
Geek About Town: Fall Edition

The seasons, they are a-changin’! As we move from a (strange, confusing) summer to a (also strange, also confusing) fall, I’m feeling conflicted. Saying goodbye to summer means less time to spend (masked!) outside, and even more time spent inside comfort-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender in its entirety. It means that I’ll have to stop exclusively wearing denim cut-offs and start looking into sun lamps to combat the S.A.D.

But even though this summer to fall transition is bittersweet, there are so many things to look forward to. A few of those things are listed on our Geek About Town events calendar, where we feature the upcoming (and, now, mainly virtual!) events that we’re most excited for!

The mood I’m trying to cultivate. [Image description: A gif of Pooh Bear flinging a handful of autumn leaves out his open window. He looks very, very happy that it’s autumn. Overlaid text reads “It’s the first day of autumn!” Source: Giphy]

if you’re looking for a few great events to fill some of that white space in your schedule, be sure to check out the full calendar. In the meantime, here are just a few of the events that are making this between-season time a bit brighter for me:

What events are you adding to your calendars? Any we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: Quarantine Edition

Events looks pretty different these days than they ever have before. We’re hanging out with friends over Zoom and avoiding public spaces we used to love (oh how I miss you, concerts and movie theaters!). We’re tuning in to an endless stream of Instagram lives (may I recommend Ziwe Fumudoh’s genius live show on Thursdays and also every IGTV Sonya Renee Taylor has ever made?!). And, of course, many of us are protesting against anti-Black racism and police brutality, and spending our nights speed-dialing our electeds (P.S. here’s a cool tool to find your reps!)

So it’s no surprise that our most recent round up of upcoming events looks a little different than normal too. From virtual talks to drive in movies, check out our full Geek About Town events calendar to find out about all of the online (or physically-distanced in-person) events coming up that may just help you feel a little bit better about the strange, sad, confusing, and exhausting times we’re living in.

A real quarantine mood. [Image description: A black and white gif of Demi Lovato singing the song “Let It Snow” from Frozen. The lyrics “a kingdom of isolation it looks like I’m the queen” are overlaid on the image. Source: Giphy]

Here’s a sneak peek at a few of the upcoming events I’m most excited for:

Until we can meet again in person, here’s to doing our best to stay safe, well, entertained, and informed during quarantine!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: Winter Edition

An illustration of a person wearing a large pink scarf, red cardigan, and striped shirt. Their brown hair is in a bun and they are holding a cup of coffee. The background is yellow.

It’s winter. It’s cold, it’s wet, and the vitamin D supplements are flowing freely.

During these long, dreary months, I tend to adhere to the “hibernation is best” policy. When darkness begins to fall at 4:00pm, I rapidly lose all motivation to turn off The Witcher, drag myself from the pile of blankets in the corner of my couch, put down whatever YA fantasy book I’m re-reading for comfort at any given time, and venture into the outer world.

So it’s a true testament to the quality of the upcoming events on the Geek About Town Calendar that even I am carving out some room in my busy schedule of making large pots of soup and admiring Geralt’s flowing white hair to explore some of the exciting offerings that the city has in store.

That sinking feeling when you have to leave your apartment.
(Image description: Gif of Geralt from The Witcher walking towards the camera with his head bowed down. There are strands of white hair hanging in his face, and he’s wearing a dark tunic with a silver pendant necklace. His face is dirty and bloody and he does not look happy. Source: Giphy)

Be sure to check out the full calendar here, and in the meantime, here is a sneak peek of a few of my favorites:

Happy winter adventuring, everyone! (And if anyone wants to discuss The Witcher, please meet me in the comments.)

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: September

It’s officially September, and you know what that means! Fall is right around the corner, and as much as we’ll mourn the days of bright blue (or smoke-filled, ugh) skies, carefree days spent outside, and plentiful iced beverages, autumn holds its own special allure for those of us who prefer our temps a little less extreme and our pursuits a little more indoors. Without further ado, take a peek at what’s coming up this month!


Monday, September 3rd – Friday, September 14th: Music Fest at PacSci

  • 10:00am
  • Pacific Science Center
    200 2nd Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109
  • Start the fall off on a high note, and check out the science behind sound – For the first part of September, we’re spotlighting music – how instruments work, what happens to your brain when you hear sound, and more. Our ensemble of hands-on activities and demonstrations are a great way to get your brain tuned up and ready for fall.

    This event is included admission (separate tickets are required for IMAX and Laser Dome shows).


Friday, September 7th – Saturday, September 8th: Cider Summit Seattle

  • Friday at 3:00pm – Saturday at 5:00pm
  • South Lake Union Discovery Center
    101 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109
  • Join us for the 9th annual Cider Summit Seattle. This year’s event will feature nearly 200 ciders from over 50 producers, plus cider cocktails and apple spirits! Specially paired food from Capitol Cider & more. Your well-behaved dog is welcome and can get water & treats in our Dog Lounge! Also check out our event store with bottles-to-go and festival merchandise!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Come See Us at Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2018!

We already told you all about this weekend’s Seattle Mini Maker Faire in this month’s Geek About Town, but what we didn’t share is that MoPOP invited GeekGirlCon to participate! Come check out our talk on exploring and celebrating the contributions and legacy of women in science, technology, comics, game design, and more, then stop by our booth to get your tickets to GGC18!

Source: Giphy. Description: a corgi excitedly jumping as he waits for his bowl to be filled.

Source: Giphy. Description: a corgi jumping excitedly as he waits for his bowl to be filled.

When? Saturday, August 18th to Sunday, August 19th

Where? Museum of Pop Culture, 325 5th Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109

What? Seattle Mini Maker Faire is the greatest show (and tell) on earth! Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is a gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. You won’t want to miss it!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: August

August is right at our heels, my fellow geeks! It’s sunny, it’s hot, it’s the perfect time to get out and about and explore some of the incredible events our lovely city has to offer! (Though, it’s just as good a time to stay inside a temperature-controlled house all day and fully submit to a combination of gaming/reading/TV-marathoning. Just saying.) Without further ado, here’s what’s coming up in August:

Image Description: A gif from the TV series “Golden Girls” of a person spraying themselves with a spray bottle in a kitchen. Source: Giphy.

Wednesday, August 1st – Friday, August 3rd: Daily Vigils at Seattle ICE Office

  • 8:00am – 10:00am
  • 1000 2nd Ave
    1000 2nd Ave, Seattle, Washington 98104
  • Join us for daily weekday (M-F) VIGIL FOR HUMAN RIGHTS in front of the Seattle ICE office, 1000 2nd Ave (between Spring and Madison in downtown Seattle).

    We are a group of concerned human beings who gather every day in front of the Seattle offices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

    Many of us are here from 8 to 10 am every workday, but we encourage people to come any time between 8am and 6 pm, or later. Bring your friends. Bring a sign if you can. Our goal is to be a constant visual reminder that we repudiate ICE’s/CBP’s activities. Our presence is peaceful and we are not engaging in civil disobedience.

    Every day at this address, ICE and CBP agents report to work, and immigrants arrive for hearings at the Seattle Immigration Court on the 25th floor. ICE’s lawyers are on the 29th floor; its investigators, who work in joint task forces with Seattle Police and the King County Sheriff under the name of “Homeland Security Investigations,” or HSI, are on the 23rd floor. CBP, also known as the Border Patrol, has its Seattle field office on the 22nd floor. There are also other offices in the building unrelated to immigration enforcement.

    The U.S. government continues to subject migrants and refugees to an organized campaign of cruelty and abuse. For years, it has broken up families, detained migrants in inhuman conditions, and frustrated the right to asylum. Under President Trump, it has seized children from parents, threatened migrant families with indefinite detention, declared victims of gang violence and domestic violence ineligible for asylum, and slashed the number of refugee admissions. These policies are accompanied by a rhetoric of hate targeting migrants and refugees.

