
Celebrate GiveBIG with us!

[Extraordinary update: Despite huge technical difficulties, we couldn’t have asked for such amazing donors this year. In GeekGirlCon’s first year of teaming up with Seattle Foundation for its GiveBIG program, we raised over $12,000 with 115 donors! Read more about it in this blog post!]

From Wednesday:

Happy GiveBIG, part two!

GeekGirlCon currently has 79 ‪#‎GiveBIG‬ donors so far. That’s almost 30 more than our original goal!

If we can make it to 100 donors our Board of Directors will donate an additional $500. Will you accept the challenge? Every donation counts, and helps GeekGirlCon ‪#‎GiveBACK‬ more to you!

On Tuesday, GiveBIG’s website had some technical issues with donations. So the Seattle Foundation says it is extending GiveBIG through midnight tomorrow, Wednesday, May 4.

A quick recap of GiveBIG:

  • GiveBIG is a one-day, online charitable giving event with the goal to invest $20 million in community nonprofits.
  • In addition to the money we raise today, we get an additional percentage of funds from the Seattle Foundation.
  • With the extra funds, you can help GeekGirlCon (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization), incelebrating every geek and promoting women in science, tech, gaming, comics, and all other geekdoms at a variety of events throughout the year and at our annual Con.
  • You can donate here until midnight.

Our goal is 50 donations. Be one of our fabulous 50 donors and #GiveBIG!

We celebrated at Wayward Coffeehouse on Tuesday to track live results.

We will not be at Wayward on Wednesday, but the party continues online! Mention us on Twitter at @GeekGirlCon using the hashtag #GiveBig. You can see some of our tweets throughout the day, in the box below.

GeekGirlCon is 100% volunteer-run. With this additional funding, we can add even more diverse guests and options to our programming, promoting the role of women in geek culture.

Exhibit A

We hope you join us in this adventure! Questions? Tweet us @GeekGirlCon or email us at info@geekgirlcon.com.

Ashli Blow
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon Kids and Philanthropy


“Mom, why do you have to help GeekGirlCon raise money?”

This question was asked by my nine year old daughter as I shepherded her out the door on the way to GeekGirlCon’s first ever fundraiser last month.

“Well, GeekGirlCon is a non-profit – that means no one person benefits from any money we make. We have to take all the money that people give us and put it back to work. When we want to do more, we need to raise more. That’s why we are having this fundraiser.”

I hadn’t intended for the fundraiser to be a teaching moment, but her questions made me realize that teaching our kids about why we give was an important discussion to have. Philanthropy,  whether it be financial or through volunteerism, is important to my husband and me, so it makes sense that we would teach those values to our kids as well.  But where to begin?

Sharon Feliciano
“Rock On!”

Stories From GeekGirlCon to Make Your Day

Previously on GeekGirlCon:

On May 3, GeekGirlCon will team up with The Seattle Foundation for an online fundraising extravaganza! Anything donated to our organization [obligatory click here to donate] will be matched from a pool of stretch funds. If you’re an information enthusiast, we made it easy for you, click here to read more. Or keep on keepin’ on by continuing to read this post.

So you know what your dollars will support, we’re here to share some stories from folks who’ve attended GeekGirlCon’s annual convention. Get ready: they may pull at your heartstrings.

Ashli Blow
“Rock On!”

Help GiveBIG to GeekGirlCon!

Did you know that not only does GeekGirlCon put on a fantastic con every October, but that we also organize weekly inclusive gaming events, march in Seattle’s Pride parade, and celebrate women in science, tech, gaming, comics, and all other geekdoms at a variety of events throughout the year?

To keep our momentum, we’re teaming up with the Seattle Foundation’s GiveBIG program. Why? Let’s break it down real quick.

Ashli Blow
“Rock On!”

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