
May Geek About Town!

What’s happening in Seattle in May? Read below to find out!


Sunday, May 1: GeekGirlCon ’16 Early Bird Pricing closes!

Hurry! Get your GeekGirlCon tickets at their super-duper low price before early bird pricing closes! It’s a screaming deal!


Sunday, May 1: Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration

11:45am-5:00pm, Seattle Center Armory

Free admission!

Explore and experience the cultural roots of the Asian-Pacific Islands through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, games, and a lively marketplace. The festival launches Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month in Seattle with spectacular dances, youth drill teams, drumming, martial arts, and artists from around the state.

Plus our fan-favorite Hum Bow Contest with local celebrities and API Community displays and enjoy children’s activities! This is guaranteed to rock your heritage!


Tuesday, May 3: GeekGirlCon’s giveBIG campaign!

On May 3, GeekGirlCon will team up with The Seattle Foundation for an online fundraising extravaganza! Anything donated to our organization will be matched from a pool of stretch funds. If you’re an information enthusiast, we made it easy for you, click here to read more.WebBanner-1200x420_0X-WebBanner

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

It’s Captain Picard Day!

All right, girls and boys, it’s time to get your art projects ready!

What are we making today, you ask? Well, we’re making – drawing, painting, sculpting, or otherwise constructing – an image or model of our very own starship captain, Captain Picard. Why today? Well, because it’s Captain Picard Day on the USS Enterprise!


Photo credit

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Pegasus”, the date is mentioned as Stardate 47457.1, which corresponds to the 21st century’s date of June 16th. This is the day when the school children on the starship Enterprise compete for the best “Captain Picard” they can make. The captain will judge each entry and select first, second, and third places, as well as four honorable mentions. It’s fun for the children, and they get to learn about life in Starfleet as well.

Tune in next month for Commander Riker Day!

(not really…just kidding!)

“Rock On!”

This Week in History of the Geek

October 1st
1992 – The Cartoon Network premiered on this day is 1992. Designed as an outlet for all-animated content at the start, Cartoon Network created and aired many geek favorites. In 1994, the network began a long list of inspired, original programs:  Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Dexter’s Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, The Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd n Eddy, and Courage the Cowardly Dog. The network also hosts “Adult Swim” with modern day classics like Robot Chicken and The Venture Brothers. Go Team Venture!

September 26th
1991 – Four men and four women entered the Biosphere 2 for two-year stint is this airtight, self-contained structure in Oracle, Arizona. The structure recreated five biomes, including an ocean, rain forest, desert, agricultural area, and “urban” area (where the humans lived). The eight-person crew did not have an easy stay. They experienced a restricted diet due to reduced agricultural activity and reduced oxygen levels from micro-organisms in the soil. The crew emerged on September 26, 1993.

September 28th
1987Star Trek: The Next Generation debuted on syndicated television.  About 27 million viewers tuned in to watch TNG two-hour pilot “Encounter at Farpoint.”  TNG series ran for 178 episodes over seven seasons and concluded in 1994 with the two-hour finale “All Good Things.”

September 29th
1985 – Three television programs premier with geeky legacies: MacGyver debuted on ABC. The resourceful MacGyver is the precursor to Major Jack O’Neill in the Stargate franchise, where RDA now has a dedicated fan following. Steven Spielberg’s Amazing Stories debuted on NBC. A horror, sci-fi, and fantasy anthology series, Amazing Stories ran for two years and was nominated for 12 Emmy awards. Also on NBC, another anthology program returned to the small screen, Alfred Hitchcock Presents. The series revival featured a colorized introduction of Hitchock’s original 1955 series and re-imagined classic suspense stories.

September 27th
1972 – On this day in 1972, Gwyneth Paltrow was born. Paltrow is known for many things these days like her new country singing career or her blog, GOOP. But to many geeky fans she is most recognized for her portrayal of Pepper Potts, assistant extraordinaire to Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. Stark Industries would be a pile of corporate rubble without her!

(Ed. note: Alternatively, Cherie Priest’s Ganymede comes out on Tuesday, September 27. Get your copy and bring it to GeekGirlCon for an autograph. Check out the author and media signing schedule for time and location.)

September 25th
1946 – The first edition of Le Journal de Tintin (or Dutch version Kuifje), a weekly Belgian comics magazine was published. The magazine was a launching pad for many Franco-Belgian comics like Tintin, Blake and Mortimer, and Alix. Belgian comics shaped the Europen comics industry. Today, comics are an enduring part of Belgian culture. The Belgium Comic Strip Center in Brussels is one of the city’s most popular tourist destinations.

September 30th
1910 – On this day in 1910, Rudolf Diesel, a German mechanic and inventor of the diesel engine, is presumed to have died. Mystery surrounds Diesel’s death. While aboard the steamer Dresden out of Antwerp, he retired to his cabin after dinner on September 29th. He was never seen alive again. Later, the crew of the Dresden discovered a body floating in the sea. Personal items retrieved from the corpse were identified as Diesel’s by his son, Eugen. If you prefer your punk in the manner of diesel instead of steam, don your most somber waistcoat to commemorate this day.

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“Rock On!”

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