    Our government’s policies, implemented by ICE and CBP, violate fundamental rights to asylum, due process, and family life. They cause anguish, terror, and lasting psychological harm. They threaten the safety and well-being of children. We will not rest until our government respects the human rights of migrants and refugees.

    We call on our leaders to end the systematic mistreatment of migrants and refugees. We call on public employees to refuse to implement or assist such mistreatment. We call on our fellow human beings to oppose it with all their might.


Wednesday, August 1st: Science and a Movie: Honey I Shrunk The Kids

  • 7:00pm – 10:00pm
  • Central Cinema
    1411 21st Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • Presented in collaboration with Pacific Science Center.

    Join Pacific Science Center and Central Cinema as we show the Disney family favorite “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” paired with a talk by Rae Eaton, research scientist with The Bush Lab and president of Women in Chemical Sciences at the University of Washington.

    Making Prototypes: Out of the Garage, Into the Lab: Building a shrink ray is harder than it looks. It takes a lot more than a few home tools and wires to turn an idea into a prototype. Rae discusses the challenges home inventors can run into, and explores the benefits a lab offers versus working by oneself in their garage.

    Rae Eaton is a 4th year graduate student in the University of Washington’s Department of Chemistry and president of Women in Chemical Sciences at the University of Washington. Working under Prof. Matt Bush, Rae designs, constructs, and tests new scientific instruments to understand the shape of proteins and their interactions with other chemicals and proteins, all to help research the causes of and treatments for chronic diseases. Her work focuses on studying current instruments and techniques to maximize the precision and accuracy of these tests. Since a home laboratory is currently out of her price range, Rae spends her free time baking, knitting, and otherwise learning about any craft that involves making things.


Thursday, August 2nd: August Artwalk!

  • 5:00pm – 8:00pm
  • The Michael Birawer Gallery – Seattle
    1003 1st Ave, Seattle, Washington 98104
  • For the month of August we have a killer ‘Double Feature’! Two amazing, fresh, exciting urban artists.
    Joshua Monuteaux brings us his recycled, re-purposed, mixed media material pop art pieces. Phillipé Ducasse comes at us with emotional, colorful, incredible paintings entitled, “beautifuL sLum”!

    This is a pretty sweet show and we are over-the-top crazy about it! Yes, you will be too.

    Come hang out, grab a beverage and meet these two amazing artists.

    And don’t forget, we got original works by Uyen Tran-Gjerde, Brooke Borcherding, Arlon Rosenoff, Alexandra Wass, Cheryl Zahniser, Patri O’Connor, Keegan Hall, C.A. Pierce.

    See you all Thursday, August 2!


Friday, August 3rd: Potterless LIVE IN SEATTLE!

  • 7:00pm
  • Jet City Improv
    5510 University Way NE, Seattle, Washington 98105
  • Joined by Seattle improvisers Nathan Cox and Alison Luhrs, Mike is bringing the show on the road! For the first hour, they will discuss part of Deathly Hallows, and after intermission, there will be a Q&A!


Saturday, August 4th: Let’s Talk Abortion: Seattle

  • 12:00pm – 2:00pm
  • Peddler Brewing Company
    1514 NW Leary Way, Seattle, Washington 98107
  • Join Exhale Pro-Voice, NARAL Pro-Choice WA and Repro Health Happy Hour Seattle for an afternoon of empowering conversation on reproductive choice and the pro-voice story sharing philosophy.

    Exhale, an after abortion counseling talkline, has been engaged in listening to callers with abortion experiences for over 15 years. Our pro-voice approach provides the space to listen without judgment and to create a brave and respectful space for our callers.

    Under the leadership of our new Executive Director, Susan Chorley, we are sharing our pro-voice model through storytelling events and community conversations across the country.

    The time for open and honest sharing across difference is now. It is through open-hearted conversations and personal stories that we can create community and bridge the abortion divide, using radical empathy and authentic listening.

    We’re thrilled to be hosted by Peddler brewing company, a family-friendly space with delicious beer on tap and a food truck on site. Join us in the outdoor beer garden for this afternoon of abortion story sharing and conversation.


Saturday, August 4th: Botnik Live!

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • The Lab at Ada’s
    425 15th Ave E, Seattle, Washington 98112
  • Join the writers and engineers of Botnik Studios (creators of this predictive text Harry Potter chapter and this computer-generated Coachella poster) along with their friends for a night of readings, sketches, songs and interactive experiments at The Lab.

    Featuring performances from:

    Jamie Brew – CEO of Botnik and former head writer at Clickhole

    Elle O’Brien – Consulting Chief Scientist at Botnik

    Kai Curtis – Master of Text Scraping at Botnik

    And special guests!

    Doors open at 7:00pm, show begins at 7:30pm. Full bar available, 21+ with ID.


Saturday, August 4th – Sunday, August 26th: Star Wars Outdoors: A New Hope in the Park

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Blanche Lavizzo Park
    2100 South Jackson Street, Seattle, Washington 98144
  • A short time from now, in a park very close to here, Hello Earth will bring you the first segment in a galactic saga of rebellion, family, and friendship. Like Outdoor Trek the past seven years, A New Hope uses creative casting and innovative stage techniques to bring this classic film to life!

    Families welcome. Hot dogs for sale most days. Come join the Rebellion!


Sunday, August 5th: August Macabre Market

  • 2:00pm – 7:00pm
  • 1009 E Union St, Seattle, WA 98122-3824, United States
  • Come out and join us for the very first Macabre Market! Celebrate the dark side of life with vendors selling jewelry, art and clothing. The bar will be open! 21+ only, non-smoking. Come be our guests!

    Our event takes place at The Mercury @ Machinewerks. Mercury is a private club for members and their guests.

    August vendors include:

    Half-Caff Crochet
    City Street Vomit
    Blessed Beads Jewelry
    Capybara Cafe
    Ground by the Sound
    Bawdy Love
    Kinky Bricks
    Psychopomp Designs
    The poshness monster
    Son of Dawn
    Icon Alchemy
    Hidden From The Light Studios
    Merlyn’s Realm Spirit Boards
    Tormented Artifacts
    Miniature Wytche Tarot
    Swamp Swag Creations

    Come out and see us!


Friday, August 10th – Sunday, August 26th: As You Like It (Shakespeare in Volunteer Park)

  • 2:00pm – 4:00pm, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • REBATEnsemble Theatre Group
    1900 NW 89th St, Seattle, Washington 98117
  • Banished from her uncles shiny tech megacorp, Rosalind decides to seek herself (and her father) in the great outdoors, armed with nothing but trail mix, her loyal cousin Celia, and her wit. Disguised as a young man and his sister, the pair ventures out of the city theyve always known into a mystical place known as the Forest of Arden, where they encounter a strange cast of characters, including the lovestruck Orlando, who has escaped to the forest in order to avoid his brothers wrath. Music, poetry, and love unite in this compelling journey of community and self-discovery, set against the backdrop of the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

    We return to Volunteer Park (where we last played “THE TEMPEST”) for Shakespeare’s famous gender-bender love comedy. Audiences will literally follow Rosalind and Orlando into the “forest of Arden” because, well, why not? “All the world’s a stage” after all. Bring your walking shoes, picnic blankets, and arm chairs and end the summer with us and Shakespeare in the Park! Featuring a score of original songs, dancing, singing and even some Judo.


    Director – Megan Brewer
    Stage Manager – Rebecca Hsia
    Assistant Director – Hannah Hadjes
    Costume Design – Amelia Wade
    Production Manager – Rojo Davis
    Fight Choreographer – Tom Dang

    Featuring the talents of:
    Mara Palma
    Alanah Pascual
    Chris Wong
    Frank Sun
    Season Qiu
    Duncan Pound
    Hannah Prendergast
    John Han
    Andrew Forrest
    Morgan Patton
    Nick Eveland
    Buddy Todd

    Tickets Available at the Door
    ***For a guaranteed seat, please consider visiting www.rebatensemble.org and registering at the suggested donation price


Saturday, August 11th: Rainbow Remix!

