
Come Visit Us at PAX West!

Gearing up for PAX West this weekend? So are we! Here are a couple of ways to add some GeekGirlCon to your PAX plans:

The GeekGirlCon Booth

This will be the SIXTH year GeekGirlCon has had a booth in the PAX Diversity Lounge. We’ll be there all weekend long, so plan some time to stop by and get your DISCOUNTED passes, shop our merch, or just say hi! Open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the Diversity Lounge is a laid-back, inclusive space where you can discover a ton of nonprofits that support underrepresented areas of geekdom.

The Golden Ticket

Yep, we’re bringing back the Golden Ticket scavenger hunt for its third year! You could win fabulous prizes by finding one of our Golden-Ticket-holding GeekGirlCon staffers. Keep an eye on our Twitter each day of PAX for hints on who to look for when and where. Once you find a staffer and get your ticket, take it to our booth in the Diversity Lounge to claim your prize!

Description: The 11th Doctor from Doctor Who jumping up and down holding a golden ticket and saying “Golden ticket! Spacey zoomer! Free ice cream!” Source: Giphy.

Have a great time; we’ll see you there!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon at PAX West 2018!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, when convention season starts up! GeekGirlCon may still be two months away, but you can get your geek on at PAX West from this Friday through to Labor Day Monday, and you might see some familiar GeekGirlCon faces while you’re there!


Diversity Lounge

We’ll be hanging out for YEAR 5 of our presence in the PAX Diversity Lounge! Come up to the 6th floor of the convention center and say hello! We’ll be selling merch and passes to our convention. You can also hang out in a laid-back and inclusive atmosphere while learning about a ton of nonprofits that support underrepresented areas of geekdom.



In addition, we have a couple of staffers on panels, so come and learn (more) about representation in games, and the shifting nerdcore music scene:

  • On Friday, catch yours truly and fellow GGC staffer Hadeel Al-Massari on Gaming While Other, 12-1pm, as we discuss what it’s like to be underrepresented in both games and the gaming industry.
  • Merch manager Shubz will be returning for Nerdcore Music: the Evolving Faces of Nerd Culture on Sunday, to talk about this particular music subgenre and what it’s like to be a geek musician.
  • Shubz is also headlining a nerdcore show on Sunday night, so you can catch her music live if you’ve ever wanted to check out nerdcore.


The Golden Ticket

Finally, we’re bringing back the Golden Ticket. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of PAX! if you can find a GeekGirlCon staffer holding a Golden Ticket, you can claim it (you just have to talk to us). Tweet a picture of you with your ticket and the staffer, and then take your ticket up to our table at the Diversity Lounge to turn it in for some fabulous prizes!

Want to know where to find tickets? Here’s a hint: these fine people will be roaming around at PAX armed with a limited number of tickets, so you’d better find them before they run out:

Shubuzilla at GGC 16

Image description: Jo sitting, looking up to where a tan ferret is perched on her head, licking its lips. Source: Jo Lau

(Ferret will not be at PAX.)

Some ticket holders might be easier to find than others! Some might be in cosplay! Check the GeekGirlCon Twitter each morning for their locations. Good luck, have fun!


JC Lau
“Rock On!”

This Weekend: GeekGirlCon x PAX West!

If you’re into games (or even if you’re not), PAX West is one of  biggest gaming conventions of the year. GeekGirlCon will be making an appearance at PAX again this weekend! Starting from Friday and running all the way until Monday, we will be in the PAX Diversity Lounge. I talked to the amazing Kristine Hassell, who has worked to make sure we can take place at this awesome event, about what it means to have GeekGirlCon represented at PAX, and where you can find us!


What is the PAX Diversity Lounge and why is it important?
The Diversity Lounge was first launched in Boston at PAX East in 2014 by Benjamin Williams, co-founder of the Lounge and also GaymerX. The idea behind the Lounge was to offer a space with a specific focus on diversity where PAX attendees could find organizations that represent diverse groups in the industry that might not necessarily get exposure otherwise. The Lounge is free to its participants who have a tabling opportunity to network with PAX attendees, reach a new audience, and to improve the overall inclusion at PAX.


Since relocating to Seattle in 2006, I have attended every Seattle PAX. With each passing year, I was pleased to see better diversity in the attendees. So when GeekGirlCon was invited to participate in 2015, I felt it was important that we participate for several reasons. As a non-profit, our operating budget is snug and we could not afford the tabling costs to come to PAX. As a WOC geek, I demand better representation in my games, media, and at the functions I attend. I believe the inclusion of spaces like the Diversity Lounge benefits the greater geek community that might not otherwise be exposed to organizations like ours, AbleGamers, or I Need Diverse Games, to name a few.

Kristine Hassell

Come and see Kristine Hassell in the Diversity Lounge at PAX this weekend!

