
Witching Hour at GeekGirlCon’18!

GeekGirlCon’18 is just over a week away, which means it’s right before Halloween!

Source: Giphy. Description: A dog in a ghost costume holding a glowing Jack-o'-lantern on a cord while surrounded by more jack-o'-lanterns.

Source: Giphy. Description: A dog in a ghost costume holding a glowing jack-o’-lantern on a cord while surrounded by more jack-o’-lanterns.

Scared you’ll have to choose between enjoying the con and getting your ghoul on? Don’t worry, we have plenty of unboolievably fun workshops, games, panels, and more lined up to help you celebrate in style. Plus, get ready to trick-or-treat all con long! Look for “Trick-or-Treat Here” signs scattered throughout the con. Got food sensitivities or allergies? We’ll have teal pumpkins to mark locations with candy alternatives.

Source: Giphy. Description: a corgi barking at and jumping around a small pumpkin.

Source: Giphy. Description: a corgi barking at and jumping around a small pumpkin.

Dying for a sneak peek of our fangtastically spooky programming? Here are some highlights:


  •        4:00pm Nightmare Before Christmas Sing-Along
  •        4:30pm Women & Horror Panel
  •        7:30pm Late Night Nostalgia Mystery Tournament


  •        3:00pm Kids’ Cosplay Celebration
  •        4:00pm American Horror Story: Powerful Women & Queer Folks Panel
  •        5:00pm Cosplay Contest
Source: Giphy. Description: a french bulldog puppy standing in a carved jack-o'-lantern.

Source: Giphy. Description: a french bulldog puppy standing in a carved jack-o’-lantern.

These are just the booginning of all the dielightful things we have in store for you next weekend. Check out our Programming Schedule for more spooktacular details, or save the surprise for when you get to the con. We’ll see you there!

Eric Mack
“Rock On!”

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