  • 6:00pm – 9:00pm
  • The Vera Project
    Warren and Republican, Seattle, Washington 98109
  • Rainbow Remix is a Family Event for all ages
    Celebrating LGBTQ+ children & families ?❤

    Cat Valley


    Dj Christian Science

    Art by: Kaya Nieves, James Meyers, Fennec Nightingale and Lucia Santos
    Photos by Jordan Nicholson of Gender Family Alliance for Li’l Woody’s

    Gender Family Alliance
    and the Rainbow Book Fund for Seattle Public Schools

    The Vera Project
    6-9 pm
    *Collecting Period Supplies for One Million Tampons


Friday, August 10th: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!


Monday, August 13th: Letter Writing Night

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • The Hillman City Collaboratory
    5623 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98118
  • We’re back! We’ve found an accessible safe place we can regular host letter writing nights in! Join us to write letters to prisoners of war and political prisoners. We’ll also be talking about the upcoming #August21 prisoner strike so bring your questions and enthusiasm about abolishing prisons! This is also a good time to bring any general prisoner support questions you might have. We will also be providing all the supplies.

    Rain City ABC and Hillman City are committed in providing safe and accessible place. There are two ADA compliant all gender bathrooms. We ask that folx come as scent free as possible and sober. We look forward to seeing you!


Saturday, August 18th – Sunday, August 19th: Seattle Mini Maker Faire 2018

  • 10:00am
  • Museum of Pop Culture
    325 5th Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109

    Seattle Mini Maker Faire is the greatest show (and tell) on earth! Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is a gathering of tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, science clubs, authors, artists, students, and commercial exhibitors. You won’t want to miss it!


Friday, August 17th – Sunday, August 19th: Seattle Hempfest Festival

  • 12:00pm
  • Seattle Hempfest
    3130 Alaska Way, Seattle, Washington 98121
  • Join us Friday August 17, High noon – 8 PM & Saturday/Sunday August 18 – 19, 10:00 am – 8:00 PM for three days of more freedom than you’ll find anyplace else on earth!

    Our 4 stages will feature hundreds of bands & speakers to entertain and feed your brain knowledge about cannabis law reform and where we are with our burgeoning legalization. Our Stage Schedules are https://www.hempfest.org/festival/schedule/

    Seattle’s Hempfest features ~400 vending booths along 3 gorgeous Seattle waterfront parks. You can check out our Vendor Directory https://www.hempfest.org/festival/directory/

    Have you booked your stay yet? Or having trouble to find the best deal? Well, we have you covered! HERE is an accommodation map where you can find the best deals for your stay and being close to the action. Book ASAP! Rooms are filling fast! https://www.hempfest.org/festival/accommodations/

    Our new NO WAIT entrance, The West Thomas Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Overpass, is accessible at 3rd Ave W & W Harris Streets just north of Seattle Center. This new entrance has great parking potential being just 4 blocks north of Key Arena. It’ll take you across the busy Elliot & Western Avenues, and drop you right in Main Stage! Take The West Thomas Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Overpass!

    Do you want a safe and secure place to store your things while you attend Seattle Hempfest? Personal lockers will be available so you can free up your hands and avoid losing any personal items during the fest. They’re only $15 and need to be booked in advance before they sell out! Full info https://www.hempfest.org/festival/locker-rental/

    General attendee information https://www.hempfest.org/festival/attendees/

    Want to vend? Full info https://www.hempfest.org/get-involved/vending/

    Seattle Hempfest is free, but free speech is not. Suggested donation is $10 per day – remember to give as the Hempfest you save is your own!


Thursday, August 23rd: An Evening with Ellen Degeneres

  • 8:00pm
  • Benaroya Hall
    200 University St, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Sale Dates and Times:

    Public Onsale : Fri, 22 Jun 2018 at 10:00 AM


Friday, August 24th: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!



Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: June

Can you believe that it’s already June, lovely blog readers?! The sun is shining, summer is officially in the air, and we’re on the hunt for geekiest, most awesome events the Seattle area has to offer. For my fellow queer geeks, June is an especially important time for celebrating pride all month long throughout our wonderful city and beyond! Movies, trivia, parades, meetups, and more abound in the coming month, so take a look at what’s coming up and mark your calendars!


Image Description: A gif of a group of people walking in the street during a pride parade. Source: Giphy


Friday, June 1st: Upstream Music Festival

  • 7:00pm – 1:00am
  • Zócalo
    224 Occidental Ave S., Seattle, Washington 98104
  • Tickets
  • Upstream Music Fest + Summit is a three day music fest where attendees can discover a diverse lineup of acclaimed national and international artists performing alongside 200+ rising stars from the Northwest and beyond. Our open campus in the heart of Seattle’s historic arts and entertainment neighborhood allows for serendipitous moments for fans and musicians alike, and our variety of ticket options means you can curate your perfect weekend of music.


Friday, June 1st: June’s Funko Swap & Meetup

  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Comics Dungeon
    319 NE 45th St, Seattle, Washington 98105
  • Hey Seattle area friends! Our first Friday pop swap continues!

    Come meet up with other fanatics and bring your Funko pops you’d like to swap*! Attend the event to get 20% off on all Funko items in the store.

    *Please note: It is prohibited to sell your own pops in the store, trading only please.

Friday, June 1st: Stem: Science Uncorked

  • 7:00pm – 10:00pm
  • Pacific Science Center
    200 2nd Ave N, Seattle, Washington 98109
  • Tickets
  • Enjoy an evening of unlimited tastes from some of Washington’s finest wineries while learning the science behind the vines.


Image Description: A gif of the character Olivia Pope from the TV series “Scandal” pouring herself a glass of wine while her friend looks on in disapproval. Source: Giphy


Saturday, June 2nd: Sailor Moon Cosplay Tea Party

  • 4:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Friday Afternoon
    4228 Stone Way N, Seattle, Washington 98103
  • We are planning a super fun, everyone-friendly Sailor Moon Cosplay Tea! The theme for this event is set, but we will be hosting a number of Cosplay Teas with varying themes in future. You’ll have lots of chances to bust out those cosplays you work so hard to perfect and sip tea with friends!

    This is a free event to attend and we will be sampling out exclusive teas for you to try and purchase as you like. We also plan to have a photo booth setup for you to strike a pose with your fellow scouts!


Thursday, June 7th: Pride Family Fun at MOHAI

  • 10:00am – 8:00pm
    860 Terry Ave N, Seattle WA, 98109
  • Celebrate Pride Month at MOHAI!

    On this Free First Thursday, MOHAI offers a special welcome to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) families. Make crafts and cozy up in our reading corner for storytime with LGBTQ-themed books. Enjoy screenings of local queer films with Three Dollar Bill Cinema and live performances by Youth Speaks poets, plus connect with community groups and resources.

    On the first Thursday of each month, general admission to MOHAI’s permanent exhibits is free all day long! Free admission includes: True Northwest: The Seattle Journey and the Bezos Center for Innovation.

    Seattle on the Spot: The Photographs of Al Smith exhibit price: $8 adults; $6 student/senior/military.


Friday, June 8th: Ultimate Travel Trivia Event

  • 6:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Hostelling International at the American Hotel
    520 S King St, Seattle, Washington 98104
  • Tickets
  • So, you’re a traveller, eh? Join us for The Ultimate Travel Trivia! Share your knowledge and win fun prizes while engaging and learning about how to travel more sustainably in Seattle and beyond! A great opportunity to connect and meet like-minded people!


