
Vroom Over To Central Cinema for Veronica Mars

Central Cinema - Veronica Mars Event July 27, 2013

Riddle me this: What’s the best way to spend a Monday night out in Seattle? Why, gumshoeing it up and getting your grub on at Central Cinema, of course! GeekGirlCon and Central Cinema invite you to indulge in a TV Dinner filled with detectives and deliciousness. Two standout episodes of the critically acclaimed Veronica Mars show will be aired, so come prepared for puzzles.

Starting at 7:00 p.m., watch as Veronica, a teenage private eye, takes on “The Wrath of Con.” When her friend Georgia is scammed out of a hefty sum of money, she must go where no non-geek has gone before—a den of hardcore gamers. With an intriguing disguise and guts that just won’t stop, she proves her stuff and then some. This episode from the show’s first season features one of the series’ most emotional endings, and acts as a great introduction for interested newcomers.

After a nice seventh inning stretch, “Ain’t No Magic Mountain High Enough” will unfold. In this second-season episode, our super sleuth slips up, with money being stolen right from under her nose. The carnival setting is a perfect backdrop for laughter and trickery, and with most of the main players running amok, it allows for some serious character development. Hailed for being chock-full of one-liners and classic Veronica zingers, this episode is a wild ride.

For just five bucks, you get all this action as well as a food voucher, which serves as your ticket inside, and enables you to order a meal with the server in your section. No mystery involved!

The Clues

Date: Monday, July 29, 2013
Time: 7:00 PM
Price: $5
Where: Central Cinema, 1411 21st Avenue, Seattle (21st Ave and East Union Street)
If you’d like to make it to the mayhem by bus, the #2 line drops off around the corner from the theater at 20th & Union. The #48 is also an easy option, stopping at 23rd and Union just two blocks away.

For additional information, check out Central Cinema online. Hope to spy you all at the show!

Written by AJ Dent, GeekGirlCon Staff Copy Writer 


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Laurel McJannet

Back in the day (we won’t say when), Laurel cut out words from Seventeen™, took pictures of friends/cute boys, and arranged them onto her PeeChee, protecting the final masterpiece with strips of Scotch tape as makeshift lamination. Fast-forward a ”few” years later where Laurel now writes, designs and consults as a marketing professional. (She has a B.A. in Communications and a MARCOM Certificate from the University of Washington.) The day she got access from IT to update a website (using straight up HTML, BTW) was the day she became… A GEEK. This website led to more websites and managing major ecommerce projects. Today, there isn’t a CMS she can't figure out, she’s mastered the art of translating tech-speak for the non-techie, and she is proof that marketing and IT can co-exist and not implode. Laurel enjoys all things Apple™, yoga, and the antics of her 8-year-old son (which she writes about on her blog and FB.) She is a recovering Tetris, Farmville, Café World and Cityville social gamer who now feeds her addiction with Clash of Clans, Plants vs. Zombies, Faireway Solitare, Draw Something, and Words with Friends on her iPad. Let’s play!

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