What is GeekGirlCon doing at PAX?

GeekGirlCon staff members and board members engage with attendees to tell them about GeekGirlCon. It’s a treat when someone has already attended a previous GeekGirlCon convention and want to share a favorite memory from our convention. We pass out promotional cards and candy, sell passes to our convention in October, and offer a small amount of merchandise for sale. So you should totally swing by and say hello!


What can PAX attendees expect from meeting GeekGirlCon in the Diversity Lounge?
Smiling faces, answers to their questions about why GeekGirlCon is an important organization, witty banter, and candy. We always bring excellent candy. We will have a limited amount of merchandise to sell for those who couldn’t make our convention or who want to rock one of our sweet tees back home in Kalamazoo*! All proceeds directly fund our all-volunteer non-profit and support our convention which takes place October 8 and 9 at the Conference Center at the Washington State Convention Center.


I hope that if someone has never heard of GeekGirlCon, they walk away with a better understanding of why we do what we do. Our conventions are celebratory but they are also a carefully curated safe space with a strictly enforced zero tolerance harassment policy. Our focus is on the support and celebration of women in the geek community but it’s important to know that everyone is welcome at our convention. Our catchphrase this year is Every Geek, Everybody and we mean it. Our mission of inclusion and diversity is something that we are more than happy to discuss with curious folks. I like to tell people how I found GeekGirlCon and what it means to be as a WOC geek.


Sounds awesome! Where can I see GeekGirlCon in action?
If you are attending PAX, stop by the Lounge on the 6E Lobby on the 6th floor. Come and visit us between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Friday, September 2 through through Monday, September 5! Check out our swag, start a conversation, or just come by to say hello to some fab GeekGirlCon folks, myself included!


*Unbeknownst to Kristine, I actually used to live in Kalamazoo!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

September 2014 Geek About Town


Hello, readers! Fall is slowly setting in and we have just a few more weeks until GeekGirlCon 2014! While we count down the days, check out an event or two from this month’s list!

Friday, August 29–Monday, September 1: PAX Prime
Visit GeekGirlCon at the PAX Diversity Lounge!

Monday, September 1: Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam Comes to Bumbershoot
From the press release: “Fussy Cloud Puppet Slam is proud to present our special Bumbershoot edition! We’ve pulled together a selection of favorite acts and artists from our first 2 years of slams to represent us at Bumbershoot: Seattle’s Music & Arts Festival. From hilarious to heartbreaking to horrifying, both festival performances feature a variety of fascinating short works by puppeteers from the Pacific Northwest (and beyond)!”

Tuesday, September 2: Queen Anne Science Cafe
From the Pacific Science Center: “Dr. Ann McMahon, Pacific Science Center’s VP of Science & Education and Engineer, explores ‘Engineering Empathy: The Potential Role of Engineering in Developing Life and Work Skills in Children.’”

Wednesday, September 3: John Scalzi at University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “A Hugo award-winner and master of originality, author John Scalzi is back with a thought-provoking and suspenseful new novel set in a future forever altered by a virus that killed 400 million people. Of the survivors, one percent is left in a state of “lock in”—fully aware mentally, but stuck inside unresponsive bodies and able to interact with the physical world only through androids or by borrowing the bodies of those known as Integrators. When a murder is committed by an Integrator, the question is: Who or what is really behind it? And with John Scalzi here for a reading and signing of his suspenseful new thriller, we can’t wait for him to begin peeling back the layers of that mystery just for us.”

Thursday, September 4: Creative Geeks Society
From the Meetup page: “We have a open-to-all crafters night on Thursday evenings ‘cuz you know geeks knit/crochet/spin/quilt on Thursdays, too!
Bring your Jayne Hats, Doctor Who scarves, Star Wars totes… whatever you have nearby, and join us for geekery and crafting.
Assistant organizers Kikki and Larisa will be hosting the events. We’ll be meeting around 6:00 pm to whenever. Feel free to wander in at whatever time you can make it. (Event repeats Thursday, September 11.)”

Thursday, September 4: Lois Brandt at University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “For Lois Brandt, a childhood realization that her friend and her family had no food to eat stuck with her for years. Now, in her children’s picture book, she brings the issue of childhood hunger to life through a story of friendship, enabling children to both understand a situation that many around them face and giving them ideas for how they can help.

Interested in learning more about how Brandt uses her story to explore themes of perseverance, friendship, interconnectedness, and helping others with kids around the country? Join us for a launch party for the empathetic, honest, and original new book for children with the author herself.

Guests are asked to bring non-perishable food items to donate to Northwest Harvest as a part of this event.”