Friday, June 8th – Sunday, June 10th: 2018 Northwest Pinball & Arcade Show

  • 8:00pm – 12:00am
  • Greater Tacoma Convention Center
    1500 Commerce, Tacoma, Washington 98402
  • Tickets
  • The 2018 Northwest Pinball and Arcade Show takes place June 8th-10th at the Tacoma Convention Center in Washington State! The show features:

    -Over 400 pinball and arcade machines on free play!
    -Guest speakers from the pinball and arcade industry!
    -Seminars on collecting, playing and fixing games!
    -Kid’s Zone with games specifically geared towards younger aged children!
    -5 pinball tournaments, compete for national rankings, money, prizes and pride!
    -Play the latest pinball and arcade games on the market, we also usually debut a few new games before you’ve seen them anywhere else!
    -Play homebrewed pinball and arcade games, neat one of a kind games people have built and bring out for you to check out and play!
    -Win your own game! Along with merch and lots of daily prizes, each day of the show you can win your own full-sized pinball or arcade game!
    -Cosplay and costumes, arcade tournaments, beer and food onsite, and much more!

    This is our 11th annual show, find out why so many people consider this one of the best shows in the world. Over 100 volunteers help put on this yearly non-profit show. The profits go towards education and charity, this year we will be giving away 3 college scholarships, stay tuned for details.


Friday, June 8th: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!


Saturday, June 9th: Volunteer Park Pride Festival

  • 12:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Volunteer Park
    1247 15th Ave E, Seattle, Washington 98102
  • Join us for the annual Volunteer Park Pride Festival (formerly known as the Pride Family Picnic) on Saturday, June 9th, 2018 from 12noon-7pm! The Volunteer Park Pride Festival is a chance for family and friends to come together in one of Seattle’s iconic parks and celebrate our amazing LGBTQ community. As in years past, the event will be FREE and ALL-AGES, and there will be LIVE MUSIC, BEER GARDEN, FOOD TRUCKS, CRAFT BOOTHS, AND MORE!

    Desi Valentine
    *Special Surprise Guest* – To be announced SOON!
    Little Bandit
    Fruit Juice
    Betsy Olson
    DJ Toya B

    Now, more than ever, it’s important to have conversations about the impact of the new administration to the LGBTQ community, so we’re inviting community leaders, partners, and organizers to speak throughout the event. We’ll also have non-profit organizations from our community and Seattle Pride Sponsors who make this and the Seattle Pride Parade possible.


Sunday, June 10th: Furry 5K for Seattle Animal Shelter

  • 10:00am – 2:00pm
  • Seward Park Audubon Center
    5902 Lake Washington Blvd S, Seattle, Washington 98118
  • Join us at the 19th Annual Furry 5K for the Seattle Animal Shelter. When you register please join team Giving Paws Project. We will all meet prior to the start time for Walking at 11:40a.

    If your not able to join us for the walk but still want to donate please visit www.furry5k.com to Day Nate online. This year there is also a donation drive of items needed for the Vet side of the Shelter. I will post an update with the Wish List and will collect any items prior to event if cannot attend.

    This event is always fun and it raises money for our Seattle Animal Shelter


Image Description: A gif of corgis running on grass towards the camera. Source: Giphy


Tuesday, June 12th: Offbeat Ada’s: Ellen Forney

  • 6:00pm – 8:00pm
  • The Lab at Ada’s
    425 15th Ave E, Seattle, Washington 98112
  • Tickets
  • Offbeat Bride author Ariel Meadow Stallings hosts a discussion with local cartoonist, author, and legend Ellen Forney – Cartoonist about her new book, Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life, a manual of self-care tools and techniques learned from the front lines of bipolar life (Fantagraphics, May 2018). The two authors and friends will dig deep into how Ellen’s advice for maintaining emotional stability in the face of mood disorders is relevant to all of us trying to maintain stability in unstable times. Don’t be fooled: this event will be lighthearted and hilarious.

    About the author:

    Cartoonist Ellen Forney is the author of bestselling graphic memoir, Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me, and collaborated on the National Book Award-winning novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.

    Ellen curated a traveling exhibition about comics and health for the National Library of Medicine, “Graphic Medicine: Ill-Conceived & Well-Drawn,” on display at Seattle’s Central Public Library from May 21–June 30. As a visual artist, she was selected to create two permanent large-scale murals for Seattle’s Capitol Hill light rail station. She was awarded residency fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and Civitella Ranieri, and teaches comics at Cornish College of the Arts.

    Guaranteed seat: $10
    Guaranteed seat AND a copy of the book: $25

    21+ with ID
    6:00pm Doors
    6:30pm to 8:00pm Program and Q&A


Thursday, June 14th: Hecklevision: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992 Edition!)

  • 8:00pm
  • Central Cinema
    1411 21st Ave. Seattle WA 98122 US
  • Five years before the amazing TV series hit the air, Joss Whedon watched his film script get staked through this heart with the big screen horror-comedy starring Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry. LUKE PERRY! Also starring Donald Sutherland, Rutger Hauer, Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee!), Hilary Swank, and David Arquette.


Image Description: A gif of the character Buffy and her fellow cheerleaders performing a cheer. The caption says “Our goose is totally loose.” Source: Giphy


Friday, June 15th: Crosscut Trivia Obscura and Bingo Night

  • 6:30pm – 8:30pm
  • Peddler Brewing Company
    1514 NW Leary Way, Seattle, Washington 98107
  • Do you know the name of the mummy that resides in Ye Olde Curiosity Shop? How about who built the Fremont Troll? Or what nickname JP Patches was commonly known by?

    Learn about these facts and much more at Crosscut’s Trivia Obscura and Bingo night, a partnership between Crosscut, Atlas Obscura Society Seattle, and Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI)!

    Join hosts Knute Berger from Crosscut, Jared Steed from Atlas Obscura Society Seattle, and Sondra Snyder of MOHAI as they guide you through the weird and wonderful world of Washington state while you vie for fabulous prizes and the title of Trivia Obscura Champion! Come for the trivia, but stay for the bingo, featuring even more local oddities, landmarks, and prizes!


Saturday, June 16th: BookMarked Seattle Showcase at MOHAI

  • 12:00pm – 4:00pm
    860 Terry Ave N, Seattle WA, 98109
  • Celebrate the launch of BookMarked Seattle and emerging young writers from the Seattle metro area!

    Join teens from around the city as we reflect on Seattle’s diverse stories. Participate in book discussions, make art, hear selected works from the BookMarked Seattle writing competition, and more. Hosted by the MOHAI Youth Advisors.

    Don’t forget! TeenTix members receive $5 admission.


Saturday, June 16th: Latinx Nerds Meetup

  • 6:00pm
  • Friday Afternoon
    4228 Stone Way N, Seattle, Washington 98103
  • Monthly meetup for Latinx nerds to foster community, play games and make friends over tea and pan dulce!


Saturday, June 16th: Zinzi Clemmons: What We Lose

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Elliott Bay Book Company
    1521 10th Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • We are delighted to finally have novelist Zinzi Clemmons here—her debut novel, What We Lose (newly in paper, Penguin Random House), was one of 2017’s most lauded novels (forget the debut part), cited as a Best Book of the Year by Vogue, NPR, Elle, Esquire, Buzzfeed, The San Francisco Chronicle, Cosmopolitan, The Huffington Post, The A.V. Club, The Root, Harper’s Bazaar, Paste, Bustle, Kirkus Reviews, Electric Literature, LitHub, The New York Post, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and Bust. And praised by many others, as well.

    “The narrator of What We Lose navigates the many registers of grief, love and injustice, moving between the death of her mother and the birth of her son, as well as an America of blacks and whites and a South Africa of Coloreds. What an intricate mapping of inner and outer geographies! Clemmons’s prose is rhythmically exact and acutely moving. No experience is left unexamined or unimagined.” —Margo Jefferson.

