
There’s Still Time—Get Your Passes Now!!

Friends, GeekGirlCon’18 is only 36 days away!

Source: Giphy. Description: Kermit the frog waving his entire body around in excitement.

Source: Giphy. Description: Kermit the frog waving his entire body around in excitement.

The con will be packed full of incredible panels, workshops, science DIYs, games, meet-ups, and other geeky goodness you won’t want to miss. If you, like me, are a bit of a procrastinator, don’t panic—there’s still time to get your passes. Currently, the pass prices are:

Kids (Aged 0 to 5): Free!
Kids (Aged 6 to 12): $10
One Day Pass: $30
Weekend Pass: $45

So, round up your family, friends, acquaintances, and/or that polite regular on your bus route and get ready to get your geek on at the con!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

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