
Happy Birthday, Nobody Hates You: A Q&A with The Doubleclicks

The Doubleclicks are a folk-pop music group comprised of sibling duo, Laser Malena-Webber and Aubrey Turner. Powered up by their love of cats, they write & produce songs that anyone can sing-along to. 

Their music is heartwarming and a great deal of fun, a pleasant breakaway from the worries of life⁠. It can also be remarkably cathartic, simply reminding us that it’s okay to have a bad day. Anxiety is very real—but we’re also not alone. They sing about queer identity and belonging, cats and everyday superheroes. It’s music that we can all relate to, truly, and even I was caught off guard by how much I empathize with their lyrics. 

In anticipation of their shows at GeekGirlCon this November, The Doubleclicks did a Q&A with me about their influences growing up, some of their favorite performances, and what they’re currently geeking out about!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Meet (Some!) of the GeekGirlCon ’19 Featured Contributors

As y’all know, GeekGirlCon hosts an array of presenters from across fields and fandoms each year. They bring us everything from gaming demonstrations to DIY science to workshops to panels. Among them, we have our Feature Contributors, folks who are new to the con and will be heading some of the biggest and coolest programming of the weekend. 

In our first round of announcements, we’ll be focusing on those Featured Contributors whose work falls broadly into the categories of Gaming and Entertainment. 

As we get deeper into con prep, we’ll be announcing more Featured Contributors and adding Q&As with them as a part of our Share Your World series. 

Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

December Geek About Town

With the holiday season coming up on us, here are some awesome geeky events to invite your friends and family to!


Friday, November 20 – Saturday, December 19: The Twilight Zone: Live!

Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday

Online reservations can be made at http://www.brownpapertickets.com.
Regular at the door $29
Students/Seniors at the door $25
Regular Online reserved $25
Student/Seniors online reserved $22

Box office opens at 7:00pm, show starts at 8:00pm

From the website: You’ve turned the corner…the sign post up ahead…it’s The Twilight Zone: Live! Three episodes from the classic TV show presented live on our stage. The Midnight Sun (Nov, 1961) follows a young artist sweltering in her apartment as the earth slowly spirals into the sun. Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up? (May 1961). Bus passengers are stranded by a storm at a roadside diner while rumors of UFOs fly on the radio and it seems there are more passengers than there should be. The Night of the Meek (Dec 1960). A drunken dime store Santa discovers the true meaning of Christmas. Do not miss this year’s classic.



Thursday, December 3 – Sunday, December 6: Chi-Raq

SIFF Cinema Egyptian, 805 E Pine Street, Seattle, WA

From the webpage: Iconoclast director Spike Lee returns with this hard-hitting, modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek comedy “Lysistrata” that tells the story of a group of women who organize against the ongoing violence in Chicago’s Southside, creating a movement that challenges the nature of race, sex, and violence around the world.


Friday, December 4 – Sunday, December 6: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in Smell-O-Vision

SIFF Film Center, Seattle Center, 305 Harrison St, Seattle

$15 | $10 SIFF Members | $14 Senior & Youth

From the webpage: SIFF’s annual extravaganza celebrating the 1971 musical family classic returns! Sign our giant contract on the way in the door, then enjoy fragrant and tasty treats from our legendary Wonkariffic goodie bags. Bring your nose, your taste buds, and your sense of adventure as you tour the most eccentric and wonderful candy factory of all, made even more outrageous by Gene Wilder’s wonderfully eccentric performance, utterly singable songs, and those lovable hardworking Oompa Loompas.

Seeing this film on the big screen (with candy!) makes for an experience that is “ninety-three percent perspiration, six percent electricity, four percent evaporation, and two percent butterscotch ripple.”


Sunday, December 6: Doctor Wholidays

EMP Museum, 325 5th Avenue N., Seattle, WA

Tickets $22 ($15 EMP members); $8 youth (ages 5-17)

From the website: Put your Sonic Screwdrivers in the air and wave them like you just don’t care at this holiday celebration of Doctor Who at EMP.