    “Zinzi Clemmons’ first book heralds the work of a new writer with a true and lasting voice—one that is just right for our complicated millennium. Bright and filled with shadows, humor, and trenchant insights into what it means to have a heart divided by different cultures, What We Lose is a win, just right for the ages.” —Hilton Als.

    Zinzi Clemmons was also a National Book Foundation “5 Under 35” honoree.


Saturday, June 16th: Screening of “Gaming in Color” (2014)

  • 3:00pm – 4:30pm
  • Living Computers: Museum + Labs
    2245 1st Avenue South, Seattle, Washington 98134
  • We’re kicking off PRIDE with a screening of the documentary Gaming in Color. This Kickstarter-funded film focuses on LGBTQ issues in video games, gaymer culture, and the rise of queer themes in gaming.

    NR | Included with Admission


    From the Gaming in Color website:

    “Diverse queer themes in game storylines and characters are an anomaly in the mainstream video game industry, and LGBTQ gamers have a higher chance of being mistreated in social games. Gaming In Color explores how the community culture is shifting and the industry is diversifying, helping with queer visibility and acceptance of an LGBTQ presence.

    Almost every gamer will relate to the concept of seeking solace in a video game. Hope for sanctuary guides their escape into a virtual universe where they can be anything they want to be. For many, however, choosing to be true to themselves becomes an open invitation for hatred. This multiplies for those who are marginalized people, including people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ community. Toxic cultures that breed violence and vitriol hide behind a industry that undervalues the innovation of its audience. GAMING IN COLOR crusades for anyone who believes that the pixelated world can be a better place for everyone, no matter who they are or what they love.

    A lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise queer gamer has a higher chance of being mistreated in a social game. The power dynamics of a male-dominated geek society tips against them. Further, diverse queer themes in game storylines and characters are an anomaly in the mainstream video game industry. However, the gaming community is far more colorful than one may expect. Gaming In Color shows that there is a full spectrum of gamers picking up their controller to play.

    This feature documentary explores the queer side of gaming culture and the game industry’s LGBTQ presence. The queer geek community is taking huge steps forward in being recognized on a worldwide industry scale. At the same time, more popular mainstream and indie games are featuring a greater amount of queer characters than ever before, helping with visibility and acceptance. There’s a long road ahead and tons of aspects that desperately need improvement, but the video games universe will continue to mature and diversify both in its community culture and industry only if we elevate the conversation about inclusion and respecting one another – not in spite of our gay geekiness, but because of it!”


Wednesday, June 20th: The Totally Gay Sing Along

  • 8:00pm
    Central Cinema
    1411 21st Ave. Seattle WA 98122 US
  • It’s the 2018 edition of the best damn weekday party you’ll go to all June. We celebrate Pride month with the return of a favorite Sing Along that features divas, camp classics, new tunes, hunks, foot stompers, rump shakers and every video is certified TOTALLY GAY! Plus, the Sing Along’s original host Jason is in the building to lead the fun.


Thursday, June 21st: Roxane Gay: Not That Bad

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • University Temple United Methodist Church, Seattle
    1415 NE 43rd St, Seattle, Washington 98105
  • Tickets
  • Your ticket includes a copy of Not That Bad

    About the Book:

    In this valuable and revealing anthology, cultural critic and bestselling author Roxane Gay collects original and previously published pieces that address what it means to live in a world where women have to measure the harassment, violence, and aggression they face, and where they are routinely second-guessed, blown off, discredited, denigrated, besmirched, belittled, patronized, mocked, shamed, gaslit, insulted, bullied for speaking out. Contributions include essays from established and up-and-coming writers, performers, and critics, including actors Ally Sheedy and Gabrielle Union and writers Amy Jo Burns, Lyz Lenz, Claire Schwartz, and Bob
    Shacochis. Covering a wide range of topics and experiences, from an exploration of the rape epidemic embedded in the refugee crisis to first-person accounts of child molestation, this collection is often deeply personal and is always unflinchingly honest. Like Rebecca Solnits Men Explain Things to Me, Not That Bad will resonate with every reader, saying something in totality that we cannot say alone.

    Searing and heartbreakingly candid, this provocative collection both reflects the world we live in and offers a call to arms insisting that not that bad must no longer be good enough.

    About the Author:

    Roxane Gay is the author of the essay collection Bad Feminist, which was a New York Times bestseller; the novel An Untamed State, a finalist for the Dayton Peace Prize; and the short story collections Difficult Women and Ayiti. A contributing opinion writer to the New York Times, she has also written for Time, McSweeneys, the Virginia Quarterly Review, the Los Angeles Times, The Nation, The Rumpus, Bookforum, and Salon. Her fiction has also been selected for The Best American Short Stories 2012, The Best American Mystery Stories 2014, and other anthologies. She is the author of World of Wakanda for Marvel. She lives in Lafayette, Indiana, and sometimes Los Angeles.



Image Description: A gif of Roxane Gay giving a talk. The caption states “These days, I look at how women are treated the world over, and anger, in particular, seems like a perfectly reasonable response.” Source: Giphy


Friday, June 22nd – Sunday, June 24th: 59th Annual Northwest Great Books Weekend Event

  • Seattle Pacific University
    3307 3rd Ave W, Seattle, Washington 98119
  • Tickets
  • Please join us for the 59th Annual Northwest Great Books Weekend Event! All books are pre-read by the Board and chosen for the ability to sustain a rousing two hour discussion. Special effort is given to find pieces with: cultural diversity, different genres ie, plays, fiction, non-fiction, and pieces that have or will stand the test of time. Whether you’re a seasoned Great Books member or you are just thinking of joining-everyone is welcome. Many of our titles have included classics and prize winning authors, but (in true Great Books fashion) we do not limit our selections based solely on book sales or as defined by others as classics. We are excited to present the four readings of our next June 22-24 event:

    As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner 9780679732259
    Passing by Nella Larsen 9780142437278
    Being Mortal bu Atul Gawande 9781250076229
    Caleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks 9780143121077
    ISBN are provided for those that choose to purchase books separately. Please purchase the specified books above, makes it much easier to refer to page numbers!


Thursday, June 21st: Renee Simms: Meet Behind Mars

  • 7:00pm – 9:00pm
  • Elliott Bay Book Company
    1521 10th Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • Up from Tacoma (which she has written glowingly about), where she teaches African American Studies at the University of Puget Sound is fiction writer Renee Simms, with a true gem of a debut book of stories, Meet Behind Mars (Wayne State University Press).

    “Renee Simms’s Meet Behind Mars is an eclectic, emotionally rich, funny, quirky, and grounded debut from a fresh voice. It is truly a pleasure to spend time among such a diverse roster of African American characters in settings ranging from Katrina-devastated New Orleans to the South China Sea. In these fictions that are, by turns, realist, fabulist, and satirical, women and men search out life’s meaning through work, sex, travel, and family in finely observed moments full of quiet urgency.” —Asali Solomon.

    “Renee Simms is an incredible storyteller gifted with both wit and wisdom. She’s not afraid of the hard questions, yet this work brims with hope and heart. Meet Behind Mars marks an exciting debut of a vibrant new voice in American literature.” —Tayari Jones.


Friday, June 22nd: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!


Friday, June 22nd – Sunday, June 24th: ACE Comic Con Seattle

  • 8:00pm – 11:30pm
  • CenturyLink Field
    800 Occidental Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98134
  • Tickets
  • ACE Comic Con is coming to Seattle, WA June 22-23-24! We are bringing 3 of your favorite #Avengers, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland and many more for an unforgettable weekend at the WaMu Theater & CenturyLink Field Event Center. As if that wasn’t enough, we will also have 60+ of the top comic writers & artists in the industry, 100+ curated vendors & exhibitors, and 30+ hours of panel programming across multiple stages!

