
Panel Recap: Refill Your Hearts: Fandom Librarians Recommend Stories to Get You Through the Bad Times

Image description: One of the panelists stands behind a podium and gestures excitedly as she talks, while the other three sit at a table, reading through forms from the audience.

Not going to lie, when I first read the description for Refill Your Hearts: Fandom Librarians Recommend Stories to Get You Through the Bad Times, I was a little skeptical. The panel was meant to be a group of fannish librarians providing personalized reading and viewing recommendations for the audience. According to the description, they would focus on uplifting fanfiction, online and self-published fiction, webcomics, tv shows, movies, and other media created by and centered on women; queer, trans-, and nonbinary people; people of color; neurodiverse people; and other marginalized groups. As someone who has read fanfiction for over sixteen years, I was specifically doubtful that the panelists would have read enough fanfiction in enough fandoms to make useful recommendations to the audience. I did love the idea that they might have a couple story suggestions that would fit my preferences, though, and I wanted to see how the panel would play out, so I gave it a try.

I’m so glad I did.

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

Women of Webcomics: Jess Fink

Jess Fink, Kid With Experience, We Can Fix It, Threadless Tees

Jess Fink

This week, Stephanie interviewed Jess Fink. As a multi-talented woman, Fink creates everything from t-shirt designs to webcomics like Kid with Experience. Her sense of humor and imaginative ideas keep fans coming back for more. Take a look at GeekGirlCon’s sneak peek in to the world of Jess Fink.

SL: Do you consider yourself a geek?

JF: Sure! I think everyone is in one way or another.

SL: What started your geeky interests?

JF: Oh, all those hours I spent watching Loony Tunes as a little kid couldn’t have helped much!

SL: What do you geek out about the most?

JF: Probably comics! Or music.

SL: How much of Kid with Experience is fact vs fiction?

JF: Except for the excerpt from my book We Can Fix It (coming from TopShelf next year), all the autobiographical comics are totally fact! We Can Fix It has facts mixed with science fiction.

SL: Originally you published hourly comics to a blog. What drove you to create a webcomic?

JF: People kept asking me about certain comics I’d written and where they could find them again. I also had such a huge backlog that I thought it would be nice to have them all in one place.

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

Women of Webcomics: Katie Cook

This week, Stephanie Little (GeekGirlCon’s Marketing Assistant) had the pleasure of interviewing Katie Cook. Cook is the creator of Gronk, a webcomic about an adorable, cat-loving monster who lives with a young woman named Dale. Playful, cute, and funny, Gronk is a webcomic for geeks of all ages. Cook took the time to share some fun stories and factoids and her adventures creating this well-loved webcomic.

Katie Cook, Gronk, Webcomics

Katie Cook

SL: Do you consider yourself a geek? If so, what started you on the road to geekdom?

KC: I’m a total geek! And I was raised by a woman who put up a Star Trek-themed Christmas tree every year… I was doomed to nerdom from the start.

SL: What are you currently geeking out about?

KC: I just watched the entire first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It is SO silly and well done. I’m totally in love with it. I want all the toys, shirts, and I totally believe the world needs more ponies.

…also that Star Wars thing. That’s still a thing, right?

SL: When did you decide to create a webcomic?

KC: I’ve wanted to work on my comic with my own characters for a while. And I like the freedom that comes with a webcomic. I’m my own editor; I don’t have anyone telling me I can’t say “holy crap” in my all-ages creation.

SL: How did you create the character of Gronk?

KC: Gronk started out as a doodle back in 2000-ish. She’s evolved from there! (I have her little “from sketch to character” backstory in the new, printed edition Gronk book!)

SL: Are there other webcomics you want to create in the future?

KC: I’m pretty happy just drawing Gronk! I have a LOT planned for her.

SL: What keeps you motivated to continue creating this comic?

KC: I like having some “me” drawing time each week. Drawing and writing Gronk gives me a chance to express myself in a way I can’t with my more commercial projects.

SL: Has the art or story line been influenced by anything in particular?

KC: Oddly enough, the relationship between Gronk and Dale is heavily influenced by the interactions between my husband and I (odd, eh?).

SL: Do you find that you have been well received in a male-dominated industry?

KC: Yes! Men love cute things too.

Gronk, short form webcomics, online webcomics


SL: Can you describe the process it takes to make one webcomic?

KC: I have a few notebooks full of jokes and strip ideas. Once I decide what to draw, I just sit on the couch with the TV on after my kiddo has gone to bed and draw! I draw with mechanical pencils and micron pens on smooth bristol board… I draw the comics 9″x9″.

SL: When did you notice the amount of readers and fans growing?

KC: Every once in a while, I do a strip that really touches a number of people… then they re-post it like crazy on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook. I always get new readers that way!

SL: Gronk turned one in April. Have you enjoyed creating the comic so far?

KC: Of course! I love the characters that I’ve created, and I can’t wait to do more with them.

SL: How long do you want to continue creating Gronk or webcomics in general?

KC: I can see myself drawing Gronk and her adventures for a while. I’ll keep publishing a collection each year though. That way, people can have a physical copy of the comic for their bathrooms.

SL: What do you do to get passed a block in creativity?

KC: I go focus on something else for a while, then come back to what has me stumped later after my frustration with it has gone down.

SL: What do you enjoy about attending conventions as a webcomic creator?

KC: I love meeting people… I love talking to people about nerdy things… and I love going out and buying new comics from folks! Conventions are a great place to pick up new books from amazing indie creators

SL: Were you surprised at the amount of fan art you started receiving?

KC: YES. I LOVE getting fanart! It’s always amazing to see someone dedicate time to something you created.

Gronk, webcomic characters, comedy webcomics

The Characters of Gronk

SL: Dale’s shirt always has an interesting message. Do you ever get stumped?

KC: No… mostly because I’ll turn to my husband and say “hey… what should her shirt say this week?”

SL: Has being a new mom influenced Gronk?

KC: Not yet… I’m sure when [my daughter’s] more active and interesting, her antics will make their way into a comic or two!

GeekGirlCon looks forward to more comics with Gronk. For more fun with Katie, check out her website and follow her on Twitter.

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

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