Do you love the Doctor? So do we! For over 50 years, BBC’s iconic series about a time-traveling hero, Doctor Who, has been a phenomenon with extraordinary cultural impact.

Join us in celebrating Doctor Who and the holiday season with a holiday-themed TARDIS photo op, costume contests*, Geeks Who Drink trivia, drink specials, activities by Anglicon, Christmas crowns and crackers, clips from Doctor Who Christmas specials, and more wibbly wobbly timey wimey surprises.

Time Lords big and small welcome!

Tickets include admission into EMP’s Infinite Worlds of Science Fiction, which features the original Dalek and Cyberman used in the filming of classic Doctor Who episodes from the 1980s.



Tuesday, December 8: The Doubleclicks, Sammus and Shubzilla at Funhouse

Funhouse Seattle, 109 Eastlake Ave E., Seattle

Tickets are $8 advance (available at Ticketfly), or $10 at the door.

Doors open at 8:30pm, Show starts at 9:00pm.


Friday, December 11: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

7:00pm – 10:45pm, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido, The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.

There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay. Their pastries are delivered daily from local vendors including donuts from Mighty-O Donuts, croissants from Le Fournil Patisserie, bagels from Blazing Bagels, and the rest of their tasty treats provided by Little Rae’s All Natural Bakery. There are even GF cookies from WOW Bakery!


Friday, December 11 – Saturday, December 12: Hogswatch Night Burlesque

Black Box Theater (At the Seattle Center), 305 Harrison St, Seattle
VIP Tickets: $50 each, general admission: $25 each

Doors at 6:30pm, Show at 7:30pm

From the event: For two nights this December GossamarWing Productions is offering tickets to a burlesque experience on a different world, Discworld to be exact*.
Come and join us for an immersive experience with some of your favorite** characters of the series as they experience Hogswatch Night.
We will have a snack bar, merch and photo booth, so bring cash and be prepared to jump into the DiscWorld with us, as we honor Sir Terry Prachett with our love!

*And let us tell you that was not easy, tracking down the Great A’Tuin was no easy feat as she seemly follows no pattern in her travels
**Well our favorite, but through headology, and stripping, we will convince you to love our choices!


Saturday, December 12: Joy to the Worlds Tour

7:00pm – 11:00pm

Seattle Mystery Books, 10326 45th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98125

From the event: Help us celebrate the release of Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays!
Join all four authors at Seattle Mystery Books in Seattle, WA. Chat with the authors and pick up an autographed copy of the book.


Thursday, December 17: Campout Cinema: Gremlins

Sky Church, EMP Museum, 325 5th Avenue N., Seattle, WA

Tickets $12 ($9 EMP members, youth ages 5-17)

Doors open 6:30pm, event starts at 7:30pm

From the webpage: Deck the halls with boughs of… gremlins? A horde of mischievous monsters are unleashed on a small town in this Campout Cinema screening of Gremlins (1984).gremlins_poster

Hilarious destruction ensues in the small town of Kingston Falls after a new pet owner violates two of three simple gremlin rules: no water (violated), no food after midnight (violated), and no bright light.

Come face to face with Gizmo the Mogwai (yes, the real Gizmo used in the film) who is making his EMP debut inside the Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror Film exhibit (included with tickets) before and during intermission. Start some trouble in the Holly Jolly Mayhem photo op, and enjoy trivia, giveaways, and other surprises!

This event is all ages; alcohol will not be served at the screening.


Saturday, December 19: Santa Claus Conquers the Martians Marathon

JBL Theater, EMP Museum, 325 5th Avenue N., Seattle, WA

11:00am – 3:30pm

From the webpage: Take a breather from holiday shopping and join us for an EMP holiday tradition with screenings of one of the worst films ever made, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

This madcap sci-fi movie adventure sends Martian kidnappers to Earth to capture Santa Claus for their joyless planet, and had a resurgence of popularity in the ’90s when it was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Experience the Christmas magic non-stop with back-to-back screenings at 11:00am, 12:30pm, and 2:00pm.

