sometimes dollar for dollar. This means that if you give GeekGirlCon $200, your company may match your donation with another $200. Contact your company’s Human Resources to find out about their level of possible participation; it’s a quick and easy way to boost your personal donations, and it’s tax deductible as well.

Agents at Registration of GeekGirlCon '14

Agents–all volunteers!–at GeekGirlCon ’14

Volunteer! We’re done accepting applications for Exhibitors, Artists, and Performers for GeekGirlCon ‘15, but you can sign up to be added to the mailing list for our volunteers–we call you Agents, and we can’t put on the convention and events throughout the year without you.

We’re also looking for talented people to fill a few open positions for our dedicated, all-volunteer staff. It’s another way to meet amazing people and help spread the word for GeekGirlCon and its mission, both during and outside of the convention. Check out the open positions and their descriptions on our website, and see how you can join the team.

Written by GeekGirlCon Copywriter Sarah “SG-1” Grant

“Rock On!”

Join Our Staff

If you’ve ever wondered what makes GeekGirlCon such an exciting, vibrant, and welcoming place, a big part of that is the dedication of our all-volunteer staff, working year-round to make sure the Con reflects the best of inclusive geekiness.


GeekGirlCon staffers at the con.
All images from GeekGirlCon flickr.

Would you like to be a part of that? Well, great news: we’re hiring!

The staff is already looking forward to GeekGirlCon ‘15, and to make sure our fifth convention exceeds the high bar we’ve set in previous years, we’re looking for passionate, fun, geeky people to add to our team. From Director of Programming, to Marketing Events Coordinator, to Copywriter, and beyond (that’s right, you could be writing blog posts just like this one!), we have many awesome opportunities for you to develop your skills and be part of something great.

Head on over to the Volunteer page and take a look at the open positions. If you don’t see something that fits you right now, check back; we’ll be adding more over the next few weeks.

Written by GeekGirlCon Manager of Editorial Services Winter Downs.

Winter Downs
“Rock On!”

Ask GGC: How have you benefited from your time at GeekGirlCon?

Hey readers! Shubz here with another installment of Ask GGC. We asked our staff how their time with GeekGirlCon made a difference for them in their lives outside of our organization. Here’s what they had to say:

Kristine Hassell

“I’ve started getting back into comics and science, two avenues of geekdom that I enjoyed when I was younger, but fell to the wayside when I discovered RPGs, video games, and anime. I’ve also become more vocal when I find things offensively misogynistic or racist. As a female Filipino-American nerd, it’s important to speak up about these things. Being on staff has stepped up my game on many fronts including how to succinctly convey my thoughts in 140 characters or less when needed without textspeak abbreviations! Grammar nerds FTW!” – Kristine Hassell, Twitter Administrator

Erica striking a pose at GeekGirlCon 2012

“I’ve been an idealist for most of life, and the world has in many ways tried to stop me from believing in the ability to change the world. GeekGirlCon has really proven that through community momentum, we can change the world. When we first started planning for GeekGirlCon ’11, we would’ve been happy if 400 people showed up; but instead we had almost 2,000. And even more for GeekGirlCon ’12. We’ve inspired people, helped build new skills and interests, and fostered women-positive geeky community. We can be the change in the world.” – Erica McGillivray, Director of Marketing

Left to Right: Shubz Blalack, Tammy Vince Cruz, Raye Abellar

“GeekGirlCon changed my life. It opened my eyes, my mind, and best of all, my heart, to an amazing community all working towards a sincere goal. Admittedly, GeekGirlCon consumed me; it consumed my time, my energy, and my life – but it’s all been worth it. I’ve worked with remarkable people, many of which I would consider good friends. Beyond that, the rad folks I’ve had the chance to meet along the way, reinforced that genuine people do exist, and they support what you believe in.

GeekGirlCon pushed me to work my butt off. I’ve produced some of my best pieces for GeekGirlCon. While giving me that challenge, it’s resulted in a rejuvenated design portfolio. I’ve definitely forced myself to learn a lot of better habits when it came to my work – learning communication is vital, especially leading my own team, and overall organization is detrimental to making things run smoothly. I was known as a mute when I was a kid, but helping lead meetings and represent GeekGirlCon helped build my self-confidence, and improve my own public speaking and interaction skills. A lot of these skills I’ve applied to my day job and personal life, and it makes me feel all sorts of awesomely weird – like I’ve definitely stepped full fledge into “grown up” territory. And I’m quite happy with that.

– Tammy Vince Cruz, Manager of Design

Susie and Stephanie cosplaying it up as Hawkgirl and Starbuck, respectively

“Working at GeekGirlCon opened my eyes in so many ways. It opened my eyes to the hundreds of geeky things out there I didn’t even know existed. It opened my eyes to the fantastic community of geeky women and their amazing supporters. And it opened my eyes to the fact that GeekGirlCon is still a needed organization — there are too many people out there who still feel mistreated, misrepresented, and misunderstood. GeekGirlCon staff members bring a range of personalities to the table, which has given me the opportunity to learn and grow in ways I never expected. It has seriously been a gift to be on this staff.” – Susie Rantz, PR Manager

GeekGirlCon is currently looking for enthusiastic and driven individuals to join our staff and continue to make a difference with us. Could that be you? Check out our Open Staff Positions for more information.

“Rock On!”

Ask GGC: What’s your favorite part about being on staff?

Hiya, readers! For this edition of Ask GeekGirlCon, we asked our staff what their favorite part of being on staff was. Here is what some of them shared:

Kristine on the GeekGirlCon clock giving you the updates from the Twitterverse!

“Joss Whedon once said that he was a great believer in ‘found families,’ and I really lucked out with the family that I found in GeekGirlCon. I don’t have to explain my current nerd obsession or be apprehensive about my fandoms — they just get it and then share their own! My co-workers are smart, witty, and all-around amazing people that never cease to inspire me and crack me up. I less-than-three you all.” – Kristine Hassell, Twitter Administrator

Erica with the Chicks Dig Comics Panel geeking out and sharing in camaraderie

“I love being part of GeekGirlCon’s staff because I truly do believe we can change the world or, at least, geekdom. We’ve created a wonderful space for celebrating geeky women of all stripes. The best reward for being on staff is the smiles on our event-goers faces; seeing amazing cosplay; meeting creators, shakers, and makers; and hearing all the incredible stories. We’ve helped women (and our allies) get new jobs, build skill sets, make new friends, and just generally have a safe space to gather.” – Erica McGillivray, Marketing Director and President

Great minds think alike! Melanie with another Princess Peach cosplayer

“My favorite part is being able to look back on GeekGirlCon ‘12 and know I totally made some little geeky girl’s day. :D” – Melanie Werts, Customer Service Coordinator

Are you interested in joining the ranks of our staff? Check out our Open Staff Positions!

“Rock On!”

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