Friday, September 5–Saturday, September 6: Star Trek: The Sexed Generation
From the press release: “More fun than telling Wesley Crusher to shut up, Star Trek: The Sexed Generation is a salacious and reverent celebration of Trekkie canon that combines artful striptease with the colorful characters and quirks of the final frontier. Presented at Annex Theater on September 5th and 6th by burgeoning theater company Songbird & Raven, the show is a fully scripted burlesque adventure that unfolds aboard the Starship Enterprise.

When a mysterious force alters time and space, the crews of Captains James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard find themselves united on the Enterprise. Something is clearly amiss, as the crews seem unable to repress their own deepest desires, resulting in some terrifically bawdy, though highly illogical, hijinks. Could it be a nefarious space gangster? The all-consuming Borg? A gaping inter-dimensional rift? Only Starfleet can get to the bottom of this.

In true “nerdlesque” fashion, The Sexed Generation goes beyond mere parody to explore the series’ treatment of gender, identity, and sexuality. The cast boasts some of the most established nerdlesque performers on the West Coast, including GeekGirlCon favorites Scarlett O’Hairdye and Sailor St. Claire. Through gender-bending and storytelling, the stars tease their way through questions of queerness, power, and sex in Roddenberry’s future utopia. It’s a space-age cultural study in tassels and sequins.

The Sexed Generation is the inaugural production of neo-vaudeville company Songbird & Raven, whose mission is to highlight the best in local theater and burlesque, as art is the core of a strong community. This new face in Seattle’s thriving fringe scene is the brainchild of local chanteuse and strip-starlet Jillian Boshart (who performs burlesque under the stage name Sara Dipity) and playwright Jacob Farley, a former recipient of the Audience Choice Award at the Playwright’s Forum Festival at Spokane Civic Theatre.

Set your phasers to strip and beam aboard!”

Saturday, September 6: Basic Puppet Building—Animals
From the press release: “Walk in with a sad, naked hand and walk out with a fabulous new puppet friend in this basic class. Dip your toe into the wide, weird waters of puppet construction: cutting, sewing (hand and machine) and hot gluing your way to a finished puppet. Instructor Rachel Jackson will guide you step-by-step as you create one of five animals: Dog, Cat, Bear, Bunny or Unicorn. (3-week class also available Saturdays, September 27–October 11)

Saturday, September 6: Claire Gebben at King County Library
From the University Bookstore: “Inspired by historic family letters and fleshed out with extensive research, a fascinating narrative, and compelling characters, Claire Gebben’s historical fiction novel about a 19th century blacksmith and his journey to America on the cusp of both the Civil War and the decline of his profession is a captivating and intimate glimpse of the German immigrant experience. For a moving story about dreams and the realities that met them in early America, join us for a reading and signing with Gebben. If we’re lucky, she might even share some extra anecdotes that didn’t make it into the book.”

Sunday, September 7: 7th Annual Live Aloha Festival
From the Seattle Center Festál Page: “Seattle Center Festál presents Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festival, Sunday, Sept. 7. Explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Hawaii through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, a commemorative lei workshop, and a lively marketplace. The festival provides a feast for the senses as visitors journey through the sights, sounds and tastes of Hawaii. The Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festival celebrates what it means to “live aloha.” With Hawaiian music, hula, ono food, Hawaiian crafts, hula, music and flower-making workshops honor this special culture.

Join many of the over 50,000 Hawaiian Islanders who call Washington State their home as they share their homeland’s colorful history through performances of music and dance.

Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festál is presented in partnership with the Live Aloha Hawaiian Cultural Festival Committee.”

Sunday, September 7: 2nd Annual Women of Wonder Run!
From the Meetup page: “Our fantastic GeekGirlCon Programming Manager Meg Humphrey is participating in the 2nd annual Women of Wonder Run and she wants as many folks to join up and walk with her! If there is enough interest generated in this event, maybe a GeekGirlCon team can be formed!”

Wednesday, September 10 Success Stories in Science Blogging
From Northwest Science Writers Association: “What makes a good blog post, and what sorts of content make readers click? Come hear some blogging success stories from NSWA members.”

Thursday, September 11–Sunday, September 14: The Doctor
From the website: “Seattle Experimental Theater is proud to present the return of its hit show, The Doctor, an improvised parody of Doctor Who. The Doctor is a completely unscripted time traveling comedy. At the start of every performance, the cast will get suggestions from the audience that they will then use to create the time, location and plot of the show. Every performance promises to be unique, fun, and family friendly.

In addition to being improvised every night, The Doctor will have its cliff-hanger ending from January resolved with the thrilling (and still improvised) performance September 11th. Will the Doctor be able to fix the damage done to the timeline and get back Emma and the TARDIS? Whatever happens, the Doctor will wrestle with the consequences for the rest of our September performances.