Tickets are free. Seating is available on a first come, first served basis.


Saturday, December 26: Seattle Audubon Society Annual Christmas Bird Count

Register here. $5.00 suggested donation

From the webpage: Started in 1900, the CBC is the longest running citizen science survey in North America. Seattle Audubon has coordinated the Seattle CBC for nearly nine decades! Approximately 200 volunteers survey the count circle (15 miles in diameter) centered in downtown Seattle, to identify and count anything with feathers and a pulse. There are 14 areas within the Seattle count circle, each being covered by one or multiple teams of volunteer surveyors. All results are tallied by a count compiler and submitted to the National Audubon Society. These data are incorporated into very important research, like the State Of The Birds report and the National Audubon Society’s Birds and Climate Change Report.


Thursday, December 31: Moulin Rouge! New Year’s Eve Singalong

SIFF Cinema Uptown

$15 | $10 SIFF Members | $14 Senior & Youth

From the webpage: The ultimate celebration of the Bohemian lifestyle, Moulin Rouge! is filled with breathtaking costumes and lush production numbers that invade the mind and fill the eyes with sensuous treats. Until it all comes crashing down in a tragic, doomed love affair guaranteed to make you grab your hankies. But don’t worry, it’s just another day the Moulin Rouge, so drink your bubbly, and relish a good cry to end the year.

Before the film we’ll celebrate the music of the film with a Moulin-inspired music video countdown. And the evening ends just in time to head over to the Space Needle to catch some fireworks while shouting “Rooooooxannnne” at the sky!


JC Lau
“Rock On!”

November Geek About Town

Check out our amazing November events!

Saturday, October 31 – Sunday, November 1: Seattle Center Festal: Dia de Muertos: A Mexican Celebration to Remember Our Departed

Armory Main Floor, Seattle Center

From the website: Seattle Center Festál presents Dia de Muertos – A Mexican Celebration to Remember Our Departed, Oct. 31 – Nov. 1. Explore and experience the cultural roots of Mexico through live performances, spectacular community altar and cemetery, special hands-on activities, foods, face painting and exquisite rituals. Create sugar skulls and paper skeletons, explore community altars and march in a musical procession to remember the dead. The art and spirituality of Mexican culture is celebrated at Dia de Muertos. This “Day of the Dead” festival honors the lives of loved ones who have passed.

Friday, November 6: Ari Berman with Justice Steven Gonzalez: Fighting for American Voting Rights

7:30pm, Town Hall, 1119 Eighth Avenue

From the website: In light of controversial practices in Yakima and other parts of the state, the Washington Voting Rights Act aims to abolish unfair election systems–50 years after America’s landmark Voting Rights Act was passed for the same purpose. According to The Nation’s Ari Berman this is a prime example for why the fight for full voting equality isn’t over. Voting is an important part of the democratic process and for many Americans, one that’s hard to obtain–even President Obama says the system needs work. In conversation with Washington State Supreme Court Justice Steven Gonzalez, Berman will explore the history of voting rights and the landmark court decisions that have altered their course. He’ll explain the back and forth that voting rights have undergone throughout the past 50 years, and offer a glimpse at the future–one where, with support from Congress and the Supreme Court, representational voting rights can be achieved.

Tickets are $5.

Friday, November 6 – Saturday, November 7: Mass Effect N7 Fan Weekend

5pm – 1am, AFK Elixirs and Eatery

From the Facebook page:

In honor of BioWare’s annual N7 Day, AFK Elixirs and Eatery and Fanpup are partnering to bring you N7 Weekend! Grab your Emergency Induction Port and save the Galaxy from the threat of the Reapers… or just the threat of sobriety.

