
Volunteer With Us!

An Agent stands with their back to the camera. They are taking a photo of three Con-goers.
Proof that Agents are the best. (Image Description: An Agent stands in the Conference Center during GeekGirlCon ’17. They are wearing a teal Agent t-shirt, teal tights, and and a black skirt. They are smiling and resting their hand on a stanchion. Photo by Sayed Alamy.)

Calling all Agents! With your help, the GeekGirlCon ’19 Agent team is set to be the best one ever. As the former Volunteer Coordinator, I can directly attest to the fact that volunteering for the Con is a pretty awesome role.

Why? Let me count the ways:

  1. Be part of an incredible team of fellow geeks and nerds, committed to making the Con the best event it can be.
  2. Receive a free pass to the Con.
  3. Gain access to our Agent Headquarters (and all the snacks it contains!)
  4. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how our staff and Agent team puts together such an amazing convention.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • GeekGirlCon ’19 will be held November 16 and 17 at the Conference Center, located at 8th and Pike in downtown Seattle.
  • Agents must be available to work at least 2 shifts (4-5 hours each) during the weekend of the Con.
  • Agents must be at least 16 years old to volunteer.
  • The deadline to submit your application is September 8 by 10pm PST.

This is the perfect way to become even more involved with the convention you love, meet some incredible people, and have the best dang Con weekend ever!

Interested? Apply HERE!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Come Work for Us!

Source: flickr. Description: A picture of a Help Wanted sign in a window.

Love GeekGirlCon? Want to get more involved? Enjoy working with amazing people? If so, click on over to our Volunteer page and take a peek at our current year-round staff openings. GeekGirlCon is powered by volunteers, and we are looking for some great people to help us continue to grow and support the GGC community.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot wiggling its head around in a circle.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot wiggling its head around in a circle.

Three of our top needs at the moment are for the roles of Senior Designer, Director of Internal Operations, and Volunteer Manager, but we also have other openings available if none of those are your cup of tea. We’re also looking to grow our copy team, so if you love writing, geek out about grammar, and want to be part of GGC’s greatest team ever (I may be just slightly biased) take a peek at our Copywriter role.

Source: Giphy. Description: a parrot walking and then hopping across a table with stick-figure arms drawn on to make it look like he's celebrating as he hops.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a parrot walking and then hopping across a table with stick-figure arms drawn on to make it look like he’s celebrating as he hops.

Being a GeekGirlCon staff member means being part of a collaborative, diverse, out-of-the-box team; getting to have a tangible impact on the geeky community; and getting to help build something incredible. I’ve been on staff for almost a year now, and it’s been a fun, motivating, challenging, and rewarding opportunity to support and give back to an organization that is doing great things for girls, women, and geeks around the world.

Source: Giphy. Description: A cockatoo headbanging with a lot of enthusiasm.

Source: Giphy. Description: a gif of a cockatoo headbanging with a lot of enthusiasm.

So, check out our current openings, see if any of them speak to you, and, if so, send in an application. I’d love to meet you at the next staff meeting!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

There’s Still Time To Volunteer At GeekGirlCon ’18!

As we move into the summer months, we get that much closer to GeekGirlCon ‘18. Our staff is busy organizing and planning a stellar weekend that we’ll get to share with you October 27 and 28—and there’s still time for you to help!

We are still accepting Agent applications for GeekGirlCon ‘18. Our Agents do a plethora of things at the convention, from tech and AV support to photography and ASL interpretation.

If you’re interested in working as an Agent over the weekend of the convention, there are a couple requirements that you have to meet:

  • You must be available to work for a minimum of two shifts that are 4-5 hours each between the two days of the convention.
  • You must be at least 16 years of age.

…and, of course, you must bring a ton of enthusiasm!

Without our team of Agents that volunteer their time to help us host the convention each fall, there wouldn’t be a GeekGirlCon. Our Agents keep GeekGirlCon a well-oiled machine, and we couldn’t do it without them. The deadline to submit your New Agent Application form is August 15 at 10 p.m. PST. We won’t review applications until the deadline has passed, but stay tuned and get ready for the convention this fall!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Agent Applications Closing Soon!

Think of it now: this September, the convention floor will crowded with cosplayers, artists, and fans alike–gathered together for what we’ve been looking forward to all year. GeekGirlCon 2017! Everyone will be lining up for panels, taking selfies with their favorite voice actors, checking their wallets to make sure they have enough cash for that plushie or print they saw in the Exhibitor Hall, fervently discussing how excited we all are to see Ellie again in The Last of Us 2 (well, maybe that last part is my girl-crush speaking). I can see it now: busy and exciting. It’ll be filled with laugher, and maybe even a few tears over Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

Right now, the GeekGirlCon team is busy at work making sure that everything is perfect when you step foot on the floor of The Conference Center as the WSCC, and there’s still time to get involved. You have until next Saturday, July 15th, at 10pm to apply to become an Agent for GeekGirlCon 2017.

GeekGirlCon is fueled by its volunteers, and we wouldn’t be able to host the convention each year without our team of Agents ready and waiting on the convention floor to help us throw an amazing event. Whether or not you’re working behind the scenes, or directing the traffic of con-goers on the floor, there’s plenty that needs to be done over the weekend of the convention, and we’re still looking to expand our team of volunteers to make sure we’re able to put on the show without a hitch.

There are only two basic requirement to become an Agent:

  1. You must be at least 16 years of age at the time of the convention.
  2. You must be available to work 2 shifts (that are 4 to 5 hours each) over the weekend of the convention, September 30th and October 1st.