The Doctor is created by Jeannine Clarke, Sam Hecker and Tony Beeman. It is directed by Jeannine Clarke (director of the hit Star Trek parody, Where No Man Has Gone Before and Wedding Horror Stories).

The Doctor is played by Tony Beeman. The cast of The Doctor is Elizabeth Brammer, Lauren Bond, Ashley Flannegan Russell, Jana Hutchison, Wayne Pishue, Sarah Scheller and Greg Stackhouse.

The Doctor is produced in association with Theatre Off Jackson.”

Friday, September 12: Science Friday Tour
From the Washington Life Sciences: “Learn more about medical research through Science Friday events at Benaroya Research Institute that include a light breakfast, conversation with a leading researcher and a lab tour led by scientists.”

Friday, September 12: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse
Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers,Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido, The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee. There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay.”

Saturday, September 13: NERDZ4EVER: A Nerdlesque Gala of Geek
From the Press Release: “NERDZ4EVER take the stage at the Re-Bar on September 13th for a geeky gala filled with more nerdiness than you can imagine. Lowa De Boom Boom leads this nerdy ecdysiastic trove of performers headed by Whisper De Corvo, Jesus la Pinga, Miss Violet DeVille, Lexi Luthor, Miz Melancholy, Nickey Bourbon, Sin de la Rosa, Tawdry Quirks, Red Kryptonite, and Xiola Sans Peur. The show is at 7:30 pm and doors open at 6:30 pm. Tickets are available at the door for $20 and online from http://nerdz.bpt.me starting at $15 for General Admission, $25 for Premium Seats at a table in the front row, and $35 for VIP Seats at center stage with a table and a goody bag. Every pre-ordered ticket comes with a free gift.”

Saturday, September 13: DC Web Women Code(Her) Conference
From Geekwire: “DCWW Code(Her) Conference is the premier conference where women (and men) come together to learn the latest in Internet Technology!”

Saturday, September 13–Sunday, September 14: Seattle Fiestas Patrias
From the Seattle Center Festál Page: ”Seattle Center Festál presents Seattle Fiestas Patrias, Sept. 13 and 14. Explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of the nations of Latin America through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, and a lively marketplace. Dance to live mariachi music, join in a children’s soccer clinic, and learn how Latin American countries celebrate independence from Spanish rule. Seattle Fiestas Patrias celebrates diversity and the Latino community in Western Washington. Presented in partnership with Seattle Fiestas Patrias Committee and Sea-Mar Community Health Center.”

Monday, September 15: Ruth DeFries at Town Hall Seattle
From the University Bookstore: “From a species on the verge of starvation to a civilization with more than enough food for everyone, the story of how humanity harnessed creativity and innovation to meet our most basic need is nothing short of astounding. But are the advancements that got us where we are today really our salvation? Or will they become our downfall? In her new book, Ruth DeFries presents a history of human growth and resilience, arguing that both our innovations and their limitations have been key to our continued advancement. Curious what the next steps in our search for sustenance might look like? Join us at a reading and signing with DeFries for a thought-provoking look at how creativity and crises have not only gotten us where we are, but will continue to carry us forward.”

Monday, September 15: STG Presents Neil DeGrasse Tyson
From Geekwire: “The Seattle Theater Group Presents Neil deGrasse Tyson at The Paramount Theatre.

Neil deGrasse Tyson was born and raised in New York City where he was educated in the public schools clear through his graduation from the Bronx High School of Science. Tyson went on to earn his BA in Physics from Harvard and his PhD in Astrophysics from Columbia.
Tyson’s professional research interests are broad, but include star formation, exploding stars, dwarf galaxies, and the structure of our Milky Way.

In 2001, Tyson was appointed by President Bush to serve on a 12-member commission that studied the Future of the US Aerospace Industry. The final report was published in 2002 and contained recommendations (for Congress and for the major agencies of the government) that would promote a thriving future of transportation, space exploration, and national security.”

Monday, September 15: Katherine Bouton at Town Hall Seattle
From the University Bookstore: “Hearing loss is more than just an affliction of old age. As former New York Times senior editor Katherine Bouton reveals in her new book—a personal, psychological, and physiological exploration that weaves together her own experience, the personal stories of others, and the accounts of doctors, audiologists, and neurologists—it’s an epidemic that affects 48 million Americans, over half of whom are under the age of 55. For an engaging look at what it’s like to live with this increasingly widespread, invisible disability, join us for a reading and signing with Bouton as she presents her must-read book for anyone dealing with hearing loss and anyone who wants to understand the growing problem better.”

