
Workshops at GeekGirlCon 2019

Description: An animated technicolor wizard plays with magic in his workshop
Image Courtesy of Giphy

Ahh… fall is in the air! Which means that GeekGirlCon 2019 is rapidly approaching. With that knowledge, I have the distinct pleasure of unveiling to you the first peeks at our amazing lineup of workshops! Here is a sample of what we will be offering at this years Con:

Wellness for Geeks Who Sit by GeekGirlStrong

In our daily lives we often pursue activities in which we have to sit a lot ━ working at a desk, bending over a sketchbook, or getting lost in a video game. All that time sitting can take a toll on your body. Our workshop ‘Wellness for Geeks Who Sit’ is geared towards improving the health and well-being of geeks of all ability levels. Pick up a few techniques to take to your next RPG day and become the wellness hero you were born to be!

 Foulplay Presents: A Murder Mystery Pop-Up Party

There’s a mystery afoot and we need your help to solve it! Come and enjoy an evening of deception and deduction to solve the who-done-it murder mystery of The Curios Carnival! This workshop is recommended for ages 15 and up.

Description: A group of well dressed men and women scoff at the idea of murder
Image Courtesy of Giphy

Adult Lightsaber Choreography Class with Saber Guild: Kamino Temple

In this workshop presented by the masters of the Kamino Temple, you can realize your dreams of becoming a true Jedi (or Sith). Here you will learn the skills to wield a lightsaber in capable and elegant movie-quality combat. While this particular workshop is for adults and teens with parent or guardian supervision, there is also a special class for the younglings!

Description: A cat attacks a dog while dual-wielding a pair of red lightsabers
Image Courtesy of Giphy

Space-Travel Puppet Performance on Interactive Stage

Let your child’s creativity reach for the stars in this workshop that combines the ideas of interactive storytelling and engineering! Make learning fun while using recycled materials to create a unique space adventure and a lifetime of memories.

Mini Battle Bots Workshop by Reign Robotics

We have all had daydreams about building our own battling robots (Anyone? No? Just me?). In this special workshop hosted by Reign Robotics, participants will get to build actual mini battling robots from mini-motors and toothbrush heads. At the end, participants can have a chance to show off their new little mechanized creations in an obstacle course or in a mini sumo ring! Whose mini-robot will reign supreme?

Description: Bender proclaims that something is “Neat” while snapping a picture of it.
Image Courtesy of Giphy

Mystery-Box Game-Design Challenge

In this workshop, teams will be given boxes of mystery items with which to create a game! Working with tabletop gaming industry experts, you must use your ingenuity and creativity to make the best game you can. The best game will win a special prize!

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Rebecca Anglesey
“Rock On!”

Rebecca Anglesey

One of Becca’s earliest memories is watching her mom play The Legend of Zelda on their NES. Fascinated by the storytelling medium of video games, Becca became an avid gamer. From MMOs like Final Fantasy IVX to catching them all in Pokémon, Becca loves the experience of watching a good story play out. This love of storytelling didn’t just stop at video games. Becca loves watching movies and television shows, and of course reading almost anything she can get her hands on! Favorite stories include Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, Sailor Moon, Lord of the Rings, and a whole lot more. Becca is a native of the PNW. She was born in Aberdeen and worked as a pastry chef in Seattle for 10 years before returning to school. She recently graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Washington Bothell and is looking forward to her next adventure.

2 responses to “Workshops at GeekGirlCon 2019”

  1. Tish Wells says:

    This year I’m doing the lightsaber workshop!

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