On Friday (Nov 6) come try out AFK’s custom Mass Effect-themed menu (with entries like Renegade Meatballs, Paragon Pasta, and Tequila Se’lai) host some Mass Effect multiplayer, and break out the board games. Then on Saturday, show up for the full-out N7 Day Celebration with raffle prizes, a cosplay contest, and a friendly Renegade vs Paragon competition! And don’t forget to wear your Renegade Red or Paragon Blue, there may be something special for the winning team!

Saturday, Nov 7th Events and Activities!

Paragon vs Renegade Competition
Choose your alignment by wearing red or blue, there will be more ways to earn points during the night, winning team announced at 10:00pm

Mass Effect Spirit Contest / Cosplay contest: 8pm
Dress up as your favorite character or rock your swag for a chance to win the Spirit Contest!

Activities During the Night:
Themed Food and Drink Menu
Multiplayer Mass Effect
Paper Trivia
Prize Drawings

*This is a free Fan gathering, Fanpup and AFK are not directly associated with Bioware, EA, or Mass Effect.

Saturday, November 7: Hmong New Year Celebration

Seattle Center Armory

From the website: Explore and experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of the people from the hilltops of China, Laos and Thailand through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, and a lively marketplace. Gain insights into the customary courtship ritual of ball tossing and participate in flower cloth sessions.

The Lunar New Year is a time for the Hmong people to reflect on the past year and seek out new beginnings. The Hmong New Year Celebration helps preserve the unique culture of this Southeast Asian highland culture that originates in the mountains of China.

Presented in partnership with Hmong Association of Washington.



Sunday, November 8: 7th Annual Seattle Slack Key Festival

2:00pm, doors open 12:00, Town Hall

From the website: Always a favorite on Town Hall’s calendar, this festival celebrates Hawaii’s famed Slack-key guitar tradition, referring to the style as well as the ways an instrument is tuned. This vibrant, finger-picked music showcases Hawaiian stories of feelings, aloha, nature, and more. This year’s performers include Grammy Award-winning Cyril Pahinui, George Kuo, Hiikua, Ikaika Marzo, Jeff Peterson, Nathan Aweau, Steven Espaniola, Patrick Landeza, Jeff Au Hoy, Peter Moon, Sean Olanui Robbins, and other masters of the style. The evening will also feature emcees Skylark Rosetti, Braddah Gomes, and Hula Halau Pulamahi I Ke Liko Lehua; Hawaiian tropical flowers; and some surprises. Explore the traditional, lilting sounds of this unique musical art form.

$125 VIP (includes center front seating, Artist meet-and-greet); $50 front/center back seating; and $35 side seating. Doors open: 12:00pm for Hawaiian-style food and crafts.

Monday, November 9: #NerdNightOut, an Evening of Music and Comedy featuring the Doubleclicks, Jackie Kashian and Molly Lewis

The Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle

7:30pm, doors open at 6:00pm

Tickets are $20 advance, $25 day of

From the website: The Doubleclicks are a nationally-touring, Billboard charting nerd band with a cello, a meowing cat keyboard, and songs about dinosaurs, Cats & Netflix, space and Dungeons and Dragons. Their YouTube videos boast over 2 million views and have been featured on Gawker, BoingBoing, io9 and more. Find out more at http://thedoubleclicks.com

Jackie Kashian’s comedy has been described as “like listening to a really racy episode of All Things Considered.” She is a national touring comic with a new hour standup special “This Will Make an Excellent Horcrux” which was one of the top five comedy specials on 2014. This year, she’s been on the Conan O’Brien show, @midnight and plays a podcaster on IFC’s Maron. Her weekly podcast is The Dork Forest, where she interviews people about their obsessions. It is available on iTunes and at her website: www.jackiekashian.com.

Molly Lewis (patreon.com/molly) is a Seattle-based singer-songwriter writes ukulele tunes about beards, heartbroken astronauts, presidential assassinations, and Stephen Fry. Her original songs and covers, accompanied by her masterful ukulele playing, have earned her over 4.5 million views on YouTube. Her new holiday musical ‘Thanksgiving vs. Christmas’, featuring The Doubleclicks and Joseph Scrimshaw, will be available this fall.

