
Treasure Trapped – Get Your Loot!

There aren’t too many movies that make me want to buy the DVD as I’m leaving the theater, the closing credits music ringing in my ears. Pirates of the Caribbean? You bet. Serenity? Once I started breathing again after Joss killed [spoiler!]? Heck, yes!

The last time I wanted to buy the DVD on the way out was this past July when I saw Treasure Trapped on its tour of the US. (I wrote a rave review of the film for GeekGirlCon here!) It’s a documentary of epic proportions filmed in the United Kingdom and several European countries about Live Action Role Play (LARP) and the people who participate. It’s not like other LARP film I’ve seen; it’s smart, respectful, and completely engrossing. I don’t LARP myself, but as a writer and reader of fantasy and science fiction stories, LARP is fascinating to me.

treasure trapped

I went with some of the other attendees and the filmmakers (a team from Manchester, England called Cosmic Joke) to the closest pub after the movie, and I definitely wasn’t alone in expressing how badly I wanted to own the film to show to my family and friends–especially those who had never heard of LARP.

And now…it’s actually happening!

Cosmic Joke contacted me last week to let me know they have a Kickstarter running to fund the DVD and BluRay release of Treasure Trapped! Since they started the Kickstarter, they have overwhelmingly funded their campaign–but the only way you can get a copy on DVD or BluRay of your very own is to become a backer yourself.

The guy in the video is director Alex Taylor, one of the filmmakers I met and spoke with after the screening of Treasure Trapped here in Seattle. (By the way…you can still set up screenings for you, your friends, or your school!)

You can get the DVD or BluRay, a digital copy, a t-shirt, and stickers and buttons (depending on your backing level). They’ve even hit their stretch goal, so they’ll be providing more behind-the-scenes and more of the filming that didn’t make the screened cut.

Again…the only way you can own your own copy of Treasure Trapped is to back the Kickstarter–and they will be closing the campaign on December 2, 2015. That’s TOMORROW.

Don’t lose out on the loot that we know you’ll love; the history of LARP in the United Kingdom and various European countries, interviews and in-game filming of the events Cosmic Joke took part in, and a real look at the world of LARP from a group of talented filmmakers.

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