    More guests will be announced shortly, so make sure to keep following us right here for up-to-the-minute updates.

    General Admission tickets start at $46 (photo ops, autographs, and VIP packages are available for an additional cost).

    INFO AND TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE VIA www.aceuniverse.com!

    ***Up to 2 Kids (10 & under) get in FREE when accompanied by a paid adult***

    1-Day Friday General Admission is $46

    1-Day Saturday General Admission is $56

    1-Day Sunday General Admission is $56

    3-Day Weekend General Admission is $96


Image Description: A gif of the character Scarlet Witch from the Avengers film series, using her magic during an action scene. Source: Giphy


Saturday, June 23rd – Sunday, June 24th: Queer Geeks and Gamers

  • Fisher Pavilion at Seattle Center
    305 Harrison Street, Seattle, Washington 98109
  • Our 2nd Annual Queer Geeks and Gamers event features board games, console games, panels, comics, cosplay contests, exhibitors, and more! FREE FOR ALL. Beer garden for 21+.

    Open 12-6pm Saturday 6/23
    Open 12-7pm Sunday 6/24

    Come one, come all to QGG 2.0!

    Sponsored in part by Living Computers Museum.


Sunday, June 24th: Seattle Pride Parade 2018

  • 11:00am – 3:00pm
  • Westlake Park
    401 Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Join us for the 44th annual Seattle Pride Parade!

    This event is free and open to the public. No tickets are necessary.


Image Description: A gif of a group of children wearing tutus and walking during a pride parade. Source: Giphy


Saturday, June 30th – Sunday, July 1st: Washington State Toy and Geek Fest

  • 9:00am
  • Washington State Fair
    110 9th Ave SW, Puyallup, Washington 98371
  • Tickets
  • An event to bring new and vintage toys, comic books, video games, movies, celebrities, and anything pop culture together under one roof for a fun weekend in Pierce County. June 30 – July 1, 2018

    An event that the whole family can enjoy:

    Vintage and Modern Toys | Collectibles | Comic Books | Photo Ops | Panels | Star Wars Characters and Vehicles | Kids Zone | Costume and Trivia Contests | LEGO | Military Vehicles | Transformers | Artists | Video Games | Table Games | Movie Props | Authors | Anime | Exhibits | Celebrities from Television and Movies

Image Description: A gif of actor Ellen Page waving a rainbow pride flag. Source: Giphy


Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: March

We’ve made it (almost) through the winter, my fellow geeks! We’re moving from the cold and gray and rainy and to the…slightly less cold and gray and rainy. And as the temperature outside starts to creep slowly upwards, we’ve got a wide variety of incredibly, cheering, 100% certified nerdy events to help you celebrate the coming of spring!

Image Description: A gif of a person basking in the rain as a flower blossoms. Source: Giphy



Thursday, March 1st: Emerald City Comic Con

  • March 1st through March 4th
  • 10:00am
  • Washington State Convention Center
    800 Convention Place, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC) is the premier comic book & pop culture convention in the Pacific Northwest. Join us March 1-4 2018!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Geek About Town: January

The New Year is (almost) upon us, which means that we can finally bid goodbye to the unfortunate, terrifying mess that characterized most of 2017. The good news is that there is SO MANY incredible and exciting events coming up in January to help beckon in a better and brighter new year!


Source: Giphy. Image Description: The character Rachel Berry from “Glee” wearing a Happy New Year Crown. The image text reads “The countdown begins.”


Tuesday, January 2nd: Kit Build! Adafruit LED Goggles

  • 1pm – 4pm
  • Living Computers: Museum + Labs
    2245 First Ave S, Seattle, WA 98134
  • $68
  • Kill two ravens with one stone and learn how to solder while you create your newest costume headpiece – a wicked pair of Adafruit LED Goggles – in this 2-hour entry level workshop. Space is limited for this take-home activity.


Wednesday, January 3rd: Reading Through It: Weapons of Math Destruction

  • 7pm
  • Third Place Books Seward Park
    5041 Wilson Ave S, Seattle, WA 98118
  • Free event!
  • The Seattle Review of Books and Seattle Weekly aim to help you cope with the next three years thanks to Reading Through It, a “monthly book club exploring who we are as Americans, where we’re going, and how to fix it.” Weapons of Math Destruction is a former Wall Street analyst’s warning against “the mathematical models that pervade modern life—and threaten to rip apart our social fabric.”

Source: Giphy. Image Description: The characters Bones and Kirk from Star Trek: The Original Series nod at each other.

Saturday, January 6th: Extraterrestrial Architecture in Space

  • 10am – 12pm
  • Center for Architecture & Design
    1010 Western Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
  • Free event!
  • All-ages event!
  • We’re bored with Earth. What about Mars? Participants will learn about the very different problems architects would face if building for the surface of other planets….and moons…and asteroids? The sky is not even the limit…

Source: Giphy. Image Description: The characters Steve and Nancy from “Stranger Things” dance at a party.

Saturday, January 6th: Laser Stranger Things


  • 4 dates – January 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
  • 8:00pm
  • Laser Dome at Pacific Science Center


  • Follow our Laser artists into The Upside Down with this laser show tribute to the music of Stranger Things. A synth-heavy score and dark 80s soundtrack contribute to the spooky nostalgia of this popular Netflix Original hit. Performed, as always, by our talented laser artists, don’t miss this limited run in January of Laser Stranger Things.


Saturday, January 6th: Children’s Storytime at Elliott Bay Book Company

  • Every Saturday of the month
  • 11am
  • Elliott Bay Book Company
    1521 10th Ave, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • Free event!
  • Join us for this fun hour of readings from picture and storybooks with one of Elliott Bay’s bookfolk. Go to the castle in the children’s section … and the stories begin!


Thursday, January 11th: Gay City Arts presents To Exist Is To Resist

  • 4 dates – January 11th, 12th, 20th, 21st
  • 7:00pm
  • Gay City: Seattle’s LGBTQ Center
    517 E Pike St, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • General Admission $15, Discounted Tickets $12, Radical Hospitality Tickets free!
  • What would Marsha P Johnson, Leslie Feinberg and our sick and disabled queer grandparents have to say about fighting to survive and win? Sick and disabled queer/ trans people have always resisted, from the first colonial invasions to nursing homes to freak shows to street based queer and trans activism. We are heroes, fighters and survivors and we have the medicine we need to survive Trump. In this star-studded sick and disabled QT/POC show, curated by billie rain and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, come witness Seattle based disabled queer/ of color artists performing new work reflecting on the resistance wisdom of our disabled queer ancestors.This performance is also part of a star studded ALL SICK AND DISABLED QTBIPOC ALL THE TIME DOUBLE WEEKEND! Come see us, and then check out Neve Andromeda Bianco Mazique’s one femme show, Betcha Ungodly Things! Support all of us! Come for this living altar of disabled QTBIPOC testimony, genius and love. 

Thursday, January 11th: Art Spiegelman, Anita Kunz, & Steve Brodner on Art Young

  • 6:30pm – 9:30pm
  • Society Of Illustrators
    128 E 63rd St, New York, New York 10065
  • Non-Member and Member tickets $15, Students and Seniors $7
  • Join us for an evening with comics art giant Art Spiegelman and acclaimed illustrator Anita Kunz as they discuss the lasting influence of 20th century political cartoonist Art Young, with master caricaturist Steve Brodner moderating the discussion. The three will examine the historical significance of Young’s work, and its relevance in today’s artistic and political landscape.

    Images for discussion will be drawn from the 2017 retrospective To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life & Times of Art Young (Fantagraphics) by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young. Copies will be available for purchase after the event.

Source: Giphy. Image Description: Characters from the movie “Jumanji” sit down to play the game “Jumanji” together.

Friday, January 12th: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Free event!
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!