Friday, November 13: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

7:00pm – 10:45pm, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido, The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.

There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay. Their pastries are delivered daily from local vendors including donuts from Mighty-O Donuts, croissants from Le Fournil Patisserie, bagels from Blazing Bagels, and the rest of their tasty treats provided by Little Rae’s All Natural Bakery. There are even GF cookies from WOW Bakery!

Friday, November 13: Hello Kitty Supercute Opening Party

7:00pm – Midnight, EMP Museum

$25 ($20 EMP members), $10 youth 5-17, free for children 4 and under

From the website: Join us for the opening party of Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty, a celebration of fun, friendship, and happiness.

Welcome Hello Kitty to her new home at EMP Museum by saying “Hello!” and joining the festivities!

  • Snap a photo with Hello Kitty herself
  • Show off your favorite Hello Kitty attire in the Supercute Fashion Parade in partnership with UNIQLO
  • Find the beat with a taiko drum performance brought to you by UNIQLO
  • Share something special in the Hello Kitty-shaped Time After Time Capsule
  • Play a round of Friendship Bingo and other Hello Kitty games in the game center
  • Test how well you know Hello Kitty with Superfun Trivia, or watch Hello Kitty animation
  • Sip an Appletini with a piece of homemade apple pie turnovers (Hello Kitty’s favorite food is her Mama’s apple pie!)
  • Enjoy kawaii (“cute”) crafts like origami and jewelry making, or make a special someone a Thoughtfulness Friendship Bracelet
  • Cuteness Manicure by Julep
  • Collect little stars and stickers for your Super Sweet Sticker Book, or write a letter to Hello Kitty or her sister, Mimmy
  • Taste Japanese-style fare at the Tokyo Dog (hot dogs) and BeanFish (Taiyaki, classic Japanese comfort food) food trucks
  • Enjoy a J-pop dance party featuring DJ Hojo of JK Pop, Seattle’s J+K-pop dance night, with visuals by Sweat Jordan
  • featuring MC Rachel Belle, talk show personality and reporter for KIRO Radio Seattle

Plus, be the first to visit Hello! Exploring the Supercute World of Hello Kitty as it debuts in Seattle. Hello! explores Hello Kitty’s colorful history and influence on art and culture through a showcase of rare and unique pieces from Sanrio’s archive, as well as mixed media works from international contemporary artists inspired by Hello Kitty and her world.

Saturday, November 14: Kabuki Academy

11:00am, Town Hall

$5 for adults, free for children

From the website: Kabuki–Japan’s traditional art of singing and dancing–is a skilled, colorful representation of the nation’s heritage. For Tacoma-based Kabuki Academy, bringing this traditional culture to modern audiences is essential for creating the next generation of culturally-aware individuals. They’ll showcase these traditional arts in their engaging–and interactive–performance. The academy’s Mary Ohno (who studied classical Japanese dance for more than 60 years) will instruct children in this classical dancing, the complimentary shamisen music, and other Kabuki arts.

Tuesday, November 17: All Geeks, All Games at Mox Boarding House

6:00pm – 10:00pm, Mox Boarding House, Bellevue

From the event: Join GeekGirlCon and Mox Boarding House in Bellevue and help us continue to expand our community of diverse and inclusive gamers to the East Side! We want to fill that beautiful Tournament Room with folks enjoying our favorite games in a safe and accepting atmosphere. Why mess with the headache of traffic when you can come and play games with us instead.

Staff from both organizations will be on hand to help facilitate gameplay for the shy to the extroverted, from the expert strategist to the board game neophyte. With a huge lending library of games on hand, there will be something for everyone!

Wednesday, November 18: Homeschool Day: The Science of Sound

Noon – 4:00pm, EMP Museum

$20 ($17 EMP members) includes one student and one parent registration.