Wednesday, September 17: Emma Campion at University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “In her critically acclaimed The King’s Mistress, Emma Campion proved herself to be a writer who knows how to handle both story and history with skill. In her follow up book, Campion delivers an equally engrossing tale about another fascinating woman from history: Joan, “Fair Maid of Kent.” Set in the court of Edward III and punctuated by three marriages surrounded by scandal, the emotionally resonate story reveals a woman who was more than just a beauty and a life of betrayal, love, and intrigue that will leave you captivated. To hear more about the complex story that drew Campion to Joan’s life to begin with, join us at a reading and signing with the equally intriguing Campion herself.”

Thursday, September 18: Caitlin Doughty at the University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “Death has fascinated mortician Caitlin Doughty for as long as she can remember. But it wasn’t until she took a job at a crematorium during her first year out of college that Doughty came to truly understand what death and dying in America were really about. In an unusual memoir set during Doughty’s first year in the funeral industry, she shares her eye-opening, candid, and often hilarious story, bringing to life the world of the dead and encouraging readers to look at death as not an enemy to be feared or ignored but an intrinsic part of life we too often misunderstand. Join us for a reading and signing with Doughty for a unique look at life, death, and coming-of-age in the midst of both.”

Friday, September 19–Sunday, September 21: Start-Up Weekend Women Seattle
From Geekwire: “Ready to be part of something big? Join us: We’re assembling 100 of the most talented entrepreneurial-minded women (and men) for a very special edition of Startup Weekend on September 19-21, 2014.
We provide the working space, brain fuel, food, mentors, new friends, and inspiring speakers and judges. You supply the energy and innovation to build something big over the weekend.”

Saturday, September 20: Gay Romance Northwest Meet-Up
From the Facebook page: “The 2014 Gay Romance Northwest Meet-Up, the only conference is the Pacific Northwest to celebrate the rising genre of LGBTQ romance fiction, will be held on September 20, 2014 at the Seattle Public Library’s Central Branch and will include a full day of activities, from writing workshops to pitch sessions with publishers, from a reader meet-up with games and giveaways to panel discussions on the genre.

Following the day-long conference, there will be a book festival at the Hotel Monaco with book signings with over 50 LGBTQ romance authors, and a fun after-party at the Rendezvous/Jewelbox Theater featuring more short readings and time to mingle with attendees.

It will be a full day of festivities celebrating the universality of love stories, and that there’s a Happily Ever After for everyone!”

Tuesday, September 23: Nancy Kress at University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “In the latest novel by prolific sci-fi author Nancy Kress, aliens have descended upon earth. Following close behind is a deadly cloud of spores that have already infected and killed the inhabitants of two worlds. And with the advance of both the aliens and spores come many questions. Are the visiting creatures really aliens? Is their purpose in joining with humans to stop the advancing cloud truly altruistic? Or is an even larger conspiracy at play? For a deeper look into a story that is far more than it first seems, join us at a reading and signing with Kress that is sure to intrigue.”

Saturday, September 27: Bernadette Pajer at Jacobsen Observatory UW Campus
From the University Bookstore: “We all know Thomas Edison as one of the greatest inventors of all time. But when Edison’s arrival in Seattle in search of a dangerous and ill-conceived invention is followed by a mysterious death, UW Professor of Electrical Engineering and private investigator Benjamin Bradshaw must consider that there may be a more sinister side to his esteemed colleague. Can’t wait to find out what mysteries of science and human nature Bradshaw’s latest adventures will reveal? Join us as we welcome Pajer for a reading, signing, and inside look into her delightful and intriguing new mystery in the Professor Bradshaw series.”

Saturday, September 27–Sunday, September 28: Italian Festival
From the Seattle Center Festál Page: “Seattle Center Festál presents The Italian Festival, Sept. 27 and 28. Explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Italy through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, and a lively marketplace. The Italian Festival is a “Celebration of All Things Italian.” Food vendors, crafts, puppet theatre, Italian films, a grape-stomping contest, and a bocce ball tournament honor and celebrate the “old country.” Presented in partnership with Festa Italiana.”

Sunday, September 28: Naomi Klein at Town Hall Seattle
From the University Bookstore: “What do climate, politics, and economics have to do with one another? According to award-winning journalist Naomi Klein—pretty much everything. As Klein asserts in her new book, if economic and political policies are not reformed, not only will they continue to drag down their own systems, they will also turn the current climate crisis into a catastrophe we may never recover from. Want to know what issues are really at hand and what changes need to be made to not only save our economy, but our world? Join us at a reading and signing with Klein for a look at a side of the climate crisis you’ve never seen before.”

Sundays, September 28–October12: Beginning Stage Puppeteering
From the press release: “In this fun, dynamic class, you’ll learn the foundations of good stage puppetry—focus, physical commitment, and basic puppet operation. Students learn the fundamentals of Muppet-style puppeteering through a combo of easy exercises, wicked challenges and practical scene work. Over the 3 weeks, you’ll get lots of hands-on time with professional puppets plus a simple practice puppet to take home so you can keep working on your skills. Working in the realm of visible puppeteering, we’ll explore both arm-and-rod and live hand puppets.”

