
It’s Gauntlet Time!

For a third year, four intrepid members of the GeekGirlCon staff will be battling it out this Sunday, May 15th at Mox Boarding House for the Gauntlet!

What IS the Gauntlet, you ask?

The winning team also wins a literal gauntlet! Image source: Kristine Hassell

The winning team also gets a literal gauntlet! Image source: Kristine Hassell

The Gauntlet is an invitational charity tabletop game tournament that includes local industry professionals from across all gaming genres. It’s also a marathon, and not a sprint: teams of four play games for nine hours! In addition to being able to play well, each team gets “power ups” throughout the games, which are special abilities to help boost their chance at winning. But, they don’t come cheap! Power ups are based on each team’s fundraising capabilities. The higher-ranked a team is based on its fundraising abilities, the more power ups they get! All fundraising efforts benefit a local charity. Last year, the teams raised an incredible $93,000, and GeekGirlCon also came fourth out of twenty teams! Information about the previous years’ event can be found on our blog here and here.



Image source

This year’s theme is Odyssey, and the charity of choice is YouthCare, a Seattle-area non-profit that works with homeless youth, to help them get off the streets and preparing for life. During the day, Mox will also be hosting other activities, such as face painting, a donation drive and a twitch livestream!

“We’ve been practicing the games as much as we’re able to make the org proud,” says Kristine Hassell, who, along with Hosanna Tolman, Kathryn Storm and Mikey Brant will be flying the GeekGirlCon flag high this weekend. But, that’s not all. In addition to preparing for the games, Team GeekGirlCon has been planning a group cosplay which they will reveal on Sunday!

So, if you’re free this weekend, head to Mox Boarding House and cheer on Team GeekGirlCon! You can also donate for the team’s power up ranking here.


JC Lau
“Rock On!”

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