
You’re Invited!

If you’re at all familiar with the behind-the-scenes of GeekGirlCon, you know that this magical force of feminist geekery is the product of hours and hours of volunteered time, energy, and talent. While this structure has worked remarkably well for over six years, it does require an immense amount of devotion and generosity from those volunteers on a week-to-week (and sometimes even day-to-day or hour-to-hour) basis. It’s a daunting workload to say the least.

With this year comes an exciting change for GeekGirlCon. In addition to retaining our current year-round volunteer staff, we will be welcoming a new Executive Director. This will be GeekGirlCon’s first full-time, paid position. Join us in celebrating this addition to our team as we science the night away at the Living Computers Museum in Seattle on Saturday, February 4 from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m.

This gathering is free and open to the public, so bring your friends, your family, your dates. We’ll be enjoying the excellent exhibits, some good music, and tasty treats, all while reveling in the community we’ve created.

The Living Computers Museum and Labs houses the world’s largest collection of fully restored, usable supercomputers, mainframes, minicomputers, and microcomputers. There are also exhibits centered around robotics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, big data, video-game making, and digital art. It’s a truly auspicious place to introduce this community to our new Executive Director, and we couldn’t be more excited to come together for such a cool celebration.

We will be releasing more information as we get closer to the event, so keep an eye out on our blog, Facebook, and Twitter for that. Until then, mark your calendars, register for GeekGirlCon ’17, and allow yourself to geek out about new and old technology and prospect of GeekGirlCon’s bright future.

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Teal Christensen
“Rock On!”

Teal Christensen

Teal is a recently-graduated English literature student with more unfinalized future plans than favorite songs from Hamilton. Her main hobbies are reading books, thinking about books, and talking about books.

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