That’s it! So long as those requirements are met, get ready because this year’s GeekGirlCon is bigger than ever before, and we’re excited to share what we’ve been working so hard on since last year.

We’ll see you in September!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

New Year, New You… as a GeekGirlCon Volunteer!

If one of your resolutions for the new year* was to support a nonprofit that supports women and girls in STEAM fields, comics, games, and other geekdoms, now’s the chance to act on it.

GeekGirlCon is looking for volunteers for 2017! With our well-documented convention expansion last year, we were looking to hire more Agents than ever before, and we’ve also brought on more staff to support the organization year-round.

This could be you. (Image source: GeekGirlCon Flickr)

We have even loftier plans for 2017, and bigger plans means a bigger army of dedicated, awesome volunteers. We’d love for you to join us for a whole plethora of reasons. Because we’re an amazing organization and an even better community. Because we’re dedicated to being able to make room for what we love doing. Because the representation of women and girls in all forms of geekery matters. Because we’re going to need all the help we can get.

So, will you be a hero(ine) and answer the call?

*Even if you didn’t make resolutions, or your resolutions didn’t involve GeekGirlCon, we’d still love to hear from you!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

One Week Left For Agent Applications

There is only one week left to apply to be a volunteer agent for GeekGirlCon 2016. Applications will promptly close on August 1st at 10 PM PST (next Monday), so make sure to get yours submitted soon!


Photo courtesy of GeekGirlCon via Flickr.

There are only two requirements to become one of our agents. You must available to work a minimum of 2 shifts that about about 4 to 5 hours each, and you need to be at least 16 years old. Most importantly, you’ll need to bring a ton of enthusiasm, because we’ll have plenty to do and see throughout the weekend. We’ll need help making sure that every activity and panel goes off without a hitch. Agents will spend time on both the convention floor and behind the scenes helping set up equipment, handing out passes, and so much more.

The first ever GeekGirlCon was held in the fall of 2011. During that weekend, I was in Florida adjusting to college life. Five years later, I’m now working out of Seattle, breaking into the gaming industry and working with GeekGirlCon as a Copywriter. Everyday I work with GeekGirlCon, I’m taken aback by how talented everyone on the team is. Everyone is extremely motivated about putting on a great con, and we’re all major geeks that are passionate about empowering and celebrating the achievements of women in geeky culture. We’re also all volunteers. Everyone involved, from year-round organizers to our agents, volunteer their time to put together a spectacular gathering that is now an annual event.


Photo courtesy of GeekGirlCon via Flickr.

This year, our 6th GeekGirlCon will be held at Conference Center at Washington State Convention Center October 8th and 9th. We’ve got a great lineup, including a recently announced collection of artists and exhibitors, historically brilliant panels, and plenty of fun activities to leave you breathless come Sunday evening.

Make sure to submit your application no later than August 1st by 10 PM PST, and I look forward to seeing you there!

Indigo Boock
“Rock On!”

Reminder: Agent Applications Are Open!

At GeekGirlCon ‘15, we had over 150 volunteers spread across three floors, helping run panels, direct con-goers, hook up A/V equipment, and coach games of all sorts and sizes. This year, with four floors and all the extra people, space, panels, and fun that go with that expansion, we need even more volunteers.

So we’re calling on you — yes, you! — to apply as a GeekGirlCon Agent for GeekGirlCon ‘16.

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

Answer the Call: Volunteer at GeekGirlCon ’16

GeekGirlCon ‘16 is just four short months away, and that means we’re ramping things up behind the scenes. One important part of the con puzzle each year is our GeekGirlCon agents—members of our army of volunteers who do a range of amazing, important tasks at the con. Volunteer as an agent for GeekGirlCon ’16!

From answering questions to shepherding lines, from setting up A/V equipment to working as ASL interpreters, GeekGirlCon agents help make sure the con not only runs smoothly but also is a fantastic time for everyone involved.

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

GeekGirlCon still has open staff positions! Can you help?

GeekGirlCon is a wonderfully inclusive organization, but it still has to be powered by a small army of volunteer staff and board members. Not only do we put on a fantastic con every October, but we also organize weekly gaming events, march in Seattle’s Pride parade every year, and celebrate women in science, tech, gaming, comics and all other geekdoms at a variety of events. That’s a lot of work!

And, as our convention grows, we are growing with it! This means we have a lot more opportunities for you to become part of GeekGirlCon. If you are up to the challenge of working with dedicated, amazing people, supporting a fantastic and worthy cause, and having a load of fun along the way, consider joining our staff or board! Our list of current vacant positions is available on our website. These are volunteer positions, but you’ll be paid in candy and warm fuzzies. Check them out and apply today!

Staff are required to attend one meeting per month, with hours increasing leading up to the convention. If you are unable to commit to that, but are still interested in supporting GeekGirlCon, sign up for our volunteer mailing list to be the first to know when we have event-specific opportunities!

JC Lau
“Rock On!”

Make the GeekGirlCon Staff Even Better—Join Us!

GeekGirlCon is searching for some new faces to fill a few important roles here behind the scenes at the con. Our staff is filled with exciting, driven, smart, and creative people with a passion for diversity, feminism, and all things geek. The entirety of GeekGirlCon is run by volunteers and we can always use some new energy. If you’re interested in expanding your social circle, giving some time to a great organization and cause, or developing new skills, check out the position summaries below and apply soon! We’d love to have you!

Henry Behrens
“Rock On!”

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