
Women of Webcomics: Jess Fink

Jess Fink, Kid With Experience, We Can Fix It, Threadless Tees

Jess Fink

This week, Stephanie interviewed Jess Fink. As a multi-talented woman, Fink creates everything from t-shirt designs to webcomics like Kid with Experience. Her sense of humor and imaginative ideas keep fans coming back for more. Take a look at GeekGirlCon’s sneak peek in to the world of Jess Fink.

SL: Do you consider yourself a geek?

JF: Sure! I think everyone is in one way or another.

SL: What started your geeky interests?

JF: Oh, all those hours I spent watching Loony Tunes as a little kid couldn’t have helped much!

SL: What do you geek out about the most?

JF: Probably comics! Or music.

SL: How much of Kid with Experience is fact vs fiction?

JF: Except for the excerpt from my book We Can Fix It (coming from TopShelf next year), all the autobiographical comics are totally fact! We Can Fix It has facts mixed with science fiction.

SL: Originally you published hourly comics to a blog. What drove you to create a webcomic?

JF: People kept asking me about certain comics I’d written and where they could find them again. I also had such a huge backlog that I thought it would be nice to have them all in one place.

SL: You have a résumé that includes shirt designs, illustration work, comics, and more. What are some of your favorite projects?

JF: My favorite project so far has been making my book We Can Fix It. I also make jewelry designs for Hey Chickadee, which I love! And T-shirts for Threadless!

SL: Are there other webcomics you want to create in the future?

JF: I have a lot of ideas, but the ones I have keep me pretty busy. Someday I’d like to do something based in a fantasy or sci-fi setting.

SL: What keeps you motivated to continue creating Kid with Experience?

JF: I have great friends and lots of funny people in my life. I love writing about happy times because it reminds that for all the bad moments, the good ones are even better.

SL: Do you find that you have been well received in a male-dominated industry?

JF: Actually, in my experience webcomics isn’t a male-dominated field. In fact a majority of my favorite web comics are drawn by very talented women, so it’s been great!

SL: What is your favorite part of being involved in the webcomic community?

JF: I like how open and generally friendly the community is. I feel like the web comics community is full of people who just want to celebrate the art of comics in all forms.

SL: Can you describe the process it takes to make one webcomic?

JF: The process is pretty simple; setting up a website is really the hardest part. The most important thing is to get an idea and run with it! Do a little research, write a draft but don’t spend so much time in pre-production that you lose your steam, jump in and do it! Before I start a story, I will research the time period, the clothing, and write a brief outline. Working with my outline, I’ll start sketching out pages and I’ll usually make some things up as I go along. From my rough sketches, I’ll pencil out the final pages, ink them, ink wash them, and scan them into the computer. If I have any big mistakes — like ink spots — I’ll fix them, then re-size the page so it fits my site’s template and post!

SL: What do you do to get past a block in creativity?

JF: It’s important not to put too much pressure on yourself and to let yourself get inspired. Go to the library, read some new books, and try illustrating your favorite parts.

SL: What do you enjoy about attending conventions as a webcomic creator?

JF: It’s wonderful meeting other creators I love; I’m a just as big a fan as a non-creator attendee.

SL: What other webcomics do you read?

JF: I really like Bad Machinery, Hark! A Vagrant, Octopus Pie, Johnny Wander and Rice Boy.

SL: Have you received any strange or amusing fan art?

JF: Oh sure! The craziest is probably tattoos people have gotten of my work.

SL: Cowboys, pirates, or ninjas?

JF: Hmm. Sorry, I think time traveler beats them all!

SL: Has your art been influenced by any other art or artists?

JF: Oh yes, too many to name! I read a lot of comics in high school that inspired me, and I am still being inspired by the new comics and art I see everyday!

Stephanie and GeekGirlCon are excited to keep up with Jess Fink and her main talents. To learn more, check out her blog, website, and follow her on Twitter.

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