Tuesday, September 30: Lauren Oliver at the University Bookstore
From the University Bookstore: “Bestselling YA-author Lauren Oliver has made the leap into adult fiction. And with her imaginative new tale of secrets, ghosts, and family, she proves her ability to mesmerize all ages. A story that steps beyond the haunted house clichés of horror movies, Oliver’s captivating new novel asks what would really happen if the living and dead inhabitants of one house were set on a collision course and forced to confront the pasts that haunt them all. Can’t wait to find out? Join us for a reading and signing with Oliver to begin peeling back the layers of her intriguing new family drama and ghostly mystery.”

“Rock On!”

August 2014 Geek About Town


Summertime is in full swing, readers! Here’s some nerdy fun to keep the your calendar full!

Friday, August 1: The Seattle Alternative Boardgamers Meetup Group: Friday Gaming on Capitol Hill
From the Meetup page: “Fun and games on a Friday night. Come out and try a new game or bring a favorite to share with the group. We are always willing to teach the rules of a game you aren’t familiar with or learn a new game you bring in. Elliott Bay Cafe is the new regular place (until the next new regular place).”

Friday, August 1: Deborah Harkness at University Bookstore
Deborah Harkness is the number one New York Times bestselling author of A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night. A history professor at the University of Southern California, Harkness has received Fulbright, Guggenheim, and National Humanities Center fellowships. She lives in Los Angeles.

Fridays, August 1, 8, 15, and 22: Concerts at the Mural
From the site: “The four FREE all-ages shows are tailored to the culturally curious who seek to discover the best of the area’s independent music scene.”

Saturdays, August 2, 23, and 30: Seattle Astronomical Society Star Parties
From SAS: The SAS organizes monthly star parties at Green Lake and Paramount Park which are free and open to the public. People of all ages and background, including children, are welcome. These events offer to all the opportunity for telescopic viewing of sky objects as well as educational interaction of experienced, knowledgeable astronomers with each other and with participants who may have limited or minimal understanding of astronomy. A typical star party gathering features observing through at least two or more different types of telescopes provided by SAS members along with the opportunity to ask questions, to discuss the observation process, and to learn about many astronomical topics: solar system objects, deep space objects, constellations, types of telescopes, and any other topic of interest.”

Monday, August 4: Robin Hobb at University Bookstore
Robin Hobb is the author of the Farseer Trilogy, the Liveship Traders Trilogy, the Tawny Man Trilogy, the Soldier Son Trilogy, and the Rain Wilds Chronicles. She has also written as Megan Lindholm. She is a native of Washington State.

Thursday, August 7: Seattle Browncoats: Creative Geekery
From the Meetup page: “Bring your Jayne Hats, Doctor Who scarves, Star Wars totes… whatever you have nearby and join us for geekery and crafting. Assistant organizers, Kikki and Larisa, will be hosting the events. We’ll be meeting around 6:00 pm to whenever. Feel free to wander in at whatever time you can make it.”

Friday, August 8 – Sunday, August 10: Dragonflight 35
The Dragonflight Convention started in 1980 and is one of the longest running gaming conventions in the Pacific Northwest. This event gathers together more than 500 players and GMs to play in or run some 300 events spread over three days in August. Here is a list of what we offer:

  • Board games
  • Role-playing
  • RPGA
  • Miniatures
  • LARP (Live Action Role-playing)
  • Card games
  • Seminars
  • A gamer garage sale, featuring used and collectable games
  • Vendors from around the Seattle area, including Game Stores, Game Companies, Artists, Online Magazines, and other resources that are related to gaming.


Fridays, August 8 and 22:  GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse
From the Meetup page: “Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about theGeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge! Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of TokyoVöluspáAlien FrontiersLocke & KeyCoup,TokaidoThe ResistanceSkull and RosesSettlers of Catan7 WondersToc Toc WoodmanFLUXXand many more!”

Saturday, August 9: Bellevue Eastside Board Game Meetup: Crossroads Mall Game Day
From the Meetup page: “Our reoccurring [sic] weekly board game night!! Join fellow Eastsiders in the Crossroads mall outside Uncle’s Games. When you show up, just look for people playing board games, odds are they are with the group. Bring your favorite games to play, or demo one from inside Uncle’s Games. Be sure to give your patronage to the store as well when you can to show them our support.”

Monday, August 11: Kat Richardson at University Bookstore
Kat Richardson lives aboard a boat in Seattle with her husband and a small pit bull—who is not the worlds largest ferret, no matter how she pretends. Kat rides a motorcycle, shoots target pistol, and has been known to swing dance, sing, and spend insufficient time at the gym.