From the website: Join us in November for a super-sonic Homeschool Day focused around the Science of Sound. Led this year by ethnomusicologist, Ph.D., and rock guru Rob Carroll, this workshop, designed especially for homeschool families, will delve into the science behind how sound is created, transmitted, and perceived by our ears.

The day will feature a two-hour hands-on workshop, a gallery activity in our exciting Sound Lab space, and free time to explore the EMP galleries.

Parent participation in workshop classes is strongly encouraged. Classes are suitable for students 6–14 years of age.

Registration includes museum admission for the day and is required.

Friday, November 20: Whiri Tū Aka

8:00PM, Great Hall, Town Hall
$20 advance/$25 at the door/$20 seniors/$17 Town Hall members/$10 students. A limited number of $5 day-of-show Teen Tix for those 18 and under also will be available.
From the website: Four women, four representations of Maori culture–and one stunning a Capella collaboration. Based on the desire to share their country’s traditions and values, Whiri Tū Aka was formed in 2012 by producer Mina Ripia. With the group’s other four members–Gaynor Rikihana, Kirsten Te Rito, Betty-Anne Monga, and Lisa Tomlins–Ripia has expertly drawn together their individual stories for a musical reflection of their true Wairua (spirits). Inspired by love, motherhood, and the power of the female voice, Whiri Tū Aka’s Maori performance will cross language barriers and speak to the soul with its heartfelt harmonies.

Friday, November 27: GeekGirlCon Board Game Night at Wayward Coffeehouse!

7:00pm – 10:45pm, 6417 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Do you love board games and enjoy teaching others how to play? Explore the board/card game hobby and meet folks happy to teach you their favorite board games! No pressure though, you can just come and play with folks who love playing games. And the best part about the GeekGirlCon game nights with our friends at Wayward? They are absolutely FREE with no cover charge!

Our group is inclusive and totally newbie-friendly. We play a wide range of modern board and card games as well as some classics. You might find King of Tokyo, Völuspá, Alien Frontiers, Locke & Key, Coup, Tokaido, The Resistance, Skull and Roses, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Toc Toc Woodman, FLUXX and many more!

Bring a game with you or just bring yourself. Join GeekGirlCon staffers, make some new friends, play some games, and enjoy some delicious organic, fair trade, and shade-grown coffee.

There are also local pastries and vegetarian/vegan treats, if you get hungry during all that gameplay. Their pastries are delivered daily from local vendors including donuts from Mighty-O Donuts, croissants from Le Fournil Patisserie, bagels from Blazing Bagels, and the rest of their tasty treats provided by Little Rae’s All Natural Bakery. There are even GF cookies from WOW Bakery!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Call for Performers and Special Guests for GeekGirlCon ’15!

Written by GeekGirlCon’s Special Events Manager Maddy Vonhoff

Our special events, such as our annual GeekGirlCONcert, our closing celebration, costume contest, and our Friday night Kick-Off event have been some of the most popular attractions of the con! Past GeekGirlCon performers and special guests have included former astronaut Wendy Lawrence,  The Doubleclicks, Molly Lewis, SAMMUS (check out our 2013 interview!), and Unwoman. This year, GeekGirlCon’15 will take place on the weekend of October 10 and 11, 2015 at The Conference Center at the WSCC in downtown Seattle and we want YOU to be a part of it!


The Doubleclicks at GeekGirlCONcert ’14

GeekGirlCon is looking for:

  • Musicians
  • Professional speakers
  • Stand-up comedians
  • Improvisation actors
  • Hosts and MCs
  • Slam poets
  • Cosplay and/or fashion show judges

and entertainers of all kinds to take part in our GeekGirlCONcert, our closing celebration Sunday night, and potentially other events throughout the con.