Monday, January 15th: BlackLivesMatter- Let Black Liberation Ring

  • 6pm
  • Westlake Park
    401 Pine St, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Free event!
  • We strive for #BlackLiberation – we strive for freedom to not be treated like animals and for our justice system to treat us equally or be abolished – we strive for fair and equal taxation so that people of color can not only survive but thrive – we strive for a day were we are not discriminated against for our skin color or our culture but treated equally for content of our character – we strive to not be shot and killed by police and then our image be slandered on the news. We ask you join us and say Racism and police brutality and unfair and unequal treatment of Black people has to stop and freedom has to begin because until Black people are free no one is free.


Sunday, January 15th: Cine-City: A Community Exposé

  • Seating at 6:30pm, show at 7:00pm
  • Naked City Brewery & Taphouse
    8564 Greenwood Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98103
  • $8 in advance, $10 at the door
  • Cine-City is Seattle’s only consistent film night with bi-monthly (every other month) screenings of local short films. We will fill up a block of films 45 minutes to an 1 hour, at the end of the night the films will be voted on and the most voted film will be announced the next day and will move on to the Best Of in November. All proceeds help the Film Non Profit Ardor Creative Media. http://ardorcreativemedia.com/cine_city/


Monday, January 16th: MLK Seattle Rally & March

  • 11am – 4pm
  • Garfield High School
    400 23rd Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98122
  • Free event!
  • Educate yourself at workshops from 9:30-10:50am, then at 11:00am, join the pre-march rally in the Garfield Gym to become inspired and informed with speakers, performers, and more. View the full schedule at www.mlkseattle.org/index.php Following the rally (12:00-12:20), the march line-up starts in the Garfield parking lot (across the street from Ezell’s chicken). The march will begin at 12:30, heading to the Federal Building at 2nd & Madison. The Downtown Program is estimated to start at 1:30 p.m. Marchers are welcome to return to Garfield for a late lunch or to join employers and more at the Opportunity & Information Fair at Garfield (1:30-4:00pm).


Wednesday, January 17th: Literary Arts Series: Jesmyn Ward

  • 9pm – 2am
  • Benaroya Hall
    200 University St, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Tickets between $10 and $80
  • Jesmyn Ward has been called “fearless and toughly lyrical” by the Library Journal. Her novel Salvage the Bones, the story of four motherless children trying to protect their home in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, won the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction. Her unflinching portrayals of young black men and women struggling to thrive in a South ravaged by poverty and natural disaster have been praised for their “graphic clarity” by the Boston Globe, and for their “hugeness of heart” by O, The Oprah Magazine.
    Ward’s follow-up to Salvage was Men We Reaped, a memoir that confronts the five years of Ward’s life in which she lost five young men—to drugs, accidents, suicide, and the bad luck that follows people who live in poverty, particularly black men. Lauded by Kirkus as a “modern rejoinder to Black Like Me [and] Beloved,” Men We Reaped is a homage to Ward’s past, her ghosts, and the haunted yet hopeful place she still calls home. A finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography, it was named one of the Best Books of 2013 by Publishers Weekly, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, NPR, Kirkus, New York Magazine, and TIME magazine.

    Ward is also the editor of the critically acclaimed anthology The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race, which NPR listed as one of the Best Books of 2016. Taking James Baldwin’s 1963 pivotal examination of race in America, The Fire Next Time, is a jumping-off point. The groundbreaking collection features essays and poems about race from the most important voices of Ward’s generation and our time—from Edwidge Danticat, Natasha Trethewey, and Isabel Wilkerson, to Mitchell S. Jackson, Kiese Laymon, and Claudia Rankine.

    In the forthcoming Sing, Unburied, Sing, Ward will return to Mississippi and the themes of her earlier work. Confronting the realities of life in the rural South, Ward gives us a road map through Mississippi’s past and present that explores the bonds of family as tested by racism and poverty. Her work is all set on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi where Ward grew up, and each new publication makes her a fitting heir to the rich literary tradition of the American South.

Source: Giphy. Image Description: Beyoncé and Lady Gaga dance together in a music video.

Thursday, January 18th: BEYONCÉ vs. GAGA vs. BRITNEY vs. MADONNA SING ALONG

  • 8pm
  • Central Cinema
  • $12 General Admission
  • Four of music’s finest divas join you for what’s sure to be one of the best nights of your life. The Queen of R&B, The Queen of Pop, the Princess of Pop, the , and the Mother of Monsters team up to get you singing, dancing, and so much more. Telephone on the big screen is worth the price of admission alone.


Sunday, January 20th: 2018 Pantsuit 5k Run/Walk

  • 9am – 11am
  • Green Lake
  • $22.09 entrance fee
  • Bring out those pantsuits ladies (& gents, kids, dogs ok too). Fun run/walk around Greenlake. The primary purpose of the event is for the unification of the Pantsuit community and to continue to strive for change. Last year we had over 700 attend, let’s make this event bigger & better. Event is not timed. It is a fun run/walk. No refunds or transfers. Rain or shine. This is a no frills run/walk. 30% of the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood!


Wednesday, January 24th: #MeToo in Tech: How Men Can Help

  • 6pm
  • Northwest Film Forum
    1515 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122
  • $12 tickets
  • This event will be a forum for men who work in the tech industry in Seattle to discuss ways that we can show up for women, trans folks, and other non-cis-male-identified folks who often experience harassment and discrimination in our industry. More details will be posted at this URL as we get closer to the event.


Monday, January 25th: Children’s International Film Festival

  • January 25th – February 10th
  • Northwest Film Forum
  • 1515 12th Ave. Seattle, WA 98122
  • $12 General Admission, $9 Students, Seniors, and Children
  • Over the past 13 years, Children’s Film Festival Seattle has become the largest and most respected film festival on the West Coast dedicated to children and their families. Each year, Northwest Film Forum selects more than 170 children’s films from 50+ countries, reaching more than 10,000 people during festival screenings in Seattle and a subsequent festival tour of 15-20 U.S. cities. What we stand for: Racial equity and diversity, inclusivity, social justice, global awareness, and the best in age-appropriate, visual storytelling for young people. Produced by Northwest Film Forum, Children’s Film Festival Seattle includes live performances, features, shorts and hands-on workshops, all crafted with care for the next generation of movie lovers.


Friday, January 26th: Lovett or Leave It

  • 8pm – 11pm
  • Moore Theatre
    1932 2nd Ave, Seattle, Washington 98101
  • Ticket prices vary, starting at $47
  • STG Presents & AEG welcomes Lovett or Leave It to The Moore Theatre on Friday, January 26, 2018. The Lovett or Leave It podcast, as part of Pod Tours America, has announced additional tour dates and will be live on stage January 26, 2018 at 8:00 pm at The Moore Theatre. Former speechwriter for Hillary Clinton and the Obama White House and co-host of the wildly popular podcast Pod Save America, Jon Lovett brings his Lovett or Leave It podcast live to Seattle. Get ready for a night of lively and humorous discussion of politics and top news stories with special guests along with other popular Lovett or Leave It segments.


Friday, January 26th: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

  • 7pm – 10:45pm
  • Wayward Coffeehouse
  • 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115
  • Free event!
  • Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! Come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon (http://www.geekgirlcon.com/) game nights with our friends at Wayward (http://www.waywardcoffee.com/)? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Source: Giphy. Image Description: Ryan Gosling works on on an exercise bike while wearing a onesie on the Ellen DeGeneres Show.

Saturday, January 27th: 2018 Onesie Bar Crawl

  • 14pm

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

August Geek About Town

Hey everyone! GeekGirlCon ‘12 is just around the corner! Be sure to check out our programming (Saturday and Sunday) and other details about our convention, including our gaming schedule, special events, and exhibitor hall.