Tuesday, August 12: Seattle Happy Hour Board Games
From the Meetup page: “Join us for an afternoon of games and happy hour drink and food specials in Capitol Hill!
We usually have several members bringing games to play, so you only have to bring yourself. No experience with the games we play is needed – we’re happy to teach newcomers!
On the other hand, if you have a game or games you like to play, bring them along with you. Our group loves learning new games!
Happy Hour at Six Arms runs from 3 PM to 6 PM. Members start arriving at around 3 PM to order food and drinks, chat, and play a quick game or two. Most of the group will arrive by 4 PM and we’ll play something a little bit lengthier. We’ll try to wrap things up by 7 PM at the latest.”

Wednesday, August 13: Mary Daheim at University Bookstore
Mary Richardson Daheim is a Seattle native with a communications degree from the University of Washington. Realizing at an early age that getting published in books with real covers might elude her for years, she worked on daily newspapers and in public relations to help avoid her creditors. She lives in her hometown in a century-old house not unlike Hillside Manor, except for the body count. Daheim is also the author of the Alpine mystery series, the mother of three daughters, and the grandmother of two granddaughters, all of whom live within shrieking distance.

Wednesdays, August 13 and 20: Nerds Collide!: Harry Potter Trivia
Harry Potter Trivia night

Thursday, August 14: Story Games Seattle: Thursday Gaming @ Phoenix
From the Meetup page: “Come join us for Thursday night story gaming!
Everybody’s welcome. Never come to our meetups before? Never tried story games or for that matter any roleplaying games? No worries! RSVP so we know you’re coming and you’ll get to play.”

Saturday, August 16: Indigenous Cultures Day
From the Seattle Center: “Seattle Center Festal presents Indigenous Cultures Day. Explore and experience the rich culture of the original people of North America with music, food dance and activities.”

Sunday, August 17: BrasilFest
From the Seattle Center: “Seattle Center Festál presents BrasilFest, Sunday, August 17. Follow the drumbeats to BrasilFest, which celebrates the unique diversity of this South American cultural melting pot. Brazil’s African, Portuguese and indigenous roots are celebrated with classical guitar, samba rhythms and the percussive beats of traditional folk music. Watch a demonstration of the elegant and powerful capoeira martial arts, see glittering costumes and eat authentic food while learning about this varied culture.”

Sunday, August 17: I Heart Nerds 5k
From GeekWire: “The I Heart Nerds 5K is a celebration of the vibrant tech and nerd culture in the greater Seattle area.”

Sunday, August 17: TC Women’s Comic Book Club
From the Facebook Page: Announcing the FIRST EVER meeting of the Women’s Comic Book Club (cool name pending) at Hennepin County Central Library, in conference room N-402. We’ll be kicking things off by discussing the first volume of Kelly Sue DeConnick’s Captain Marvel, “In Pursuit of Flight”. If you need information about where to buy or borrow the book, let me know.

Saturday, August 23: Museum of Flight STEM Back-to-School Day
From Museum of Flight: “Learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Educational opportunities and how you can help your student succeed.
Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Honeywell, we will be giving away school supplies & other educational toys. All programs, activities & giveaways this day are free with admission to the Museum.”

Saturday, August 23 and Sunday, August 24: Tibet Fest
From the Seattle Center: “Seattle Center Festal presents Tibet Fest, August 23 – 24. Experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Tibet through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, and a lively marketplace. Join in a group dance, create a Sand Mandala, and learn about the ancient art of herbal medicines. Tibet’s ancient and modern history is woven through Tibet Fest, which seeks to preserve this centuries-old cultural tradition with artwork, dance and discussions of the Tibetan people. Explore the rituals and traditions of Tibet with handmade arts and crafts, prayer flags, children’s activities and traditional food.”

Thursday, August 28: Jack Kirby Benefit
From the Facebook page: “Join The Piranha Shop and more than 40 Seattle area artists as they pay homage with artwork inspired by the characters and worlds created by Jack Kirby.”

Friday, August 29-Monday, September 1: PAX Prime
Penny Arcade’s annual gaming expo (Note: SOLD OUT).

Sunday, August 31: Pink Party Prime
From the Facebook page: “It’s back and it’s bigger than ever! It’s the 6th Annual Pink Party, and it’s now Pink Party Prime! Bring your PAX party to our party, where you can explore drinks, game tables, dancing, and prizes. All of the hottest queer gaymers geeks and nerds will be there. If you only come out of your parent’s basement once a year, then this will be the place you’ll need to be.

Queer Geek’s Pink Party Prime will feature actress and voice-over artist Jennifer Hale, smokin’ hot DJs Krot and Futurewife, along with gogo studs Bolt and Tyler Rush, and a $1,000 cosplay contest. There will also be a dedicated gaming space and a VIP lounge where you’ll be able to mix and mingle with the amazing Jennifer Hale, along with a VIP drink specials and a VIP gaming space featuring playable demos of the hottest new games.