NASA Astronaut Wendy Lawrence, GeekGirlCon '14 Closing Celebration

NASA Astronaut Wendy Lawrence, GeekGirlCon ’14 Closing Celebration

We are looking to diversify our performances, speakers, and musical genres from previous years, so don’t be afraid to apply, even if it is not something we have seen or heard at GeekGirlCon before. We’re especially looking for talent that reflects and appreciates the mission of our convention – to promote, celebrate, educate, mentor, encourage, and empower the female geek. Don’t want to apply but know someone who is a great fit? Please pass along this form to them!

Do you have to be a woman to apply?

No, although woman performers and special guests are highly encouraged! GeekGirlCon is committed to representing women geeks of all ages, races, sexual orientations, gender identities, creeds, physical and mental abilities, and familial statuses. All performers must reflect this commitment as well.

Sammus performing at GeenGirlCONcert '14

SAMMUS performing at GeenGirlCONcert ’14

Do performers and special guests get discounted badges?

All performers and special guests are eligible for comped badges if they are performing or participating in special events at the convention.

Submissions are open until 11:59PM PST on Friday, May 15.

Please fill out the form here to indicate your interest. All questions and suggestions can be directed to the Manager of Special Events, Maddy Vonhoff, at maddy@geekgirlcon.com. Thank you for your interest and we will be in touch shortly!

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

Night Before GeekGirlCon ‘13

by GeekGirlCon Copy Writer Sarah “SG-1” Grant

I had my night all planned out, in the way I plan almost everything: make a list of things to do, and assume it will all work out. First: the GeekGirlCon ‘13 Kickoff Event, co-hosted by GeekGirlCon and the Seattle Browncoats Charities at the Taphouse Grill. Second: head down the street to Re-Bar to watch the Bechdel Test Burlesque, a nerdy burlesque show.

My night didn’t turn out quite the way I planned. Or rather, hadn’t.


She made the shot!

The Kickoff Event at the Taphouse Grill started at 6 p.m. I tend to be a little bit shy around groups of people I don’t know, so I was relieved to see my friend Andrea from the Seattle Browncoats among the early arrivals. More people showed up, and the room began to fill quickly. Some of my fellow GeekGirlCon staffers showed up, people ordered fantastic food from the Taphouse Grill kitchen, and things started rolling! There was a line at the bar, and friends new and old grouped up to play free pool at the tables.

A young woman from Portland introduced herself to me, and we instantly bonded because we share first names: Sarah. She and I chatted for a bit; I met some friends of hers, and then I took her over to meet Jen, another GeekGirlCon staffer. Jen introduced Sarah and me to yet another Sarah, which we decided could only be an excellent omen for the coming weekend. I also met a former GeekGirlCon copywriter, Adrienne, and I have a feeling she and I are going to be good friends.

My next step was the Bechdel Test Burlesque at Re-Bar for the 8 p.m. show. The only problem? It was sold out! I could have gotten a ticket for the 11 p.m. show, but let’s be honest: I would have fallen asleep waiting for the show to start. Also, I had to get up for GeekGirlCon ‘13 in the morning!

I packed it in and decided to drive over to Wayward Coffeehouse, where Molly Lewis and the Doubleclicks were performing as another part of the GeekGirlCon ‘13 Kickoff. I got there just after Molly Lewis started, playing her ukulele and singing her brand of quiet, sweet geek songs. I should have known: it was standing room only!

Standing room 1

From behind the counter at Wayward

coffee orders

The gajillion coffee orders are how you know this is in Seattle.

Standing room 2

That’s Molly Lewis with her head in the Independents flag (Firefly) way at the back of the room!

Even with the sold-out burlesque event and the packed, slightly sweaty coffeehouse, it was an amazing night filled with music, meeting new friends, and getting set for the amazing weekend that is GeekGirlCon ‘13.

Check us out here on the GeekGirlCon website, on Twitter (#GGC13), and on our Facebook page for live blogs, reactions, comments, and pictures from our photographers and friends. We wish you were here!

“Rock On!”

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