If you can’t sit still with excitement, check out some of these events going on in August! This is also a great resource for out-of-towners who might be staying a few extra days in Seattle before or after out convention. If that’s you, be sure to check out our Seattle area guide for suggestions on restaurants, tourist attractions, and geeky hangouts to hit up.

Wednesday, August 1st, 5:00 PM-7:00 PM: Start-Up City’s Women in Tech Meet-Up*
From the website: “Whether you’re an entrepreneur messing around with code or an Amazon developer, get involved to learn, meet or help other aspiring women who tech. Learn about strategies for success and the experiences of others. Come feel inspired! This first event will be a great opportunity for socializing and establishing a network for Seattle’s tech talent. Attendees at this event will have the opportunity to help define the direction and future of WIT events. Come contribute as thought leaders, network, drink, foster mentorships and make it memorable. Register today!”
*Special note: We will be giving away one free pass to GeekGirlCon ‘12 at the meetup!

Thursday, August 2nd, 5:00 PM-10:00 PM: Seattle Nerds Collide!: Summer Time Bon Fire & Pot Luck

Friday, August 3rd, approx. 8:30 PM: Three Dollar Bill Cinema’s Free Outdoor Movie Series: Viva Las Vegas
From the website: “Elvis Presley sings & dances his way through Sin City as racecar driver Lucky Jackson, with his eye on two prizes: red-hot swimming instructor Rusty Martin (Ann Margaret) and victory in the Las Vegas Grand Prix.”

Friday, August 3rd – Sunday, August 5th: Mysterium
From the website: A Myst convention by fans, for fans.

Monday, August 6th – Monday, August 27th: Illustrational Painting with Brian Snoddy
From the website: “In this ongoing course, students are introduced to basic techniques of painting with the waterbased medium ‘gouache’. After four weeks of working in black and white, students are ready to continue to intermediate techniques, with a focus on texture, lighting and detail in full color. Note: Continuing students, or with instructor’s permission, can work in the intermediate stage.”

Wednesday, August 8th – Sunday, August 12th: ToorCamp
From the webpage: “ToorCamp, the American hacker camp, first “launched” at the Titan-1 Missile Silo in Washington State in 2009. We’re continuing the tradition on the beautiful Washington Coast and are looking for groups to participate. Show off your crazy projects you’ve been working on, bring some ideas you want to hack on with the other technology experts that will be showing up, organize a campsite with all of your friends and show how awesome your group is, or just see what all the other groups are up to. It’s up to you!”

Friday, August 10th, approx. 8:30 PM: Three Dollar Cinema’s Free Outdoor Movie Series: The Wizard of Oz
From the webpage: “Follow the Yellow Brick Road over the rainbow with Dorothy, Toto, and the whole gang in this queer-beloved classic of timeless fantasy, catchy songs, and must-have shoes.”

Saturday, August 11th – Sunday, August 12th: GeekGirlCon 2012
GeekGirlCon is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the contribution of women in all aspects of geek culture. Connect with us through social media and meet other geeks at events and our annual convention!”

Saturday, August 11th, 5:00 – 6:20 PM: “Once More, With Feeling” Sing-Along*
Hosts Clinton McClung, SIFF Programmer and founder of the popular “Once More with Feeling” event, and Jennifer K. Stuller, GeekGirlCon Programming Director & Author, lead you in a sing-along of the ground-breaking musical episode. Goody bags with interactive props will be available for a small fee, Buffy-Oke and trivia will comprise the pre-show and costumes are encouraged. Watch out for bunnies and singing demons!
*Note: You need a pass to GeekGirlCon ‘12 to attend this event.

Saturday, August 11th, 5:00 – 6:50 PM: GeekGirlCon ‘12 Masquerade*
It’s your time to shine in all your geek finery at the GeekGirlCon ‘12 Masquerade. Competition is open to everyone–all ages , experience levels, and fandoms. Entrants will vie for Best Individual Costume, Best Group, and Best Child’s Costume.
*Note: You need a pass to GeekGirlCon ‘12 to attend this event.

Saturday, August 11th, 7:30 – 8:30 PM: Nerdy Improv Comedy at GeekGirlCon ‘12*
From the event page: “Act Nerdy With Me! GeekGirlCon ’12 and NERDProv present a raucous night of improvisational theater from audience suggestions. Rest assured that our audience will be a room full of geeks! Buffy Summers in a regency romance aboard the Galactica? You never know what fanatical combinations come to life at a NERDProv show. NERDProv, a special team from Unexpected Productions, has performed at Emerald City Comicon, PAX, and TheaterSports. Don’t miss this chance to see a bunch of quick-thinking geeks and nerds ham it up over sci-fi, fantasy, role-playing games, tech, cartoons, and more at GeekGirlCon ’12.”
*Note: You need a pass to GeekGirlCon ‘12 to attend this event.

Saturday, August 11th, 8:30 – 10:30 PM: GeekGirlCONcert ‘12*
From the event page: “Music and nerdery are an awesome combination. Join us at GeekGirlCon ‘12 for a geekery-packed concert!” Guests include The Doubleclicks and Vixy and Tony.
*Note: You need a pass to GeekGirlCon ‘12 to attend this event.

Friday, August 17th, approx. 8:30 PM: Three Dollar Cinema’s Outdoor Movie Series: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
From the website: “Three outrageous drag queens from ‘down under’ embark on an unforgettable outback journey of a lifetime, with the music of ABBA to guide their way through thick and thin.”

Friday, August 17th – Sunday, August 19th: Everfree NW
From the website: “Welcome to Everfree Northwest, an annual three-day gathering for fans of the hit TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Located in Seattle, Washington, Everfree is a one-of-a-kind, family-friendly event created by fans for fans of all ages. Over the past year, this new children’s TV show has become a pop-culture phenomenon that has delighted and inspired people all over the world. It now gives us tremendous pleasure to welcome you to a three day celebration of the creativity, joy, and camaraderie that this show has engendered.”

Tuesday, August 21st – Thursday, August 23rd: Serious Play Conference
From the website: “The Serious Play Conference is being produced as a partnership between Clark Aldrich, author of five top selling books on serious games and managing partner, Clark Aldrich Designs; DigiPen Institute of Technology and Sue Bohle, President of The Bohle Company.”

Friday, August 24th – Saturday, August 25th and Thursday, August 30 – Sunday, September 2: Whedonesque Burlesque*
From the event page: Seattle’s finest geeky burlesque performers are daring to take inspiration from the Whedonverse: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Avengers, Firefly, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog, Dollhouse, Angel, and yes, maybe even Cabin in the Woods. It’s the summer of Joss and we’re baring ourselves in his honor! This shindig is a celebration of the evil genius that is Joss Whedon AND the fans who love him.
*Note: Tickets are sold out, but follow the Facebook page for any updates.

Saturday, August 25th, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM: Inking for Illustration and Comics with Brian Snoddy
From the website: “Brian Snoddy, known for his inking in publications such as Shaman’s Tears, Maggie the Cat, Bar Sinister and Monsternomicon I & II, will be teaching inking techniques with the brush and pen, as well as several styles focusing on the rendering of different textures and objects. Students will have the opportunity to test out their inking skills under Brian’s careful instruction. All skill levels welcome! Class is appropriate to students 15+ years”

Thursday, August 30th, 8:00 PM: Classic Doctor Who TV Dinner at Central Cinema
Central Cinema GeekGirlCon, and Behind the Blue Door present an encore event to their sellout Doctor Who even in May — but with a twist. Instead of modern episodes, they will present all four parts of the classic episode “City of Death.” Get your tickets before they sell out!

Friday, August 31st – Sunday, September 2nd: PAX Prime

Got an awesome geeky event for us? Send it to Shubz at prcontent@geekgirlcon.com or leave it in the comments below! Let us know if you’ve visited an event from our site, and we’ll see you at GeekGirlCon ‘12!

“Rock On!”

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