
Volunteer With Us!

Proof that Agents are the best. (Image Description: An Agent stands in the Conference Center during GeekGirlCon ’17. They are wearing a teal Agent t-shirt, teal tights, and and a black skirt. They are smiling and resting their hand on a stanchion. Photo by Sayed Alamy.)

Calling all Agents! With your help, the GeekGirlCon ’19 Agent team is set to be the best one ever. As the former Volunteer Coordinator, I can directly attest to the fact that volunteering for the Con is a pretty awesome role.

Why? Let me count the ways:

  1. Be part of an incredible team of fellow geeks and nerds, committed to making the Con the best event it can be.
  2. Receive a free pass to the Con.
  3. Gain access to our Agent Headquarters (and all the snacks it contains!)
  4. Get a behind-the-scenes look at how our staff and Agent team puts together such an amazing convention.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • GeekGirlCon ’19 will be held November 16 and 17 at the Conference Center, located at 8th and Pike in downtown Seattle.
  • Agents must be available to work at least 2 shifts (4-5 hours each) during the weekend of the Con.
  • Agents must be at least 16 years old to volunteer.
  • The deadline to submit your application is September 8 by 10pm PST.

This is the perfect way to become even more involved with the convention you love, meet some incredible people, and have the best dang Con weekend ever!

Interested? Apply HERE!

Hanna Hupp
“Rock On!”

Hanna Hupp

A recent English Lit grad, Hanna is an enthusiastic Hufflepuff who spends as much time as possible reading, writing, and engaging in in-depth critical analyses of the graphic novels, old SyFy shows, and the Bachelor franchise with anyone who will listen. When not developing intense crushes on (inconveniently) fictional characters or outlining a variety of stories she might hopefully get around to writing one day, Hanna can usually be found listening to comedy podcasts while googling 1960’s NASA launches.

4 responses to “Volunteer With Us!”

  1. Sarah James says:

    Hi, I submitted my application to volunteer a few months ago. Will applicants receive word on when they can expect an acceptance?

    • Hanna Hupp says:

      Hi Sarah,

      Apologies for the delayed reply! You should hear back about your volunteering application in early-mid September. We wait to send out responses until all applications are in.


  2. Rachel Messer says:

    I haven’t received a reply to my application either. Is there any news on when responses should be expected? Thanks!

    • Hanna Hupp says:

      Hi Rachel,

      Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! You should hear back about your application in early-mid September. We wait to send out responses until all applications are in after the deadline on September 8.


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