
Whedonesque Burlesque: Seattle Edition

***GeekGirlCon is giving away 50 free general admission tickets to Whedonesque Burlesque (Saturday, October 8th at EMP Museum Level 3 — doors at 8:30 PM and show at 9:00 PM) starting at 9:30 AM at the Information Booth in the lobby. One ticket per person. It’s to your advantage to get your GeekGirlCon pass, and then head directly to the information booth. Urge your friends to do the same–remember one ticket per person. The Information Booth will punch your pass to indicate your free general admission. This punch will hold your admission until 8:50 PM. GeekGirlCon staff and volunteers will be counting the number of punched badges at the door. At 8:51 PM according to our watches/cell phones, the reminder of the 50 free general admissions will be given to the standby line. Be on time! Show starts promptly at 9:00 PM.***

Close out the first day of GeekGirlCon with the Whedonesque Burlesque: Seattle Edition. Jo Jo Stiletto Events and a Whedon-inspired cast of performers are returning to thrill you with performances based on Buffy: the Vampire SlayerFireflyDr. Horrible’s Sing-Along BlogAngel, and Dollhouse. Expect lots of sexiness, silliness, and a hint of sadness as this cast aims to misbehave! Whedonesque Burlesque has been instantly popular, selling out their recent performances. Don’t miss this chance to see them and support GeekGirlCon!

Show is 18+. Doors at 8:30 PM. Show starts promptly at 9:00 PM on Saturday, October 8th at EMP Museum Level 3. Tickets are VIP $35, General Admission $25. VIP tickets are best seats in the house and closest to the stage. Standing room only balcony seats may be released at a later date

As a free GeekGirlCon 2011 exclusive, we are giving away 50 general admission tickets to GeekGirlCon attendees. These tickets will be located at the GeekGirlCon information booth in the lobby and are first come, first serve. When they’re gone, they’re gone.

Please note that no food or beverage services will be provided during the show. No photography allowed. Contact Kelly at specialevents@geekgirlcon.com with any questions.

Cast: HOST Rebecca M. Davis, Billy Corazon, Electric Fanny, EmpeROAR Fabulous, Legs Montana, Lexi Luthor, Mae Kim Beg, Mercury Troy, Miss Elaine Yes, Miss Little Piza Paradise, Rachel Jackson and Paul Velasquez, Raven Mad, Rip Curl, Sister Piston, The Norse Goddess, Whisper De Corvo. Special Guests: Amanda Potter and  Susan MacIntyre,  Capt. Vanadium Silver, Jake Groshong.

Direct link to this post: www.geekgirlcon.com/whedonesqueburlesque

Guest Contributor
“Rock On!”

2 responses to “Whedonesque Burlesque: Seattle Edition”

  1. Josh says:

    Hey are the whedonesqueburlesque tickets sold out? Can’t find ’em on brownpaper.

    • Yes, Josh, the tickets are sold out. However, we are giving 50 free tickets away to GeekGirlCon passholders at the GeekGirlCon info booth on Saturday at the con. (The info booth is on the other side of registration.) First come, first serve, and you can only grab one ticket.

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