*PAX attendance not required for admission. (Note: This event is 21+)

If you have any geeky events you would like to see on Geek About Town, email shubz@geekgirlcon.com. Please note that we reserve the right to include or exclude events from our list.

“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: PAX Afterparty at Nectar Lounge

Hey folks! It’s Shubz again, and this time, I’m giving you the rundown of how last night’s PAX Afterparty at Nectar went. Sure, it’s was after PAX and all those PAXers must be exhausted. Sure, it was a Monday night. Did that stop a good show? The answer, readers, is NO.

Seattle’s own Klopfenpop was back on the mic opening with the crowd favorite of “Back in the Day.” Two other favorites of mine are “Cereal” with C0splay of Death*Star fame and “Broken Robots,” an epic sounding collaboration with all three members of Death*Star. I love a great collaboration; you get a sense of the chemistry between artists, and that’s what I saw a lot of with K-Pop’s set. Drummer Lemmywinks brought the house down with his beats and vocals on “Broken Robots” and Death*Star’s Bill Beats is a seasoned force behind his turntables. It was great seeing the dual-hyping by both Jake Bit and NES-T. Those two need their own albums! I cannot wait to see what Klopfenpop and his Hip-Hop Quartet will come up with next!

Random AKA MegaRan was a standout at last night’s show. He and K-Murdock’s tracks constantly kept the floor moving with catchy hooks, danceable beats, and (a hip-hop staple) callouts (e.g. “When I say A, you say B!”). The songs in MegaRan’s set were notably diverse – “It’s Alright” had a kick-back-and-chill feel while “AVALANCHE” was proof that nerdcore can get – in his own words – “crunk.” His heavy hitting beats and booming voice made folks passing the venue turn their heads! The most impressive of MegaRan’s set was his freestyle. He went around the venue as audience members held up different objects for him to rap about. His “Shout out to the girl with a maxi pad” got the crowd laughing and throwing more items at this emcee. Please come back to Seattle, Ran!

Finally, MC Frontalot took the stage! The house was filled to the brim with fans rapping along to hits like “Final Boss” and “First World Problem.” His songs were a fabulous change of pace from the collaborations of Klopfenpop and the high energy bass of Random. Frontalot and his talented band brought more funk to their set with a unique bass line that made his sound unique. This is evident in Frontalot’s latest single “Critical Hit,” where I heard it the most. I tip my hat to each band member’s individual talent. A great example was Frontalot’s bassist, Brandon Patton (“ Blak Lotus”), who played (among other songs) a charming rendition of Paula Abdul’s “Straight Up.”

For more information about the artists mentioned, check out their websites for music, concert dates, and downloads at:
Klopfenpop: klopfenpop.com
Random AKA MegaRan: megaran.com
MC Frontalot: frontalot.com

Shubz Angeles Krismer
PR Assistant

“Rock On!”

This Week in the History of Video Games

In honor of PAX Prime 2011, happening this weekend, we at GeekGirlCon are taking a gaming-specific twist on this week’s History of Geek. So, with that in mind, we’d like to present: This Week in the History of Video Games.

August 28th
2004 – Penny Arcade hosted the first Penny-Arcade Expo (PAX) at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, WA. Exhibitors, including Microsoft, Rooster Teeth, and Ubisoft, showcased videos and playable demos of their upcoming projects/releases— like Bungie’s Halo 2 and Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Other events included live-musical performances, panels featuring Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins (the creators of Penny-Arcade), and the Omegathon. The first expo boasted 1,337 pre-registered guests: a rather appropriate statistic to begin a very successful convention.

August 26th
2002 – Nintendo released the single-player 3-D platform game Super Mario Sunshine for GameCube in North America. It was the first traditional Mario platform game released since Super Mario 64, and like its predecessor, Sunshine was a commercial success. It sold over 5.5 million units, and was later re-released as one of Nintendo’s Player’s Choice titles in 2003.

August 23rd
2001 – Players joined Dante for the first time as Devil May Cry was released for the PlayStation 2 in Japan. Capcom originally intended Devil May Cry to be the last installment of the Resident Evil series opted out to use backgrounds from previous Resident Evil games as had been precedent. A more dynamic camera system was adopted. A team of developers traveled through Europe using gothic structures as a reference. Capcom still wanted to pursue the game, however it strayed too far from the survival horror genre. Instead of becoming an addition to Resident Evil, it became an independent game. Director Hideki Kamiya rewrote the world as one full of demons and redesigned and renamed the protagonist to create the Dante we know today. Hard to believe this occurred ten years ago, yeah? #FeelinOld

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“Rock On!”

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